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Analyzing Well-Founded Linked Lists for Low-level Systems

Explore the verification of control, memory, and API safety in linked lists, including integers, arrays, and various linked list types. Utilize first-order logic and automated verification tools for precise analysis. Investigate reachability predicates and axiomatization for uniform program analysis. Discover methods for handling cyclic lists and destructive updates effectively.

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Analyzing Well-Founded Linked Lists for Low-level Systems

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  1. Verifying Properties of Well-Founded Linked Lists Shuvendu K. Lahiri Shaz Qadeer Software Reliability Research Microsoft Research

  2. Motivation for analyzing linked lists • Verify control, memory, and API safety of low-level systems code • Integers • Arrays • Singly linked lists • Doubly linked lists (acyclic and cyclic)

  3. Motivation for analyzing linked lists • Verify control, memory, and API safety of low-level systems code • Integers • Arrays • Singly linked lists • Doubly linked lists (acyclic and cyclic) • Establish properties about linking structure and content • Absence of null dereference, memory leaks • All elements of a list have data value 0 • List1 and List2 are disjoint

  4. //@ requires hd != null //@ ensures v  R(hd): v.data = 0 void acyclic_simple(Cell hd) { Cell iter = hd; while (iter != null) { iter.data = 0; iter = iter.next; } } Example: Acyclic linked list iteration

  5. Problem • Existing program analyses either lack scalability or precision for such programs/properties

  6. Reasoning in first-order logic • Can support many theories important for program verification • Uninterpreted functions, linear arithmetic, arrays, quantifiers • Reason about programs with a mix of scalar variables, arithmetic, arrays • Powerful analysis engines • Pioneering work by Nelson-Oppen[’79] • Recent advances in SAT-based theorem provers

  7. Program verification and first-order logic • Automated software verification tools • SLAM, BLAST, MAGIC,… • ESC/JAVA, Boogie,.. • Perform symbolic reasoning for first-order logic • Theorem provers to discharge verification conditions • Operations for abstract interpretation (predicate abstraction, join, ..) • Automatic abstraction-refinement

  8. Linked lists and reach x • Class Cell { • int data; • Cell next; • }; R(x) R(u) = Set of cells reachable from u using next field = {u, u.next, u.next.next,…}

  9. Acyclic linked list iteration //@ requires hd != null //@ ensures v  R(hd): v.data = 0 void acyclic_simple(Cell hd) { Cell iter = hd; while (iter != null) { iter.data = 0; iter = iter.next; } } hd iter Visited = R(hd)\ R(iter) Example Loop invariant u Visited: u.data = 0

  10. Reachability predicate • Need to reason about reachability predicate • e.g. u R(x): u.data = 0 • Need axioms to relate the field next and R • However, reachability can’t be modeled in first-order logic • Finite first-order axiomatization of reachability impossible

  11. Motivation for this work • Simple axioms may suffice for many examples • Provide a first-order axiomatization of Reach • Necessarily incomplete • First investigated by Nelson [POPL’83] • Enable list manipulating programs (also containing integers, arrays etc.) to be analyzed uniformly • Can leverage first-order reasoning • Predicate abstraction,… • Abstraction refinement

  12. Acyclic linked list iteration //@ requires hd != null //@ ensures v  R(hd): v.data = 0 void acyclic_simple(Cell hd) { Cell iter = hd; while (iter != null) { iter.data = 0; iter = iter.next; } } hd iter Visited = R(hd)\ R(iter) Example Loop invariant u Visited: u.data = 0 Axiom for reach: u, v : v R(u)  (v = u  (u.next  null  v R(u.next)))

  13. Acyclic linked list iteration //@ requires hd != null //@ ensures v  R(hd): v.data = 0 void acyclic_simple(Cell hd) { Cell iter = hd; while (iter != null) { iter.data = 0; iter = iter.next; } } hd iter Visited = R(hd)\ R(iter) Example Loop invariant u Visited: u.data = 0 Axiom sufficient to prove the example Axiom for reach: u, v : v R(u)  (v = u  (u.next  null  v R(u.next)))

  14. Rest of the talk • How to • Handle cyclic lists • Handle destructive updates • Generate first-order axioms for Reach • Well-founded linked lists • How it makes the above tasks amenable • Results • Deciding ground fragment with Reach predicate

  15. Cyclic linked list iteration //@ requires hd points to a cyclic list //@ ensures v  R(hd): v.data = 0 void cyclic_simple(Cell hd) { hd.data = 0; iter = hd.next; while (iter != hd) { iter.data = 0; iter = iter.next; } } Part1: Cyclic List Traversal hd iter Visited = ? No way to express Visited using R alone • R for every cell in the cycle contains all the cells in the cycle

  16. Cyclic linked list iteration //@ requires hd points to a cyclic list //@ ensures v  R(hd): v.data = 0 void cyclic_simple(Cell hd) { hd.data = 0; iter = hd.next; while (iter != hd) { iter.data = 0; iter = iter.next; } } Cyclic List Traversal hd iter Visited = ? Proving even null-dereference is non-trivial

  17. Observation • Usually, every cycle of “next” has at least one distinguished cell • Usually, the “head” of the list • This cell breaks the symmetry in the list • For each linking field “f”, a subset of fields in the heap are heads • Denoted by Hf • Cells denoted by • Always includes null

  18. x y Rf(x) x Rf(z) z y New Predicates Rf and Bf • Hf = Set of head cells for field f • Rf(u) • Set of cells u, u.f, u.f.f,…, until the first cell in H • Bf(u) • The first cell from the sequence u.f, u.f.f, …, that belongs to H • The “block” for u Bf(x) = null Bf(x) = y Bf(y) = x Bf(z) = x

  19. Well-founded heap • Given Hf, a set of “head” cells for a field f • Well-founded field f • For any cell u, the sequence u.f, u.f.f, …, intersects with a cell in Hf • Well-founded heap • Every linking field f is well-founded wrt to Hf • i.e., every f cycle has at least one Hf cell

  20. Programming methodology • Programmer must supply Hf • Every mutation of the linking field f is required to preserve well-foundedness • Restricted to programs maninpulating well founded heaps only • Almost all list programs obey this restriction

  21. Cyclic linked list iteration //@ requires hd points to a cyclic list //@ ensures v  R(hd): v.data = 0 void cyclic_simple(Cell hd) { hd.data = 0; iter = hd.next; while (iter != hd) { iter.data = 0; iter = iter.next; } } Cyclic List Traversal hd iter Visited = ?

  22. Cyclic linked list iteration //@ requires hd  H  B(hd) = hd //@ ensures v  R(hd): v.data = 0 void cyclic_simple(Cell hd) { hd.data = 0; iter = hd.next; while (iter != hd) { iter.data = 0; iter = iter.next; } } Cyclic List Traversal hd R(iter) iter Visited = (iter = hd) ? R(iter) : R(hd) \ R(iter) Loop invariant: u Visited: u.data = 0 B(iter) = hd

  23. Axioms Required • Axiom for R • v  R (u)  (v = u  (u.next  H v  R(u.next)) • v  R(u)  (v = u  (u.next  null  v  R(u.next)) • Axiom for B • B(u) = u.next  H ? u.next :B(u.next) • Able to prove the example (similar to acyclic case) with these axioms

  24. Part 2: Destructive updates • x.f := y • Issues • R, B need to be updated • Since f is updated • Destructive updates may make the heap ill-founded • Flag such programs as bad

  25. Updates to R, B (some cases) • x.f := y u u x x y y R(u) = R(u) \ R(x) {x}  R(y) R(u) = R(u) \ R(x) {x} B(u) = y B(u) = B(y)

  26. Ensuring well-foundedness • x.f := y Orphan cycle: Cycle with no H cells x y Add assert ( x  R(y)  y  H ) before each x.f := y

  27. Updating cells in Hf • Hfis a program variable now • Hf.Add(x) • Adds the cell pointed to by x to Hf • Useful when creating a cycle for the first time • Hf.Remove(x) • Removes the cell pointed to by x to Hf • Remove one head when two cycles with a head each are fused • Updates to Rf, Bf still remain quantifier-free

  28. Summary: Instrumentation • Quantifier-free updates to auxiliary variables R, B • Similar to acyclic case [Dong & Su ‘95] • Very difficult to update R for cyclic lists in general • Instrumentation captures “well-foundedness” precisely • The instrumented program goes wrong (violates an assertion)iff the source program • goes wrong (violates some assertions), or • heap of the source program becomes not well-founded

  29. Part 3: Axioms Required • Base axiom for R • v  R(u)  (v = u  (u.next  H v  R(u.next)) • Base axiom for B B(u) = u.next  H ? u.next :B(u.next) • Fundamental axioms • The axioms capture the intended meaning of R and Bin any finite and well-founded state of the program

  30. Generating new axioms • Not possible to express finiteness and well-foundedness in first-order logic • Derive new axioms from the base axioms • Using induction • For well-founded heaps • We provide an induction principle to generate derived axioms from base axioms

  31. Induction principle • Proposed axiom: u. P(u) • To prove P(u) for any cell u in a finite well-founded heap • Base Case • u.f  H  P(u) • Establish for all u at a distance 1 from H cells • Induction Step • u.f  H  (P(u.f)  P(u)) • u.f has a shorter distance to H than u (well-founded induction)

  32. Some derived axioms • Transitivity • R(u,v)  R(v,w)  R(u,w) • Antisymmetry • R(u,v)  R(v,u)  u = v • Block • R(u,v)  v H  u = v • Bounded distinctness • All cells in the set {u, u.f,…,} until the first H cell are distinct from each other • Instantiate this for bounded sizes (e.g. 1) • u.f  H  u  u.f

  33. Derived Axioms • Set of axioms are fairly fundamental properties and fairly intuitive • Can be easily proved from the base axioms using the induction principle • Suffice for a large set of examples • Otherwise derive new axioms using the base axioms and induction

  34. Benefits of well-founded lists • Set of required axioms almost similar to acyclic case • Allows us to update Rf, Bf relations using simple quantifier-free formulas • Provides an induction principle to establish derived axioms easily

  35. Experimental setup Instrumentation Add R, B + Updates + Assertions VC Generator (UCLID) Annotated Source Program Theorem Prover (UCLID) Proved/Failure Axioms for R, B

  36. UCLID • Verification system for systems modeled in first-order logic • Bryant, Lahiri, Seshia, CAV’02 • Checking verification conditions • Uses quantifier instantiation • Uses various decision procedures for uninterpreted functions, arrays, arithmetic • Inferring loop invariants with indexed predicate abstraction

  37. Examples • Simple_cyclic • List traversal • Reverse • In place reversal of an acyclic list • Sorted_insert • Inserts a cell in a sorted list • Requires arithmetic reasoning • Set_union • Merges two equivalence classes implemented as cyclic lists • Dlist_remove • Removes a cell from a cyclic doubly linked list

  38. Experiments • Proving Verification Conditions (VCs) • Most examples take < 1 s • Loop Invariant synthesis using indexed predicate abstraction

  39. Synthesizing invariants by indexed predicate abstraction • Flanagan & Qadeer POPL’02 • Lahiri & Bryant VMCAI ‘04 • Principle • Provide a set of predicates P over state variables + “index variables” X • Intuitively X contains heap cells, or indices into arrays • e.g. P = {Rnext(u,v), Bnext (u) = v, a[i] < a[j] + 1, …} X = {u,v,i,j,…} • Theorem • Indexed predicate abstraction constructs the strongest loop invariant of the form X: (P) •  is a Boolean combination of predicates in P

  40. //@requires null  Hnext //@requires Bnext (l) = null //@ensures Bnext (res) = null //@ensures Rnext(res) = R0next (l) Cell reverse (Cell l){ Cell curr = l; Cell res = null; while (curr != null){ Cell tmp = curr.next; curr.next = res; res = curr; curr = tmp; } return res; } Predicates X = {u} P = { u = null, u = curr, u = res, u = l0, curr = null, l = l0, Rnext(curr,u), Rnext(res,u), Rnext(l,u), Hnext(u), R0next(l0,u), Bnext(u) = null } Tool constructs loop invariant in 0.57 sec Synthesizing invariants in UCLID

  41. Results with Predicate Abstraction • Predicates provided manually • Used Barcelogic tool for theorem proving • Note: Results significantly improved from paper

  42. Decision procedure for ground fragment • Deciding ground formulas over • Rf(u,v), ~Rf(u,v), u = f(v), u ≠ v, u  Hf, u Hf,u = Bf (v) • Reduce dependency on derived axioms • A complete framework when VCs are quantifier-free • Solving quantifier-free queries after instantiating quantifiers • Result • Checking satisfiability of a conjunction NP-complete

  43. Related work • First-order axiomatization of reachability • Nelson ’83, Lev-Ami et al. ’05 • First-order reasoning without reachability • Necula & McPeak ’05 • Shape analysis with 3-valued logic • Sagiv et al. ’99, … • TVLA • Predicate abstraction for lists • Dams et al. ’03, Balaban et al. ’05, Manevich et al. ’05, Bingham ’06 • Separation logic • O’Hearn et al. ’01, Reynolds ’02,

  44. Conclusions • Two new predicates R, B for well-founded heaps • Instrumentation of source program with auxiliary variables for the predicates • First-order axiomatization • New induction principle • Simpler derived axioms • Implementation • Leverage first-order theorem provers • Indexed predicate abstraction provides a uniform scheme for synthesizing invariants

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