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Tudor England: Henry VIII vs. Elizabeth I

Explore the effectiveness of Henry VIII and his daughter Elizabeth I in managing internal matters during Tudor England. Learn about Henry's wives, Thomas Cromwell, the Reformation Parliament, and more.

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Tudor England: Henry VIII vs. Elizabeth I

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  1. Tudor England & the Reformation

  2. Consider: How effective was Henry VIII versus his daughter Elizabeth I in dealing with domestic issues in Tudor England?

  3. King Henry Tudor VIII • Born: June 28, 1491, to King Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. • Coronation: June 24th, 1509 with his wife Katherine of Aragon.  • Died: January 28th, 1547 at age 56

  4. Young Life • Henry was raised to be a pious and devout Catholic • "Defender of the Faith“ • Favored exciting court life.

  5. Henry’s Wives Catherine of Aragon (1509-1533) Anne Boleyn (1533-1536) Jane Seymour (1536-1537) Anne of Cleves (1540) Catherine Howard (1540-1542) Katherine Parr (1543-1547)

  6. Henry’s Wives Catherine of Aragon (Divorce) Anne Boleyn (Beheaded) Jane Seymour (Died) Anne of Cleves (Divorced) Catherine Howard (Beheaded) Katherine Parr (Survived)

  7. Cardinal Thomas Wolsey • Archbishop of York • Wolsey was quite capable as Lord Chancellor, (more his own interests) • Led the Church in England after being given powers by Henry to bypass the church hierarchy. • Failed to get an annulment for Henry • Fell out of favor

  8. The “King’s Great Matter” • Married to Katherine of Aragon for twenty years • Obsessed with creating a male heir • Sought an annulment of his marriage. • Cardinal Wolsey tried to obtain Pope Clement VII’s permission, but was unable. • Clement was under house arrest in Rome in 1527 by Katherine’s nephew, Charles V • Henry created the Reformation by using Parliament

  9. Thomas Cromwell Lord Chancellor -1532 created new government departments to keep track of revenue and keep up to date records. Oversaw Reformation Parliament heresy, treason and corruption (1540) Thomas Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury Architect of English Reformation dealt with and guided changes in ecclesiastical policy Burnt to death by Mary for Treason 1556 Thomas Cromwell and Thomas Cranmer Wolf Hall

  10. Reformation Parliament • The break from Rome was accomplished through law, not social outcry. • Annulment from the Pope was deemed impossible. • Continental Protestantism had yet to find favor with the English people.

  11. Some of The Acts • The Act of Supremacy (1534) • declared that the King was "the only Supreme Head in Earth of the Church of England“

  12. The Acts The Treasons Act (1534) made it high treason, punishable by death, to refuse to acknowledge the King as the Church leader. Act of Succession (1534) Rejecting the decisions of the Pope, Parliament validated the marriage between Henry and Anne.

  13. Thomas More UTOPIA 1516 imaginary republic ruled by reason and intended to contrast with the strife-ridden reality of contemporary European politics Lord Chancellor 1529 Resigned when Henry = Head of Church of England Refuse to swear oath to the succession (splitting from Rome and annulment) Executed 1535

  14. Dissolution of Monasteries • Broken up and sold off • Process overseen by Cromwell • 1520s, some monasteries paid for colleges like Oxford • By 1539, all of England's monasteries had been dissolved, and their property transferred to the Crown. Then sold off to aristocracy and growing middle class (become landed gentry)

  15. Henry’s Church • Henry’s religious policies were somewhat confusing • He considered himself a Catholic until the end of his life. • Structure of the Church of England was established…but few things changed theologically.

  16. Henry’s Church STRUCTURE • Act of Succession • Act of Supremacy • Monarch is the head of the church • Treason Act • Dissolved Monasteries THEOLOGY • Catholic doctrine • 10 Articles • Six Articles Act • Transubstantiation • Clerical Celibacy

  17. Succession • The Act of Succesion (1544) • Henry gave the crown to his only surviving son, Edward • Edward was the first Protestant monarch to rule England. • Mary • Elizabeth • Descendants of Henry VIII's deceased sister, Mary Tudor

  18. How He Left the Country • Impoverished country • Torn apart by religious squabbles. • The monasteries' wealth was spent on wars

  19. The English Reformation after Henry Edward VI Mary I Elizabeth I

  20. Edward VI • (r.1547-1553) • Moved Anglican Church towards Protestantism • Permitted clergy to marry • Book of Common Prayer (1549 revised 1553)

  21. Mary I • (r.1553-1558) • Age 37 • Goal-Restore the Catholic Church to England

  22. Mary I • Reasserted Papal authority • Execution of more than 300 Protestants earned her the nickname “Bloody Mary”

  23. Mary I • Instituted “reeducation in the universities • Abolished Protestant worship • Did not attempt to regain monastic properties • Married to Spanish prince (Phillip II) not popular

  24. Queen Elizabeth Tudor I • Born: September 7, 1533 • (r.1558-1603) • Died: March 24, 1603 at age 69

  25. 'Proud and haughty, as although she knows she was born of such a mother, she nevertheless does not consider herself of inferior degree to the Queen, whom she equals in self-esteem; nor does she believe herself less legitimate than her Majesty, alleging in her own favour that her mother would never cohabit with the King unless by way of marriage, with the authority of the Church.... She prides herself on her father and glories in him; everybody saying that she also resembles him more than the Queen does and he therefore always liked her and had her brought up in the same way as the Queen.'   • the Venetian ambassador Giovanni Michiel describes Elizabeth; spring 1557

  26. Pre-Ruling Conflicts • Before becoming Queen, as a Protestant, clashed with Mary I • Implicated in a plot to overthrow the young King Edward by his uncle Thomas Seymour. • Wyatt Rebellion of 1554, Queen Mary accused Elizabeth of being in the plot to overthrow her.

  27. Elizabeth’s Refusal to Marry • Most thought she’d marry within her first year or so as Queen. • Valued her independence and didn’t feel she needed a man to guide her. • Politically difficult to choose a suitable husband. Why??? • The Privy Council, whose job it was to choose a husband for the Queen, was too divided to ever agree on a suitable mate. • This made it much easier for Elizabeth to refuse any marriage suggestions or proposals.

  28. State of Affairs in 1558 'The Queen poor; the realm exhausted; the nobility poor and decayed; want of good captains and soldiers; the people out of order; justice not executed; justices of peace unmeet for office; all things dear; excess of meat and drink, and apparel; division among ourselves; war with France and Scotland; the French King, having one foot in Calais and the other in Scotland; steadfast enmity, but no steadfast friendship abroad.'  • An anonymous contemporary observer in 1558

  29. Re-Establishing Protestantism • Re-established the Protestant Church in England. • Believed in toleration of all religions. • Often forced to take a harsher stance on punishment of Catholics because of the schism between the two sects. • ‘There is only one Christ, Jesus, one faith… all else is a dispute over trifles.’

  30. Politique • Cared more about citizens simply obeying the laws and not of what religion they were. • Ruler who governed without letting his or her personal feelings get in the way of doing what was best for his country

  31. The Act of Uniformity • Implemented in the summer of 1559 • Establishing a set form of worship. • The Prayer books of Edward VI were fused into one, and were to be used in every church in the land. • Church attendance on Sundays and holy days was made compulsory.

  32. The Act of Uniformity • Had trouble getting passed through Parliament. • A large number of the Parliament, extremists on both sides, opposed the bill

  33. Puritans • Puritans put power in the local parish, above anything else  direct conflict with the monarchy • CoE was more dedicated to England and the Queen than to God, which troubled Protestants • Elizabeth's government was able to keep the Puritan movement underground.

  34. Sir Francis Walsingham,The Queen’s Spymaster Sir William CecilSecretary of State Advisors • Elizabeth was especially gifted at choosing smart people to help her lead.

  35. Sir William Cecil • Elizabeth and Cecil ruled England almost side by side until his death in 1598. • ‘This judgment I have of you that you will not be corrupted by any manner of gift and that you will be faithful to the state; and that without respect of my private will you will give me that counsel which you think best and if you shall know anything necessary to be declared to me of secrecy, you shall show it to myself only.’

  36. Robert Dudley • Appointed Master of the Horse, a position that required close contact with the Queen. • Cecil and Dudley disliked each other • They were both rivals for the Queen’s attention. • two rival factions developed in court around the two men • Queen's favorite courtier.  • They were openly affectionate and Dudley enjoyed flaunting the queen's favor. 

  37. Many were annoyed by the Queen’s refusal to take sides on the issue of religion. Protestants felt that she should be more harsh in her treatment of Catholics and punish their religious worship as crime (pre Mary Queen of Scots) But by not persecuting Catholics, she struck a balance that lasted through much of her reign. She had to endure much less political struggle than her siblings, who were more extremist towards either side. Indecisive or Compromising?

  38. Parliament • The House of Lords • Moree direct effect on these members, she appointed bishops and created many of the positions. • The House of Commons. • Knights of the shire  - each county sent two representatives • borough members - many towns had acquired the right to  elect members

  39. Parliament –Elizabethan Bargain • The consent of both houses and the Queen was required to pass all laws.   • The Monarch summoned the Houses of Parliament, temporarily suspend, or dissolve Parliament at will.  • The Monarch appointed Bishops and created peers,  more direct influence on the composition of the House of Lords than of the House of Commons. • Only Parliament could make law and levy taxes

  40. Scotland • Many believed that Mary, Queen of Scots, a catholic, was the rightful Queen of England.

  41. Scotland • Mary, Queen of Scots was forced out of Scotland • Fled to England • Under house arrest. • Forced to send Mary to execution after attempts to overthrow assassinate Elizabeth was uncovered.

  42. SPAIN Spanish Armada 1588 Tilbury Speech Tilbury Speech BBC Tilbury Speech Helen Mirren Horrible Histories – Spanish Armada

  43. pearls - symbolic of purity - decorate the queen's head and gown. Next to her right arm is an imperial crown, and her right hand rests upon a globe - specifically, her fingers rest upon the Americas. In 1587, a year before this portrait was made, the first English child was born at the English settlement in Virginia. The crown and globe tell us that Elizabeth is mistress of land and sea. Elizabeth I: The Armada Portrait, c1588 In the background of the painting are scenes from the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588. It was the pivotal event of the latter half of Elizabeth's reign and a great triumph for the English. The queen is wearing a pearl necklace given to her by the earl of Leicester; it was Robert Dudley's last gift to the queen.

  44. Succession • Passed the crown onto James of Scotland. • Son of Mary, Queen of Scots, Elizabeth’s cousin • Raised by Protestant ministers with whom Elizabeth had a correspondence.

  45. How She Left the Country • England was one of the most powerful and prosperous countries in the world. • Developing a strong navy

  46. Conclusion • Overall, Elizabeth was much better at handling the conflicts between feuding portions of the country. • Elizabeth’s skills as a politique helped her manage the balance between the Catholic and Protestant sects. • Henry was much more of a traditional monarch and spent more time on his social and romantic life than on leading the country.

  47. There is a closed imperial crown over each shoulder. The crown is on top of both a rose (on the left) and a fleur-de-lys (on the right.) These represent her dynastic claims to both England and France. The Pelican pendant on her breast symbolizes charity and redemption. It represents the queen's selfless love of her subjects. Elizabeth I: The Pelican Portrait, c1575, attributed to Nicholas Hilliard

  48. This is the largest surviving full-length portrait of Queen Elizabeth I In 1592, Elizabeth's former champion, Sir Henry Lee, sought to regain her favor with lavish entertainment at his home in Ditchley, Oxfordshire. He had retired from court two years earlier, having offended the queen by living openly with his mistress. He commissioned this portrait to commemorate Elizabeth's visit and forgiveness. The queen stands upon a map of England, with one foot resting near Ditchley. It celebrates Elizabeth's divine powers; a jeweled celestial sphere hangs from the queen's left ear, signifying her command over nature itself. The sphere had been Lee's emblem when he fought as Elizabeth's champion in the annual Accession Day tilts. The background of this portrait appears odd - it is split between blue and sunny sky on the left, and black and stormy sky on the right. This continues the theme of royal authority over nature. Elizabeth I: The Ditchley Portrait, c1592, by Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger

  49. Elizabeth's gown is embroidered with English wildflowers, thus allowing the queen to pose in the guise of Astraea, the virginal heroine of classical literature. Her cloak is decorated with eyes and ears, implying that she sees and hears all. Her headdress is an incredible design decorated lavishly with pearls and rubies and supports her royal crown. The pearls symbolize her virginity; the crown, of course, symbolizes her royalty. Pearls also adorn the transparent veil which hangs over her shoulders. Above her crown is a crescent-shaped jewel which alludes to Cynthia, the goddess of the moon. A jeweled serpent is entwined along her left arm, and holds from its mouth a heart-shaped ruby. Above its head is a celestial sphere. The serpent symbolizes wisdom; it has captured the ruby, which in turn symbolizes the queen's heart. In other words, the queen's passions are controlled by her wisdom. The celestial sphere echoes this theme; it symbolizes wisdom and the queen's royal command over nature. Elizabeth's right hand holds a rainbow with the Latin inscription 'Non sine sole iris' ('No rainbow without the sun'). The rainbow symbolizes peace, and the inscription reminds viewers that only the queen's wisdom can ensure peace and prosperity. Elizabeth was in her late sixties when this portrait was made, but for iconographic purposes she is portrayed as young and beautiful, more than mortal. In this portrait, she is ageless. Elizabeth I: The Rainbow Portrait, c1600, by Isaac Oliver

  50. THE END

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