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Explore data on per capita income, average wages, poverty levels, educational attainment, and assistance programs in Multnomah County, Portland MSA, to understand the impact on households.
Per capita income, Portland MSA, US Metro, Multnomah County, 1990-2009 Source: Regional Economic Information System, Bureau of Economic Analysis, US Department of Commerce, Table CA1-3: Personal income, population, per capita income
Portland MSA and Multnomah County average wage as a percent of US metro average wage, 1990-2009 Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis
Percent of jobs by wage, Portland MSA, 2010 Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment Statistics Wage Survey
Federal poverty level vs. household sufficiency standard for specific household types, 2011 Source: The Self-Sufficiency Standard for Oregon by Diana Pearce at University of Washington; US Department of Health & Human Services
Minimum wage as a percentage of wage needed to afford Fair Market Rent in Multnomah County, 2011 Source: Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Percent of families below poverty, by type, Multnomah County vs. PMSA, 2010 Source: Based on survey responses collected between 2010 by the American Community Survey, Table S1702
Self-Sufficiency Standard and Federal Poverty Level for Households in Multnomah County, 2005-2007 Source: Based on survey responses collected between 2005-2009 by the American Community Survey, PUMS data
Unemployment among 16 - 64 year olds, Multnomah County, by educational attainment, 2010 Source: 2010 American Community Survey (ACS), Table S2301
Percent of adults 25-64 with educational attainment of bachelor's degree or higher, 2005-2009 four year estimates Source: Based on survey responses collected between 2005-2009 by the American Community Survey (ACS)
Percent of households that received cash or SNAP assistance, 2008-2010 Source: Based on survey responses collected between 200-2010 by the American Community Survey(ACS)
Children, Adults and Families Supplemental Assistance Program, average monthly benefits, per person, Multnomah County, FY-05-06 – FY 10-11 Source: Oregon Department of Human Services Notes: Does not include seniors or people with disabilities
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) One and Two Parent Program Person, Child and Case Count, FY-05-06 – FY 10-11 Source: Oregon Department of Human Services
Percent of median household income spent on housing and transportation Source: Center for Neighborhood Technology and survey responses collected between 2005-2009 by the American Community Survey
Percentage of home loans that were high cost, 2004-2007 Source: Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Neighborhood Stabilization Program