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HYBRID INFLATION. Serena Nobili Course in Inflation, Structure formation and CMB. http://cas.bellarmine.edu/tietjen/Ec&Ev_Distance_learning/cosmology.htm. H Y B R I D. POWER LAW INFLATION. OLD INFLATION. CHAOTIC. NEW INFLATION. SLOW ROLLING. 1 FIELD THEORY.

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  1. HYBRID INFLATION Serena Nobili Course in Inflation, Structure formation and CMB

  2. http://cas.bellarmine.edu/tietjen/Ec&Ev_Distance_learning/cosmology.htmhttp://cas.bellarmine.edu/tietjen/Ec&Ev_Distance_learning/cosmology.htm H Y B R I D POWER LAW INFLATION OLD INFLATION CHAOTIC NEW INFLATION Hybrid Inflation SLOW ROLLING

  3. 1 FIELD THEORY • Initial conditions: thermal equilibrium at high temperature • Regime during inflation • slow roll • exponential growth • End of inflation • never ending • First order phase transition • Second order phase transition Hybrid Inflation

  4. 1st : initial conditions Thermal equilibrium at high temperature (Old and New inflation) All possible initial conditions (Chaotic inflation) 2nd :regime during inflation Exponential inflation Power law inflation ZOOLOGY of INFLATION 3rd: end of inflation • Slow rollover • First order phase transition • Second order phase transition Hybrid Inflation

  5. HYBRID INFLATION • 2 scalar fields: s and f • f drives the inflation while s drives f • No problems with initial conditions Hybrid Inflation

  6. The effective mass squared of the field s: • For f>fc the only minimum of the effective potential is at s=0 • For f=fc waterfall! • For f>fc phase transition with symmetry breaking Condition for inflation: Hybrid Inflation

  7. WHY HYBRID INFLATION? • It solves the main problems with a 1 field model: specific initial conditions • Agreement with supersymmetric theories and supergravity • Amplitude of adiabatic perturbations: If g1, M=1015 GeV m=5 1010 GeV galaxy scale :l  lce50  /5  10-5 Hybrid Inflation

  8. References • http://physics.stanford.edu/linde/ • http://wlap.physics.lsa.umich.edu/umich/mctp/conf/2001/sto2001/linde/real/thumb.htm • http://nedwww.ipac.caltech.edu/level5/Liddle/Liddle_contents.html • astro-ph/9307002 (Andrei Linde) • astro-ph/0009491 (A.R.Liddle) • astro-ph/9401011 (Copeland, Liddle, Lyth) Hybrid Inflation

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