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Explore Finland's experience with performance contracts in higher education, focusing on strategic planning, funding models, key criteria, and national goals for structural development. Understand the importance of societal impact, quality, internationalization, and operational efficiency.
Kõrgkoolide tulemuslepingutest ja profileerimisestSoome näitel Heli Aru 26.02.07
Teema valiku põhjused • Traditsiooniline näide õppimiseks. 3.-a. tulemus-lepingute süsteem funktsioneerinud ca 10 aastat. • 2007.a. kevadel valimiste järgselt koostatakse uus hariduse arenguprogramm. The Science and Technology Policy Council, New Policy Report 2006 annab soovitused arengukava koostamiseks. Rõhutatakse • kvaliteeti, rahvusvahelistumist, võistlusvõimet, struktuursete muudatuste elluviimise vajalikkust, vajadust valmistuda õppurite arvu languseks. • Haridus- ja Teadusministeeriumi delegatsiooni õppevisiit Helsingisse 1-2. veebruar, 2007.a.
Üldine raamistik • Soome valitsuse poolt kinnitatud määruses loetletakse ülikoolid nimeliselt märkides • Õppesuunad; • Õppeastmed: Mag, PhD. • Õppekavade registreerimist ministeeriumis ei toimu. Ülikooli autonoomne õigus on otsustada õppekavade sisu, struktuuri ja arvu üle. • 20 ülikooli, 180 000 üliõpilast; • 29 polütehnikumi 150 üliõpilast.
Tulemuslepingud (1) • Läbirääkimised ministeeriumi ja kõrgkoolide vahel • Eesmärgid, ressursid, eelnevalt kokkulepitud eesmärkide täitmise hindamine. • Eesmärgid püstitatakse 3-aastaks • sisulised eesmärgid – “the most important targets on societal impact set for all universities operational targets” • Kvantitatiivsed eesmärgid (lõpetajate arvud eri astmetel).
Tulemuslepingud (2)Seire ja aruandlus • Aastaaruandlus üldiste Rahandusministeeriumi nõuete kohaselt; • KOTA andmebaas (alust. 1981) • sisaldab statistikat, HM poolt rahastatavate projekti taotlusi ja aruandlust, võimaldab vahetada infot ministeeriumi ja kõrgkoolide vahel; • Kokkulepitud eesmärkide saavutuse hindamine haridusministeeriumi poolt.
2007 –2009 perioodi eesmärgid kõikidele ülikoolidele • Strateegiate ajakohastamine • Profileerimine ja mõistliku suuruse saavutamine üksuste tasemel; • Võrgustumine (ing networking); • Finants- ja personalikorralduse parendus; • IKT laiem kasutus.
Rahastamismudel 2007 - 2009 • Tegevuskulude kate riigieelarvest; • Täiendav rahastamine tegevustele, mille osas ülikoolidel on vastutus (main management responsibility), 35% ülikoolide eelarvest, konkurentsi põhiselt. • Tegevuskulude jaotus • Põhirahastamine ca 70%, • Projektirahastamine ca 6.5% • Preemia (tulemuste saavutamine) ca 23.5%
CORE FUNDING 2007-2009 CORE FUNDING (896 M€) Extent factor (208 M€, 23%) Research, researcher education and artictic activity (266 M€, 30%) Education(335 M€, 37%) Societal service mission(87 M€, 10%) - Extent factor for funding period 04-06 - Research activity(50 M€) - Graduate schools (40 M€) - Doctoral degree targets (173 M€) - Artistic activity (3 M€) - Master's degree targets (335 M€) - National tasks - Other societal tasks - Open university education - Innovation and regional activities
Kriteeriumid tulemuslepingutes • Societal impact and quality • centres of excellence in research • scientific publications • centres of excellence in education • centres of excellence in adult education • centres of excellence in artistic activity • internationalisation • innovations and regional impact • Operational efficiency, study processes • Bachelor's degrees • Master's degrees • Doctoral degrees • open university education • Human resources
Projektide rahastamine • Changes in project funding • more strategic approach to project funding • focussed on projects supporting national development policies and equipping the new buildings • the number of projects funded will be cut down • broader and more diversified joint projects between universities will be constructed • project funding requires significant own funding from the university
Rahastatavate projektide teemad • Regional and societal impact • Biotechnology • Nano-programme • Internationalisation • Quality assurance • Development of the study process • Business knowldge and entrepreneurship • National health project • Teacher training • Structural development • Information society • Joint projects between universities (incl. networks) • Projects for developing and equipping premises
Rahvuslikud eesmärgid strukturaalseks arendamiseks • Strengthened quality, efficiency and effectiveness of activities and increased level of knowledge • Enhanced functioning of the public research system • Strengthened internationalisation and competitiveness • Appropriate size of the education system • Appropriate resource allocation
Strukturaalse arendamise põhimõtted • Regional HE system will be secured in the future • the volume of the HE system does not grow anymore • The unit and institutional structures will be remodelled • Diversified and multidisciplinary HEIs form a basis for future innovations • The structures of the HE system may vary regionally
Strukturaalse arendamise põhimõtted • The HE system based on a dual structure • both sectors have their own mission and profiles • The HE system will be developed as an entity consisting of universities, polytechnics and new consortia/combinations based on cooperation agreements between them • Overlapping educational provision of universities and poytechnics will be cut down/pruned back while taking care of the educational needs of the society • e.g. utilising the possibilities of the new degree structures
Strukturaalse arendamise põhimõtted • The knowledge structures and management of HEIs will be developed • universities: target of 5-10 professors/ department, with the body of researchers large enough and of high quality, modern infrastructure and necessary services • polytechnics: combining programmes and responsibilities as to provide education in degree programmes for groups of min. 40 beginning students • developing professional management • strengthening the financial autonomy of universities
Strukturaalse arendamise põhimõtted • University centres will be establised as agreement-based consortia, consisting of local polytechnics and participating universities • University continuing education structures will be re-organised primarily as corporations • Open university education will be a nationally coordinated entity • Joint structures between HEIs and other actors will be developed to strengthen the impact of education and research services
Strukturaalse arendamise põhimõtted • Units will be reassembled into larger entities • Existing structures will be dissambled to avoid overlaps • Diversified and multidisciplinarity HEIs form a basis for future innovations • In R&D the profiles and focus areas of HEIs will be strengthened.
Strukturaalse arendamise põhimõtted • Distribution of work between universities and polytechnics to raise quality and avoid overlap • reviews: economics and business administration, fine arts • other fields: health care and social services, tourism • polytechnic Master's degrees - university Master's programmes • recognition of prior learning - working group 15.12.2006
Eesmärkidelt tegudele: polütehnikumid • Objective: reassembling the unit structure into larger and more effective units • Polytechnic merger projects • Haaga-Helia, Stadia-EVTEK-Laurea, Svenska Yrkeshögskolan-Yrkeshöskolan Sydväst • Changes in unit structures • degree education for youth will be ending in 13 units in 11 localities • Swedish education will concentrate • Turku polytechnic and Central Ostrobothnia polytechnic have given up Swedish programmes
Ajaraamistik • 2006.a. Kevadistel läbirääkimistel strukturaalsed arengusuunad läbirääkimiste teema; • Augustiks 2006 paluti ülikoolidelt nende initsiatiive ümberkorraldusteks; • Oktoobris 2006.a. alustati esimeste projektide rahastamisega; • Teema on jätkuvalt päevakorras, 2007.a. läbirääkimistel.
Kuopio Ülikool ja Joensuu Ülikool • UKu and UJo proposed to establish a joint university federation • Objective: far-reaching shared operating structure (based on current educational responsibilities) with implementation plan and schedule • The planning group chaired by Professor Reijo Vihko • DL 16.2.2007
Turu Ülikool ja Turu School of Economics and Business Administration • Objective: developing a shared university consortium • cooperation while retaining the profiles and autonomy of each univesity • The planning group chaired by former MinEdu Permanent Secretary Markku Linna • DL 16.2.2007
OECD hinnang Soome arengutele • OECD “Review on Tertiary Education”, Soome visiit 12-20.12.05; • Regarding accountability ... “there seemed to be general satisfaction (on behalf of universities) with lump-sum budgeting, the rights of concluding agreements, appointing personnel and managing the academic profile and activities...” • “... The historical configuration of tertiary education into basically to alternative organisational forms – the universities and the polytechnics – is likely to be simplistic, potentially inflexible and restrictive in terms of what might be needed in the way of instititional responses and contributions .... International experience points to diversification which is extensive, flexible, effective and efficient, and the Ministry would therefore need togive attention to what systems of incentives and steering would facilitate this”.