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Create a web server-based measuring system to obtain environmental parameter values via the internet. Utilizes web sensors in a client-server architecture. Features PIC16F877A microcontroller and ENC28J60 ethernet controller.
Presented by: Mladen Knezic University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Electrical Engineering E-mail:mladen_knezic@etfbl.net Niš 2007 WEB Server Based Distributed Measuring System
Main goal: Create a measuring system that will provide getting values of environment parameters over the standard Internet global network.
Contains one or more web sensors connected on the global network. Based on the standard Client-Server architecture. As a web-server is used embedded system which consists of microcontroller that is used for data acquisition and ethernet controller for communication purposes. The Client is running on PC and display collected information to the end-user in appropriate form.
WEB SENZOR SIDEChoose the hardware platform for realization:We want functional system based on the general purpose microcontroller families.Chosen: Microcontroller PIC16F877A and ethernet controller ENC28J60 Features:8 kBytes of internal flash memory368 Bytes of internal RAM memory8 channel ADC with 10 bits resolutionClock frequency up to 20 MHzIntegrated SPI interface (used to communicate with ethernet controller)
Choose software platform for client application: We want a user-friendly interface that is easy to use and can display collected information in readable form. Chosen: CVI/LabWindows 8.0 Features: Implemented functions that is used for communication over TCP/IP User-friendly interface Standard platform for realization of measuring and instrumentation software CLIENT APPLICATION SIDE
Features: Client application is running on PC under WindowsXP/Windows2000 operating systems. Connection is established by specifing IP address of server and port number. Communication protocol used in this application is http, so port 80 is used for communication. Web sensor sends data in html form, so we can use standard web browser for displaying information. Web sensor can send data to more than one client application concurrently.
Conclusions: We use global network for communication in this measuring system. As a web sensor is used relatively cheap embedded system based on general purpose microcontroller families. Client application is running on standard PC under Windows operating systems that is easily connected on the global Internet network.
Future work: Enhance capabilities of system by means of collecting information from more than one distributed web sensors. Improve safety of information exchange through some kind of authentification. Provide capability of storing information on removable storage that can be used on some other systems. Introduce some kind of data analysis based on collected information which can be used for making certain decisions.