Horror: The Conjuring. The target audience for this film is an 18-30 male and female audience but more male this is mostly because the film is rated 18 even though I think a lot of teenagers watch it more. The narrative is of two people who help people when they have spirits or demons, and we are told this and can make it out from the dialect. We can tell the genre is a horror film from the use of background music being intense and menacing and the use of the doll from and already famous horror film called Anabel also. We are introduced to 5 characters but only two are essential to the main film as the opening scene is set before the film takes place. We know the two who are used later in the film are demon fighters who help people. The sound used in this is very intense and very hard for the audience to listen to top signify and try add more horror the the film to make it scarier. The editing techniques used are flash backs to show the views a visual version of the 3 people's story.
War:1917 The target audience for this film would be older teenagers and adult males. The genre is set up by having people in ww1 outfits and set in a camp and having all sorts of mis en scene showing us that it is set in ww1. we are introduced to 2 soldiers in the film ands we know they are fighting in the war. The camera work in this film is that there's only one camera and the films is shot in one take. The sound is dialect and non diegetic sound to create an atmosphere of the first world war. It think this is a very success full opening scene as I haven’t watched the film but its made me want to watch more.
Action: extraction. The genre of the film is action and fighting, we can tell this from the opening scene as there is someone shooting and killing people whilst dressed up as a military person the audience for this film would probably be older males. Only one character is introduced in this first scene who is seen to be a military person. Lots of mid shots are used and the editing used is mostly jump cuts to add fast pace to what's going on this adds the effect of suspense to the film. The sound uses diegetic sound with the gunshots. Overall I think this is a good opening scene as it leaves the audience wanting to know what happens after the main character is shot and why he is fighting people.
Thriller: Bird Box. The target audience for this film would probably have been middle age women. The narrative is people trying to get around and when they go outside, they must wear a blind fold. Only three characters are introduced a mom and her two children maybe. The camera work used is just mid shots the sounds used are just diegetic to make it sound more realistic and make us connect with the characters more. Editing is just jump cuts to keep the film flowing. I think it is a very success full opening scene as it has got the audience asking loads of questions like why do they need blindfolds are why do they have a bird or how did they get there.
Sci-fi: venom. The target audience is for older teenagers and middle-aged male adults. From the opening scene we can see that they narrative is a reporter who is asked to report something and he doesn’t want to do it. Only one character has been properly introduced and we know he is a reporter and the main character. The sound used is background music and the editing used in the scene is a montage. This opening sequence isn’t as good as its not very interesting for the audience.
Conclusion. • All the opening scene had an aspect of suspense and introduced at least one main character. • The most successful was war1917 in my opinion as it was the one that made me most interested. • Least successful was venom as it wasn’t very interesting and a bit boring.