1. MultiValue, Solving real world integration issues. International Spectrum Conference 2008
2. Slide 2 Who is Northgate? You might remember
McDonnell Douglas
3. Slide 3 About Northgate Reality the first commercial Multivalue release (1974)
38 years + experience (company established in 1969)
06/07 revenue of $1.1 billion ($1,100 million)
Company worth $2 billion ($2,000 million)
Approximately 6,500 staff
46 locations worldwide
Head Office: Hemel Hempstead, UK
4. Slide 4 Introduction Need to integrate with external data sources?
Publish your software as web services,
Work with XML?
Walking through real challenges,
We'll show you how our clients are solving real integration issues
Police Force
Largest UK building material supplier
World renowned University
All Using Northgate's Reality.
5. Slide 5 Success 1 UK Police Force Challenge
Integrate new Northgate Crime System with existing force systems, including
Command & Control
CRM Call Handling
Central government reporting (NMIS)
Force Personnel system
Force Corporate Gazetteer
Single View Policing, Unified front end via Web
Email / SMS systems
6. Slide 6 Success 1 UK Police Force
7. Slide 7 Success 1 Command & Control Goal of the interface
Pass reported crimes from C&C to the Crime system
Issue Crime numbers to C&C
Target System
SQL (ODBC) into Reality
8. Slide 8 ODBC / SQL Support
Utilize Relational Applications
Supports Stored Procedures
Application DBMS Portability
Transparent SQL/MV Mapping
Read, Write, Update
Excellent Performance
Successful implementations of Reality as a relational database
9. Slide 9
10. Slide 10 Success 1 CRM Call Handling Goal of the interface
Pass reported crimes from call handling to the Crime system
Issue Crime numbers
Fault Tolerant
Target System
Third Party Application
Web Services
11. Slide 11 Web Services With Reality see how easy it is to expose DataBasic routines as Web Services
Offer your services across:
Machine, Intranet & Internet
Integrate disparate applications
Seamless integration for GUI applications
Can communicate with any language supporting web services
Microsoft suite via .NET (office, VB C# etc)
Platform independent
12. Slide 12
13. Slide 13 Success 1 Central Government Reporting (NMIS) Goal of the interface
Pass Crime information as mandated by Central Government
Batch Update
High Data Volumes
Target System
Northgate application
Data exchange via flat CSV files
14. Slide 14 External File Integration Transparently Integrate with external Data stores
Tables in local or remote relational Databases
Oracle, SQLserver, MySQL, etc.
CSV, Tab Separated, etc.
15. Slide 15
16. Slide 16 Success 1 Force Personnel system Goal of the interface
Import personnel information from Force Personnel system
Regular scheduled scan of Personnel system
Back-off if Force Personnel system off-line
Third Party Application (Cedar)
Oracle (on AIX)
SQL ODBC from Reality
17. Slide 17 SQL-View Allows Reality to Access and Update data from any ODBC data source, in its native ODBC format.
Allows Reality Applications to exchange data with ODBC databases.
18. Slide 18 SQL View
19. Slide 19
20. Slide 20 Success 1 Corporate Gazetteer (Address database) Goal of the interface
Synchronise the Crime address data with the force central gazetteer
Large Data Volumes
Back-off if gazetteer system off-line
Target System
Northgate Compass Application
Written in Java
On Oracle
Web services Passing XML
21. Slide 21 XML Parser More and more information is passed in XML format
Easily create and extract data from XML documents
Very simple to build documents
Driven by simple to construct queries
Highly performant
Coded in C
Parser into a DOM tree
22. Slide 22
23. Slide 23 Success 1 SVP Goal of the interface
Present & Update Crime information on a common front end
Target System
Northgate Single View Policing Application
Written in Java
On Reality
Call remote DataBasic routines (JReal)
Data access via SQL (JDBC)
24. Slide 24 JDBC / SQL Support Utilize Relational Applications
Application DBMS Portability
Transparent SQL/MV Mapping
Read, Write, Update
Excellent Performance
Successful implementations of Reality as a relational database
25. Slide 25 JReal Create New MV Applications in Java
Latest GUI Look and Feel
Increased Portability
Retain Existing Business Rules
Access To Vast Toolset Library
Client, Server, or Web-server
Call DataBasic Subroutines from Java
Access Reality MV Data
26. Slide 26 Success 1 Email / SMS notifications Goal of the interface
Send Email and SMS messages from the Crime system
Target System
SMTP Mail Server
Sockets from DataBasic
27. Slide 27 TCP/IP Sockets Communicate with other applications
Allows DataBasic programs to interact with non-Reality programs via high performance Sockets
Locally, remotely, intranet, Internet
28. Slide 28 TCP/IP Sockets What is a socket?
Location on a network or local machine
Addressed as TCP/IP port, for example, Server:2, Localhost:343
How do you use a Socket
One program listens and waits
One or more Connects
Pass data between programs
Either Side can disconnect
29. Slide 29 Sockets, Reality listening
30. Slide 30 Sockets, Reality Calling
31. Slide 31
32. Slide 32 Success 1 UK Police Force
33. Slide 33 Success 2 Largest UK building material supplier integrates with the Web Challenge
Provide an online catalogue and ordering system
High performance
High user count (8000 users!)
Target System
Web Browsers
34. Slide 34 Reality case study (wholesaler & retailer) Equates to other 60 millions transaction across the companyEquates to other 60 millions transaction across the company
35. Slide 35 RealWeb Web-Enable Existing Applications
Retain Existing Business Rules
Utilize Existing Skills
DataBasic Subroutines
Addressable Via URLs
HTML Pages Created From DataBasic
Dynamic Data Merging
Store Images, HTML Pages and Javascript Functions In Reality
36. Slide 36
37. Slide 37 Success 3 Publishing arm of world renowned UK University Challenge
Reduce error rate of picking and packing exam papers
Integration with warehouse hand-held devices
Fast response
Simple to implement
Target System
Handheld WiFi Barcode readers
Web Services
38. Slide 38 Cambridge University Press
39. Slide 39 Success 4 Designbais Goal
Port to Reality
Calling DataBasic routines from Front-end Server
40. Slide 40 Reality ActiveX Connecter Call DataBasic from ActiveX capable environments
Access Reality MV Data via DataBasic
Call DataBasic from:
41. Slide 41
42. Slide 42