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This study examines the fiscal paradox faced by EU member states in the wake of the economic crisis, with a focus on taxation policies. It explores the opportunity for governments to redesign fiscal policies for effectiveness and sustainability, and analyzes the impact of taxation on economic performance and social justice.
DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES A comparative analysis of the EU member States before and after the crisis Tackling the fiscal paradox from the angle of taxation* • Alessia Damonte and Fedra Negri • *The study is part of the PRIN project ‘POLCrises@Europe’, www.polcrises.unimi.it. • We kindly acknowledge the Italian Ministry of Education and the Institute for theNew Economic Thinking for financial support.
The context: a fiscal paradox • The economic crisis Fiscal policies of the EU member states under an unprecedented pressure. • Shrinking economies Less revenues for governments & higher demandfor pro-cyclical moves. • Stability Pact commits governments to balance budgets. • Decreasing voters' consensus. Damonte & Negri Tackling the fiscal paradox from the angle of taxation DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES
Tackling this paradox from the angle of taxation • Economic crisis = window of opportunity for governments to redesign their fiscal policies for higher effectiveness and sustainability. • Taxation is an effective tool for promoting changes in behaviour that can boost economic performances. • Taxation enforces the normative paradigm of social justice deciding who bears the burden and who deserves not to. Damonte & Negri Tackling the fiscal paradox from the angle of taxation DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES
EU institutions know it… • The crisis has re-opened the debate on the need of a ‘a euro-wide fiscal stabilisation function’Fiscal Union. ‘One of the main lessons of the crisis has been that fiscal policies are a matter of vital common interest in a monetary union’ ‘Unsustainable fiscal policies harm financial stability insofar as they create contagion between member states and financial fragmentation’ Juncker et al., June 2015: 14 Damonte & Negri Tackling the fiscal paradox from the angle of taxation DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES
The research design, so far /1 • Assumptions: • The effect of taxation on system performance is configurational and chemical rather than additive and physical> Y: attention to trade-offs in performance> Xs: shifts from single tools to their combinations as regimes Damonte & Negri Tackling the fiscal paradox from the angle of taxation DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES
The research design, so far /2 • RQs: • Does the taxation regime affect the coupling of economic wealth and income equality? • If so, which mix of taxation tools proves more effective, and which instead fails? • Do we observe significant differences in regimes’ effectiveness before and after the crisis? Damonte & Negri Tackling the fiscal paradox from the angle of taxation DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES
The research design, so far /3 • Mixed Method Strategy: • Fuzzy-set ideal type building • to operationalize Y; • Qualitative Comparative Analysis • to identify the minimal conjunctions (mix of taxation tools) associated to different couplings (and decouplings); • Multivariate analysis • to assess the probabilistic effect of minimal conjunctions (mix of taxation tools) on Y. Damonte & Negri Tackling the fiscal paradox from the angle of taxation DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES
The research design, so far /4 coupling = f(taxation regime) + ε • Y is the Boolean conjunction of 2 main properties: • Economic wealth; • Income equality. • X is a vector of variables referring to design and revenue of different taxation tools. • Units of analysis are EU member States (minus Croatia and Luxemburg), observed before (2005-2007) and after (2013-2015) the breakout of the crisis (2008). By now, we are dealing with the construction of Y. Damonte & Negri Tackling the fiscal paradox from the angle of taxation DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES
What is a fuzzy-set ideal type? /1 • An ideal type is an analytical construct that cannot be found anywhere in reality, which can be used as a yardstick to establish the extent to which real empirical phenomena are similar to or different from some predefined measure (Weber, 1949). • It can be operationalized as a logical conjunction of properties (Boolean ‘and’) • Each property can be thought of as a set to which a case can be a member to some degree… Damonte & Negri Tackling the fiscal paradox from the angle of taxation DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES
What is a fuzzy-set ideal type? /2 • A fuzzy-set is ‘a fine-grained, continuous measure that has been carefully calibrated using substantive and theoretical knowledge relevant to set membership’ (Ragin, 2000: 7). • The researcher has to establish 3 breakpoints: • 1 forwhen a country is fully in of a property set. • 0.5 is the cross-over point (maximum ambiguity). • 0for when a country is fully out of a property set. Damonte & Negri Tackling the fiscal paradox from the angle of taxation DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES
A fuzzy-set ideal type analysis to build Y • The sets that constitute the ideal type come from concepts. • With k being the number of sets, there are 2kpossible combinations. • Fuzzy-set ideal type analysis reveals: • which ideal type a case (country) belongs to; • what its degree of membership is to all the possible combinations (Kvist, 2003: 16–19). Let’smove to the analysis… Damonte & Negri Tackling the fiscal paradox from the angle of taxation DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES
I STEP: CONCEPTUALISING THE SETS /1 • Normative theories of taxation set dual goals of economic growth and fairness (Hettich and Winer, 1999: 99-120). • Theory of equitable taxation byHenry Simons, 1938. • The optimal taxation theory by Brennan and Buchanan, 1980. • The EU Commissionseems to share this normative statement: ‘First, if we want a strong and sustainable economy, we need a tax system that supports this. Last but not least, if we want to maintain the European social model and ensure a basic harmony between the people, the policy makers and the business community, we must restore fairness to the tax system’. Pierre Moscovici, June 2016 We understand fairness = social equality Damonte & Negri Tackling the fiscal paradox from the angle of taxation DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES
I STEP: CONCEPTUALISING THE SETS /2 • 2 concepts (wealth & equality) 2 sets 4 ideal types: • equal * wealthy • ~equal * wealthy • equal * ~wealthy • ~equal * ~wealthy Note: * reads ‘AND’, indicates the conjunction/intersection of sets; ~ reads ‘not’, indicates the complement of a set Damonte & Negri Tackling the fiscal paradox from the angle of taxation DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES
II STEP: SELECTING THE QUALITATIVE BREAKPOINTS BY NATURAL GAPS /1 • Economic Wealth GDP per capita in PPS (Eurostat) • Breakpoints: 1>=104.67; 0.5=92; 0<=72.17 • Median=88.33 Damonte & Negri Tackling the fiscal paradox from the angle of taxation DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES
II STEP: SELECTING THE QUALITATIVE BREAKPOINTS BY NATURAL GAPS /2 • Equality Gini coefficient of equivalized disposable income after tax and transfers (EU-SILC survey) • Breakpoints: 1 <= 28,6; 0,5=31,05; 0 >= 32,88 • Median 29.88 Damonte & Negri Tackling the fiscal paradox from the angle of taxation DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES
III STEP: ESTABLISHING THE CASES’ MEMBERSHIP OF THE IDEAL TYPES • The minimum principle (logical-and or intersection) A case’s membership to an ideal type is the minimum value of the involved sets’ scores. • E.g., between 2005-2007, UK scored 0.03 on equality and 0.99 on economic wealth. Thus, it has 0.03 membership of the ideal type ‘equal x wealthy’ A case’s membership of an ideal type is determined by the weakest link. • Intuitively, this approach might seem plainly wrong. Logically, however, it is correct. • Both a case scoring low on equality (.03) and high on economic wealth (.9) and a case scoring low (.2) on equality as well as on economic wealth correspond hardly to the ideal type (‘equal x wealthy’). Damonte & Negri Tackling the fiscal paradox from the angle of taxation DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES
Changes in degree before and after the crisis • Changes in degrees A country changes its membership score, but stays in the same ideal type. • CZE, MLT became more wealthy • ITA, PRT, SVN became less wealthy • GBR became more equal • DEU, FRA: became less equal Damonte & Negri Tackling the fiscal paradox from the angle of taxation DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES
Changes in kind before and after the crisis • Changes in kind A country shifts from one ideal type to another. • IRL from ~e*w to e*w • GRC, ESP from~e*w to~e*~w • CYP from e*w to~e*~w • POL from~e*~w to e*~w Damonte & Negri Tackling the fiscal paradox from the angle of taxation DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES
This is a work in progress… • … comments are welcomed (and needed)! • We have established the breakpoints according to the observed distribution of the countries on the 2 dimensions (wealth and equity). > Do you think our breakpoints make sense? • The alternative is to set them ex-ante, according to established theories,psychological thresholds, etc. > Any suggestion? • … Damonte & Negri Tackling the fiscal paradox from the angle of taxation DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES
Next steps… • Fuzzy-sets’ scores will be used as Y in the following steps. Thus, we have to: • Identify the right sets of taxation tools associated with the 4 (de)couplings (EU level) • Assess their probabilistic effect on (de)couplings (EU level), together with other Xs such as Partisanship Policy implications. • Develop a fine grained longitudinal analysis on the Italian case. Damonte & Negri Tackling the fiscal paradox from the angle of taxation DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES
Thank you for your attention! • fedra.negri@unimi.it • alessia.damonte@unimi.it • Damonte & Negri • Tackling the fiscal paradox from the angle of taxation DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES