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The Hobbit. Chapter 6 and 7. Listing activity. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhEKPuzAjzk Chapter 6 and 7. Activities. No spelling test this week Parts of speech Verbs http://www.ereadingworksheets.com/languageartsworksheets/parts-of-speech-worksheets/verb-worksheets/
The Hobbit Chapter 6 and 7
Listing activity • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhEKPuzAjzk • Chapter 6 and 7
Activities • No spelling test this week • Parts of speech • Verbs • http://www.ereadingworksheets.com/languageartsworksheets/parts-of-speech-worksheets/verb-worksheets/ • http://www.ereadingworksheets.com/free-grammar-worksheets/verbs-of-being-and-gerunds-worksheet.pdf • http://www.ereadingworksheets.com/free-grammar-worksheets/verbs-and-verb-phrases.pdf
Comprehension Questions • 1. what does Bilbo use to sneak up on the Dwarves? • 2. What is hunting the party? • 3. What are Wargs? • 4. Describe what the party must do when attached by the Wargs? • 5. Who does Gandolf help the party against the Wargs? • 6. Who arrives to sing to the party? • 7. How is the party rescued?
Comprehension Questions • 1. Where does the party arrive? • 2. Who Beorn? What characteristic does he have? • 3. What importance's (Beorn’s ability)does the play in our chapter? • 4. What are the Wargs and goblins doing at this same time? • 5. Where does Beorn directed the party? What does he say to the party? • 6. What are Gandolf’s last words to the party prior to his departure? • 7. Given your knowledge, what will happen in chapter 8: please provided three items
Writing prompt: use your verbs and pronouns • The line between good and evil is pretty well-maintained in The Hobbit. Men, elves, and dwarves = good (mostly). And goblins and Wargs = bad. But do we see any loyalty among the "bad" peoples – the goblins, for example? Is loyalty a trait that solely belongs to the "good" folks? Which groups in The Hobbit seem to feel the most loyalty to one another?
Theme: loyaltya universal truth • Loyalty in The Hobbit is often based on race. The goblins swear revenge against the dwarves because the dwarves have killed the Great Goblin. The elves and the dwarves have a long-standing mutual hatred because of some disagreement about payment for treasure many generations ago. Family also determines loyalty: Fili and Kili die beside Thorin because he's their uncle.But this leaves us with the question: what generates loyalty between people who are not connected by blood and family ties? What kind of loyalty exists between Bilbo and the dwarves? Do they feel this loyalty equally? And how about Gandalf: what loyalty does he feel toward Bilbo and to the dwarves? How do these different characters prove their loyalty to one another?