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VSG Outbrief

VSG Outbrief. WG78/SC214 P19 (Cologne, Germany Aug 2013). Presented by VSG. VSG Status. Standards Validation Report has been updated following analysis of Validation feedback from VSG-VP23 FAA DCL Trials Validation Project B riefing have been presented for the following projects:

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VSG Outbrief

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  1. VSG Outbrief WG78/SC214 P19 (Cologne, Germany Aug 2013) Presented by VSG

  2. VSG Status • Standards Validation Report has been updated following analysis of Validation feedback from • VSG-VP23 FAA DCL Trials • Validation Project Briefing have been presented for the following projects: • VSG-VP23 FAA DCL Trials • Validation Project Coordination is planned Friday for the following projects: • VSG-VP24 FAA Nextgen FIM Human Factors Validation • Validation Report V0.F preparation: • Detailed VO/ORs coverage assessment completion on rev 0.L • Comments on SPR rev 0.L provided to CSG • Conclusion drafting

  3. VSG : approach for detailed Validation assessment Standards Validation Reportwill provide an estimation of the validation coverage • Done at Validation Objectives / Requirements level • Covered (or not) by one or several projects • Supporting Validation means • Estimation of validation coverage as expected by End of 2013 • Based on the validation plans and validation results from the different validation activities (internal and external) • Will allow to confront the validation coverage with the criticality and initial maturity assessment as depicted in the Standards Validation Plan

  4. VSG : overall Validation assessment Based on the list of projects known and assessed by VSG • Per application • technical validation status • e.g. maturity of Interop Requirements • Per service • operational validation status • e.g. maturity of Operational, Safety and Performance requirements • Evaluates validation status as expected by End 2013 • Provides list of expected validation results • Identifies gaps in validation coverage • Provides a level of risk wrt maturity of standards

  5. CM Application Status VSG - P16

  6. CPDLC Application Status VSG - P16

  7. ADS-C Application Status VSG - P16

  8. FIS Application Status DELETED VSG - P16

  9. ATS Services : operational Validation Status VSG - P16

  10. ATS Services : operational Validation Status VSG - P16

  11. ATS Services : operational Validation Status VSG - P16

  12. ATS Services : operational Validation Status VSG - P16

  13. ATS Services : operational Validation Status VSG - P16

  14. ATS Services : operational Validation Status VSG - P16

  15. ATS Services : operational Validation Status DELETED VSG - P16

  16. Technical validation (e.g. Interop maturity) – end 2013 • Good for CM • Assumingthat no significant change isrequired for CM server • Good for CPDLC • No air prototyping for L2K backwards compatibility • No prototypes beyond INTEROP rev 0.H / 0.I • Medium for ADS-C • No air prototyping for ADS-C capabilities beyond 4DTRAD • FIS deleted • Security impact on SC214/WG78 standards is assumed to be limited • Prototyping of security itself is planned to be conducted by one ANSP • Overall concept for use of Data Security has yet to be developed • It willbere-evaluated for next meeting VSG - P16

  17. Operational validation (e.g. SPR maturity) – end 2013 • ACM, DLIC, AMC, PR, CRD, DCL, D-TAXI, OCL and ITP validation objectives expected to besatisfied • Overalloperational validation • IER – validation largelylimited to ADS-C EPP • IM/FIM – validation of HF acceptability of FIM mainly from the flight deck operational perspective • D-OTIS, D-RVR and D-HZWX – deleted • Someoperational validation may come late • 4DTRAD – end-to-end operationswith multiple ANSPs (« brokering » function) likelynot validated on time VSG - P16

  18. Safety And Performance Validation – end 2013 • Validation of Performance Requirements is likely to be Partial : • Initial values have been defined • Validation exercises still on-going • Validation of Safety Requirements is likely to be Partial : • mostly based on internal WG78/SC214 review • valuable result might come from FAA program for DCL and En-route CPDLC VSG - P16

  19. Nextsteps • Outcome of P19 meeting • One project validated IM/FIM is planning to provide results end 2013 with quick look and detailed report for next VSG meeting • Briefing has been done by FAA DCL Trials project • Update of Validation Report v0.F for FRAC • Next VSG: Melbourne SG Meeting (4-8 Nov 2013) • Update on Validation Report (v0.G) wrt updated SPR/INTEROP • Analysis of VP feedback and finalization of internal VA results • Next+1 Plenary: Washington DC. Meeting (13-17Jan 2014) • Focused on Validation Report v1.0 to be release before publication • VSG Plan preparation for additional services and validation follow-up

  20. P17 P18 P19 P20 Meetings SPR & Interop v 0.H v 0.I v 0.K v 0.L v 0.M v 0.N v1 v 0.J Stable draft Stable draft Final version Workingdraft Internalreview FRAC Validation Plan v1 v2 Validation Report Validation Report V1 V0.C V0.D V0.E V0.F V0.G External Validation Projects Validation ResultsSummary VSG - P15 Outbrief

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