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Ivan Dyukarev, University of Deusto

Delivering quality education: Methodology to complete cycle of degree implementation from curriculum design to Teaching & Learning evaluation. Ivan Dyukarev, University of Deusto. 25 September 2018, Dead Sea, Jordan. Agenda. What is Tuning Tuning Methodology Designing a Programme.

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Ivan Dyukarev, University of Deusto

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  1. Delivering quality education: Methodology to complete cycle of degree implementation from curriculum design to Teaching & Learning evaluation Ivan Dyukarev, University of Deusto 25 September 2018, Dead Sea, Jordan

  2. Agenda What is Tuning Tuning Methodology Designing a Programme

  3. What is Tuning? • Tuning in theWorld - 2018 • 120 countriesinvolved

  4. Canada Russia Europe Japan USA Central Asia Middle East and North Africa China Latin America India South East Asia Africa Australia Project WhereisTuning in theworld?

  5. WhatisTuning? • A projectfor/ bytheuniversities. • A meeting pointtoreflecton HE. • A processoflearningtogether. • A set ofprinciples: ownership, respectfordiversity, closenesstoneeds, efficiency, actionbyreferencepoints. • A methodology, anapproachtodesign and deliver HE Degreeprogrammes. • Anarticulatedsystemofcommunitiesoflearning. • A tool, aninstrumentto be used. Tuningis

  6. WhatisTuning? • Itisa bottom up approach. • At subjectlevel. • Itisbasedonmutual trust and confidence. • Totallyrespectfulofautonomy (institution/ country/ region). • Sharingknowledge and listeningverymuch at theessence. • Organizedsystemaccordingtoregional needswithaims, objectivestoreach at every step. • Interconnectedcommunitiesofpracticewhoadapttheinstruments and share theresults. Howdoesitwork?

  7. WhatisTuning? • Threemainconcepts: • Recognition– standards, referencepoints • Quality– transparency, benchmarking • Relevance - answerto social needs: citizenship/ employability • Anoutcomedbasedlearning: • Student-centred • Competencedbased • WhichistheheartofTuning?

  8. Whatdoesitoffer? WhatisTuning? • A commonlanguagetounderstand and compare. • Anarticulated set oftools, jointlydevelopedbyacademics. • A platformfordiscussing and learningabout HE. • Participationintothebuildingofglobal referencepoints. • A systemofdevelopingdegreessharedbymanyactors. • Posibilityofnetworking, events and publications. • Capacitybuilding. • Entranceinto a communitiesoflearners. • Sharedwaysofenhancingquality. • Someorientationstoenhance and reformcurricula

  9. Whatdoesit requiere? WhatisTuning? • CommitmentbytheInstitution and theperson. • Participation in the meetings. • And working in betweentoprogressthetasks. • Time, not a hugeamountbutenoughtocontribute. • Beingabletoshare and tolisten. • Be prepare totakepart in thejointbuildingprocess.

  10. WhomakesTuning? WhatisTuning? • Tuningisbuiltoneverypersonwhotakespart and shares ideas and initiatives. • Itisbuiltoneachacademic and profesional group, onthepeoplefromthedifferentregionswhotakedifferentaspects and developthemaccordingtotheirneeds. • Itisveryglobalbecauseit relates tointernationalstandards and referencepoints and tries todevelopthemwithmanyregionsoftheworld. • Itisverylocalbecause in everycontextittakes a differentshape and outcome in accordancetothechoicesmadebythepeopleoftheregion.

  11. WhatisTuning • 120 countries • 45 subjectareas • 29 thematic Networks • More than 1000 institutions • 139 publications • 14 languages

  12. TuningPublications

  13. Tuning Methodology • The Tuning methodology has two clear pillars • 1 the design of compatible and comparable degree programmes that are relevant to society and have in-built mechanisms for maintaining and improving quality; and  • 2 a contribution to a full implementation process supporting capacity building – continuous staff development and research into curriculum development, teaching, learning and assessment.

  14. Tuning Methodology The Tuning methodology combines clearly designed steps with a dynamic perspective that allows for adaptation to different contexts. The following diagram presents an overview of the methodology at work.


  16. Tuning Methodology Concepts and definitions • What is a competence according to Tuning? • Is a broad concept • Represents a dynamic combination of: • - Knowledge and understanding at different levels • - Skills and abilities • - Attitudes and values • Competences are used to define degree profiles • Competences are formed in various course units and assessed at different stages. • Some competences are subject area related (specific to a field of study) while others are generic(common to any degree programme) Competence

  17. Tuning Methodology Concepts and definitions Tuning makes the distinction between learning outcomes and competences to distinguish the different roles of the most relevant players: academic staff and students/learners. Desired learning outcomes of a process of learning are formulated by the academic staff, on the basis of input of internal and external stakeholders. Competences are obtained or developed during the process of learning by the student/learner. Learningoutcomesare statements of what a learner is expected to know, understand and/or be able to demonstrate after completion of learning. Learning outcomes

  18. Tuning Methodology Concepts and definitions GenericCompetences SubjectSpecificCompetences SSC6 SSC5 GC1 SSC1 GC6 SubjectArea GC2 GC5 SSC2 SSC7 GC3 SSC3 SSC8 GC4 SSC4 SSC9

  19. Tuning Methodology SSC6 GC1 SSC1 GC2 SSC2 SSC7 GC3 SSC3 SSC8 GC4 SSC4 SSC9 GC5 SSC5 GC6

  20. Tuning Methodology Concepts and definitions A Meta-Profile is a group´s representation of the structure and combination of competences which gives identity to a thematic area. The Meta-Profiles are referential elements and they are always mental constructions, destined to reflect and analyse the possible and diverse real degree profiles Meta-Profile

  21. Tuning Methodology Concepts and definitions Describes in terms of competencesandlearning outcomeswhat graduates will know, understand and be able to do by the time they have successfully completed the programme. A set of key competences (Generic- GC and Subject Specific - SS) to be developed by the learners in the framework of a programme. Should be very concise and it needs to be very clear. Provides a tool for: COMMUNICATION, TRANSPARENCY and RECOGNITION DegreeProfile GC1 GC2 GC3 SSC1 SSC2 GC4 SSC3 GC5 SSC4

  22. Tuning Methodology TheDegreeProfiletakesintoconsiderationtheprofessional and social needs at the local- regional ornationallevelforwhichitisbuilt Concepts and definitions EachUniversity has a set of strengthsonwhich to build. Eachuniversity has a mission to fulfill. Profilesbearthemark of theUniversitywheretheyoriginated TheProfilegainscapacityforbeingrecognizedthroughthe Meta-Profile

  23. Tuning Methodology Concepts and definitions DegreeProfile PROGRAMME

  24. Meta-Profile Degree Profile Institutional level Programme KC Key Competences LEARNING OUTCOMES

  25. DegreeProfile Programme SSC3 GC2 SSC2 GC1 SSC5 SSC4 GC3 GC4 GC5 SSC1

  26. Designing a Programme: 10 steps • Agree on the name, which is clear and reflects the aims and the purpose of the programme • Define and indicate length and level of the programme; indicate if the programme gives access to further study • Explain the social need of the programme • Explain future fields, sectors of employment / occupation of graduates • Describe the degree profile of the programme in terms of generic and subject-specific competences. Define the competences and formulation of learning outcomes at programme level • Link of the degree with the agreed Meta-Profile • Describe the structure of the programme: units/courses/modules with their learning outcomes and learning, teaching and assessment strategies • Check the programme overall consistency (both at the unit level and at the inter-unit/programme level) • State how internal quality control will be carried out and the improvements identified will be incorporated • Add information on any other aspects your institution and/or accreditation body requires for a programme (re)design proposal to be considered for approval DegreeProfile PROGRAMME

  27. Key elements Meta profile Degreeprofile Programme Key Competences KC LEARNING OUTCOMES

  28. Toinitiatejointreflectionfromupdatedinformation • Tocontrastfirstagreementswithsociety • Tostart debate • To open thereflectiontoothergroups • Tooffer THREE levels of analysis: Why a Consultation? INSTITUTIONAL SUBJECT AREA GENERAL


  30. Whatisconsulted? IMPORTANCE 3 VARIABLES: ACHIEVEMENT RANKING • Forbothimportance and achievement a scale of 1 to 4: • 1 = none • 2 = weak • 3 = considerable • 4 = strong


  32. Reference Points Reference Points are non-prescriptive indicators and general recommendations that aim to support the design, delivery and articulation of degree programmes in subject area.

  33. Tuning Academy http://tuningacademy.org/

  34. Staff Development On-line course “CourseDesign” (in 4 languages) On-line course “Assessment” (in 3 languages) Training E-workshops fordifferentTeaching and Learning techniques Training sessions in differentcountries and regions On-line course “Learning, Teaching and Assessement”

  35. Coursestructure: “CourseDesignforOutcomesbasedlearning in HigherEducation”

  36. Tuning Journal 2 issues per year May and November SCOPUS approved

  37. Thank you! ivan.dyukarev@deusto.es

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