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Isaiah 9:6. The Four names in Isaiah’s prophecy all describe different attributes of Christ character. He was unique and was special. Jesus gave gifts to us that are beyond compare. As “ Wonderful Counselor ”- He wants to guide and direct our lives.
The Four names in Isaiah’s prophecy all describe different attributes of Christ character. • He was unique and was special. • Jesus gave gifts to us that are beyond compare.
As “Wonderful Counselor”- He wants to guide and direct our lives. • As “Mighty God” – He is able to rescue and save us. • As “Everlasting Father” - He is wanting to have a meaningful relationship with us.
Oxford dictionary – Quiet, mental calm, freedom from war, a treaty. • Peace is something that everyone wants but no one has a clear understanding of how to get it.
Uncontrollable life POSITION. • We plan one thing and something else happens. 2. Unchangeable PEOPLE. • People can make us loose our peace.
3. Unexplained PROBLEMS. • Why does it happen to some and not others? (sickness / death) 4. Unbearable PAIN • Hurts too much to be at peace.
5. Unforgiven PAST • Existing human conflicts. Possible Remedies a. Meditation – having a balance. b. Medication – taking pills. c. Mediation – a peace plan.
Peace in Hebrew means “shalom” • It means complete, whole or sound. • To be healthy or well, to have a healthy relationship with God and others.
Jesus came to establish an eternal peace. • Luke 2:14 – “Peace on whom His favor rests.” • God promises to give peace to those whom His favor rests. • John 14:27 – “My peace I give you.”
The peace that Jesus gives is not a peace without the problems but a peace despite the problems. • Something to make you whole.
Jesus’ Peace is the SOLUTION to our guilt. (Rom.5:1) • In God’s eye everyone of us stained by sin. • Because we are stained, we are eternally separated from God.
Jesus paid the penalty for our guilt. • If we accept what He has done, our slate is wiped cleaned. • We are made whole and healthy. • This was Jesus’ gift to us. • Isaiah 53:5 - : “brought us peace”
B. Jesus’ Peace offers a RELATIONSHIP with God. • Now there is nothing that is blocking us from having the deepest and most intimate relationship with God. • Gal.3:26-29 –”You are now sons / daughters of God.”
C. Jesus’ Peace offers a SPIRIT CONTROLLED life. • Having come into a relationship, we now live and surrender our life to Jesus. • We live following Jesus and living to His standard. • The Holy Spirit guides and leads us to live a life of peace. (Rom.8:4-6)
D. Jesus’ Peace brings SECURITY in eternity • Have you wondered why you are here? • You here to prepare yourself for eternity.
Without a solution for guilt, or a relationship with God or a Spirit controlled life, you will not find a place in heaven. • This is the peace Jesus came to bring. • That is why He is called the Prince of Peace.
Have you got this peace at this moment? • Is your life whole, complete, full and perfect? • Jesus can bring you this peace.