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LWS Targeted Research & Technology Update for SHINE August 3-7, 2009. Lika Guhathakurta LWS Lead Program Scientist. LWS TR&T Strategic Plan. based on the LWS TR&T Science Definition Team report of November 2003.
LWS Targeted Research & Technology Update for SHINEAugust 3-7, 2009 Lika Guhathakurta LWS Lead Program Scientist
LWS TR&T Strategic Plan based on the LWS TR&T Science Definition Team report of November 2003 • LWS is a systematic, goal-oriented research program targeting those aspects of the Sun-Earth system that affect life and society. • The TR&T component of LWS is to provide the theory, modeling, and data analysis necessary to enable an integrated, system-wide approach to LWS science. Focused Science Teams Strategic Capabilities Cross-cutting Workshops Summer Schools Heliophysics Postdoctoral Fellows TR&T Supports:
LWS TR&T Strategic Plan Vision for TR&T depends on successful implementation of an approach that: • Encourages and enables teamwork toward solving specific LWS science and applications problems through the creation of Focused Science Topic working groups and substantial Strategic Capability development efforts; • Supports data analysis and the development of theories and models in TR&T target areas that clearly have potential societal benefits; • Requires deliverables with clear relevance to the program's goals; • Gives particular emphasis to cross-disciplinary research; • Supports synergistic activities such as workshops and summer schools to facilitate cross-disciplinary activities and to foster an infrastructure for mentoring and developing careers in LWS science areas; • Supports the development of selected strategic capabilities that lead directly to LWS science applications; • Supports model testing and validation using available data and • Supports the development of tools and data environments that better enable the achievement of LWS goals and objectives.
LWS TR&T Strategic GOALS • Solar Storms ...deliver the understanding and modeling required for useful prediction of the variable solar particulate and radiative environment at the Earth, Moon, Mars, and throughout the solar system Sun Climate ...deliver the understanding of how and to what degree variations in the solar radiative and particulate output contribute to changes in global and regional climate over a wide range of time scales Near Earth Radiation ...deliver the understanding and modeling required for effective forecasting/specification of magnetospheric radiation and plasma environments Ionosphere-Thermosphere ...deliver understanding and predictive models of upper atmospheric and ionospheric responses to changes in solar electromagnetic radiation, and to coupling above and below
has broad science and application community representation and rotating membership, and will advise and support NASA Headquarters in: TR&T Steering Committee New Membership for 2010 to be solicited • Establishing and continually updating targets and top-level priorities; • Measuring the progress of the program in meeting science goals and objectives; • Providing mechanisms for monitoring how well products that result from the program are transferred into societal benefits. Agency Liasion: NOAA (Terry Onsager) NSF (Paul Bellaire) AFSOR (?) CCMC (Michael Hesse) Neal Zapp (SRAG/JSC)\
Proposals and Awards • 155 current awards with average funding level of $121,000 • 26% of these have separately funded co-Investigators • Most have 3 year duration (SC - 5 year duration) ROSES 2008 • 105 proposals submitted for TR&T & 3 Strategic Capability • 34 proposals selected from TR&T & 2 in SC in March 2009 for a total of 4.5 M & .7 M resp. • Partnership opportunity with Planetary Division - one Focus Topic
LWS TR&T Focus Teams: Instructions for TR&T Focus Team Members and Leaders 2008 Measure the Properties of the Solar Dynamo that Affect Solar Irradiance and Active Region Generation Use Inner Heliospheric Observations to Better Constrain Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) and Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) Event Models Integrate Non-MHD/Kinetic Effects on Magnetic Reconnection, Particle Energization, and Plasma Heating into Global Models Determine and Quantify the Responses of Atmospheric/Ionospheric Composition and Temperature to Solar XUV Spectral Variability and Energetic Particles 2007 Exploring the Magnetic Connection Between the Photosphere and Low Corona Solar Modulation of the Galactic Cosmic Rays and the Production of Cosmogenic Isotope Archives of Long-term Solar Activity, Used to Interpret Past Climate Changes. Toward Combined Models of Acceleration, Loss and Transport of Energetic Electrons and Protons in the Magnetosphere Determine the Sources of Daily Variability in the Thermosphere and Ionosphere Prediction of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field Vector Bz at L1 Extreme Space Weather Events in the Solar System TR&T website: http://lws-trt.gsfc.nasa.gov
LWS TR&T Strategic Capability: 2008 • Living With A Star (LWS) Strategic Capability, Abstracts of selected proposals.(NNH08ZDA001N-LWSSC) • Integrated Model of the Atmosphere and Ionosphere • Solar Spectral Irradiance Models on Multiple Time Scales for Coupling to Atmospheric/Climate Models 2006 • 3D Model of an Active Region Coronal Magnetic Field A primary goal of the LWS Program is the development of first-principles-based predictive and specification models for the coupled Sun-Earth system. Such models are essential for making progress on the science priorities and to assist in the interpretation and linking together of the data that will be produced by the LWS missions, other NASA-SEC missions, and ground-based facilities. Models serve multiple purposes. They act as tools for science investigations, as prototypes and test beds for first-principles-based prediction and specification capabilities, as frameworks for linking disparate data sets at vantage points throughout the HP system, and as strategic planning aids for testing new mission concepts. These efforts can leverage existing modeling resources, but will also likely require significant new code development and possibly multi- institutional collaborations. The primary function of such code development is to provide a tool for science and a prototype operational tool. Proposals for strategic capabilities are competed separately from the targeted investigations efforts.
HELIOPHYSICS POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM Applications are invited to a new postdoctoral fellowship program designed to train the next generation of researchers in the emerging field of Heliophysics. The program is sponsored by the NASA Living With a Star (LWS) program and administered by the UCAR Visiting Scientist Programs office. Heliophysics embraces all science aspects of the Sun-Earth connection, and includes many of the basic physical processes that are found in our solar system, the laboratory, and throughout the universe. These processes generally involve the interactions of ionized gases (plasmas) with gravitational and electro-magnetic (both radiation and DC) fields, and with neutral matter. The physical domain of interest ranges from deep inside the Sun to the Earth’s upper atmosphere, to the magnetospheres of the other planets, and extends out to the boundary between the solar wind and interstellar medium. Within this broad science discipline, LWS is a program designed to develop the scientific understanding required for the Nation to address effectively those aspects of the Sun-Earth system that affect life and society. Detailed information on LWS, its science interests, programmatic structure, and space missions can be found at: http://lws.gsfc.nasa.gov. Two major topics of focus for LWS are the science of space weather and of the Sun-climate connection. Preference will be given to applicants whose proposed research addresses one of these two foci; but any research program relevant to LWS will be considered. Since the goal of the LWS postdoctoral program is to train Sun-Earth system researchers, preference will also be given to research projects that cross the traditional Heliophysicssubdomains of the Sun, heliosphere, magnetosphere, and ionosphere/upper atmosphere, as well as sun-climate investigations. In order to succeed at such cross-disciplinary research, the host institution and the mentoring scientists(s) will play critical roles. Consequently, applicants must select a host scientist, who must be different from the candidate’s PhD advisor (preferably at a different institution), and coordinate a joint application with the host scientist and institution. Potential host scientists are required to submit letters of intent and vitaes as part of the selection process. Hosts are expected to mentor the fellow, provide a reasonable office environment, which may include a workstation, and any other unique research costs. To assist applicants, a list of possible hosts may be found at: http://www.vsp.ucar.edu/HeliophysicsScience. Please note that this list is not exclusive. Any U.S. research institution, including universities, government centers, and profit or non-profit organizations may serve as a host institution. Applicants to this postdoctoral program are expected to have had a PhD for no more than five years at the start of tenure. A UCAR steering committee selects the fellows. Additional details about this program, including the selection criteria used by the steering committee may be found at: http://www.vsp.ucar.edu/HeliophysicsScience. Qualified scientists and hosts are encouraged to apply by sending the following materials to the UCAR Visiting Scientist Programs office: Postdoctoral Applicants: • Cover letter identifying the name of this program • CV including publication list • Names/contact information of four professional references (one from thesis advisor, but not from potential host). • PhD dissertation abstract, including title. • Titled project description, not to exceed five pages including figures and appendices but not references. Proposals must describe actual research project. Applicants are encouraged to coordinate with host in writing proposal. • Statement of relevance to the NASA Living with a Star program, not to exceed one page. See http://lws.gsfc.nasa.gov. Host Applicants: • Letter of intent to host applicant and plans for mentoring (2-page limit) • CV including publications (1-page limit) • List of current and pending research support • U.S. citizenship is not required for application to this Program, but the selected postdoctoral fellows must be hosted at a U.S. research institution. Appointed scientists are employees of UCAR. The two-year fellowships include a fixed annual salary and benefits: health & dental insurance, paid time off, paid holidays, mandatory participation in TIAA/CREF retirement fund, and life insurance. A relocation allowance is provided as well as an allowance for travel to scientific conferences and other support costs. The deadline for applications is January 8, 2010.
TR&T NRA Amendment Released on July 21 2009 Amendment No. 11 to the NASA Research Announcement (NRA) entitled "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2009," NNH09ZDA001N, Released February 13, 2009 Amendment of Appendix B.6: Living With a Star Targeted Research and Technology Amendment of Appendix B.7: Living With a Star Targeted Research and Technology: Strategic Capability This amendment presents the final text for Appendix B.6, Living With a Star Targeted Research and Technology, which replaces the prior version in its entirety. This amendment also announces that Appendix B.7, Living With a Star Targeted Research and Technology: Strategic Capability, will not be solicited in ROSES 2009. The six Strategic Capabilities projects now on-going in LWS TR&T Program fully utilize the available budget, therefore proposals will not be solicited this year. Proposals may be solicited next year in ROSES 2010. The goal of NASA’s Living With a Star (LWS) Program is to develop the scientific understanding needed for the United States to effectively address those aspects of Heliophysics science that may affect life and society. The LWS Targeted Research and Technology (TR&T) program element solicits proposals leading to a physics-based understanding of the integral system linking the Sun to the S olar System, including the impact on the heliosphere, planetary magnetospheres, and ionospheres. The TR&T program’s objectives can be achieved by data analysis, theory, and modeling, and the development of tools and methods (e.g., software for data handling). This program element contains three components: (1) Focused Science Topics, (2) Sun-Climate Theme, (3) Tools and Methods. The maximum duration of these awards are 4 years, 3 years, and 2 years, respectively. In addition, there is the Cross-Discipline Infrastructure Building category for which the maximum duration is 2 years. The major changes to Appendix B.6 from last year’s LWS TR&T solicitation include: (1) the addition of the new Sun-Climate theme to foster cross-disciplinary investigations of connections between solar forcing and climate; (2) proposals to the Focus Science Topics category (only) must include a section entitled "Proposed Contributions to the Focus Team Effort" which should be listed in the table of contents; and (3) proposals to the Tools and Methods category (only) must include explicit language stating the deliverables, delivery site(s), and schedule. For Appendix B.6 Notices of Intent to propose (NOIs) are still due September 18, 2009, and proposals are still due October 16, 2009. The web link for the above program is at: And this takes you to LWSTRT page: http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?method=init&solId=%7bC71ABB20-527A-8606-56C7-1280A2383760%7d&path=open Further information about this program element is available from Dr. Madhulika Guhathakurta, Heliophysics Division, Science Mission Directorate, Telephone: (202) 358-1992, Email: lws.trt@nasa.gov.
Strategic Plan for Climate Change Goal Physical Phenomena (actual processes): Mesosphere Irradiance Climate Change (e.g. temperature, chemistry, dynamics, precipitation) Quiet Sun Deep Solar Interior Stratosphere CZ Active Regions Particles Troposphere GCR Earth Surface Strategic Capabilities (required models): Irradiance Observations & Models Solar Models Whole Atmosphere Models Utility of Proxy Records Climate Sensitivity to Solar Forcing Atmospheric Coupling FST (required science): Solar Processes Greenhouse Gas Effects on Upper Atm. First Principles Irradiance Model Forcing Mechanisms
Heliosphere Model Global MHD Magnetosphere Convection & Particle Model Flare, CME Produced IMF, particles Magnetosphere Plasma irregularity model Solar topics Upper-Atmosphere Space-Weather Effects Ionosphere- Thermosphere Flare produced X-ray, UV, EUV Short-term variability Solar cycle dynamo Ionosphere/Thermosphere GCM Long-term X-ray, UV EUV variability Lower- Atmosphere (< 90 km) ITM topics Lower atmosphere Model Solar-radiation Model Solar Heliosphere Ionosphere-Thermosphere Lower Atmosphere Magnetosphere Spatial and temporal variation of electron density Global distribution and occurrence of plasma irregularities • Understand and model magnetospheric convection and current systems • Understand inflow and outflow to/from ionosphere Understand lower-upper atmospheric coupling Understand and model the solar sources of radiation Understand steady-state and transient solar wind conditions at the magnetopause
Rad Belt, Plasma Space-Weather Effects Solar-Heliosphere Models Ionospheric Outflow Model SW Entry Model Active regions, CME, IP Shock Solar and Interplanetary Topics Source Populations - solar wind - ionosphere Heliospheric propagation Plasma/Particle Models - Plasmasheet - Plasmasphere - Radiation Belt - Ring Current Solar Wind- Magnetosphere- Ionosphere Interaction SW/IMF Drivers SEP/SEEs Solar Dynamo Global Convection and Magnetic Field Model Transport - convection/flow - energization - diffusion - reconnection Global corona Solar wind Stream-stream High-speed stream RadBelt / Plasma topics ULF/VLF Transport Model Solar-Heliosphere Models
Sentinels SDO Ionosphere Storm Probes TR&T Radiation Belt Storm Probes Past Missions Other Science Missions Other Theory & Modeling Programs Existing Facilities Understand Model Forecast Exploration Missions Space Weather Climate TR&T within LWS and NASA
Heliophysics A Universal Science • Coupling Sun, heliosphere, galactic environment, and planetary climate • Dynamos in stars and planets • Radiative and electromagnetic couplings
Heliophysics Text Books The sub-disciplines within Heliophysics have a rich variety of available textbooks, but no textbooks currently exist that present the diverse materials from their common physical principles, and help teachers well-versed in one discipline to teach the directly related areas within other disciplines. Three affordable textbooks will be produced for each year of the Summer School. The books will be aimed for senior level undergraduates, graduate students and beginning postdoctoral students in all of the sciences related to climate physics, space physics, and heliospheric and solar physics, plus relevant branches of astrophysics and plasma physics. The three textbooks will cover all of the topics in heliophysics. NOTE: The Heliophysics textbooks will be published by Cambridge University Press. All appendices will be online. The physical textbooks will not have 'numerical modeling descriptions' nor 'problem sets'. Description, table of contents and provisional textbook covers: http://www.vsp.ucar.edu/HeliophysicsScience/
Heliophysics I: “Space Storms and Radiation: Causes and Effects” Cambridge Press: Hardback (ISBN-13: 9780521110617)Now published - available from July 2009 1) Prologue 2) Introduction to heliophysics 3) Creation and destruction of magnetic field 4) Magnetic field topology 5) Magnetic reconnection 6) Structures of the magnetic field 7) Turbulence in space plasmas 8) The solar atmosphere 9) Stellar winds and magnetic fields 10) Fundamentals of planetary magnetospheres 11) Solar-wind magnetosphere coupling: an MHD perspective 12) On the ionosphere and chromosphere 13) Comparative planetary environments On-line Appendices: 1) Data archives, modeling sites, space weather forecasts 2) Descriptions on packages for numerical modeling 3) Problem sets
Heliophysics II: “Plasma Physics of the Local Cosmos” Cambridge Press: Hardback )Expected- Winter 2009 /2010 1) Perspective on heliophysics 2) Introduction: space storms and radiation 3) In situ detection of energetic particles 4) Radiative signatures of energetic particles 5) Observations of solar and stellar eruptions, flares, and jets 6) Models of coronal mass ejections and flares 7) Shocks in heliophysics 8) Particle acceleration in shocks 9) Energetic particle transport 10) Energy conversion in planetary magnetospheres 11) Energization of trapped particles 12) Flares, CMEs, and atmospheric responses 13) Energetic particles and manned spaceflight 14) Energetic particles and technology On-line Appendices: 1) Data archives, modeling sites, space weather forecasts 2) Descriptions on packages for numerical modeling 3) Problem sets
Heliophysics III: “Evolving solar activity and climate of space and earth” Cambridge Press: Hardback )Expected- Summer 2010 1) Formation, evolution, and demise of stars and their planets 2) Planetary habitability on astronomical time scales 3) Long-term evolution of magnetic activity of Sun-like stars 4) Astrophysical dynamo actions and stellar dynamo models 5) Solar internal flows and dynamo action 6) Planetary fields and dynamos 7) The evolving heliosphere and its particle environment 8) Solar spectral irradiance: measurements and models 9) Long-term evolution of the geospace climate 10) Planetary ITM-magnetosphere processes and the solar cycle 11) Waves and transport processes in planetary atmosheres 12) Climate couplings via (photo-)chemistry 13) Records of climate and climate drivers 14) External influences on planetary climates 15) Climate models of Earth and planets 16) Heliophysics - epilogue On-Line Appendices: 1) Data archives, modeling sites, space weather forecasts 2) Descriptions on packages for numerical modeling 3) Problem sets