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Learn about the harmful effects of tobacco use, including nicotine addiction, carcinogens, respiratory diseases, heart and artery diseases, cancer, immune system suppression, secondhand smoke, and risks to pregnant women and infants.
What is Nicotine? The highly addictive drug found in all tobacco products that causes users to keep coming back What is a Carcinogen? Any chemical or agent that causes cancer. What is Tar? A sticky, black substance in tobacco smoke that coats the airways & that contains many carcinogens. What Does Carbon Monoxide Gas Do? It blocks oxygen from getting into the bloodstream.
What Are 6 TypesOf Tobacco Products? Cigarettes Chewing Tobacco Snuff (dip) Pipe Tobacco Cigars Herbal or Flavored Cigarettes (includes Marijuana)
What Are 6 Dangerous Chemicals Found In Tobacco Smoke? • Cyanide - A poisonous gas used to develop photos • Formaldehyde - A substance used to preserve corpses • Lead - A metal that leads to brain damage & birth defects • Vinyl Chloride - A flammable gas used to make plastic products • Carbon Monoxide - A gas that blocks oxygen from getting into the blood stream – leads to brain damage & birth defects • Ammonia - A chemical found in bathroom cleaners
What Are 4 Carcinogens Found In Smokeless & Other Forms Of Tobacco? In addition to tar & nicotine, smokeless forms of tobacco contain: • Arsenic– a poison often used to kill rats • Nickel – a metal • Benzopyrene – a component in pitch or coal • Polonium – gives off radiation
Why Are Herbal Or Flavored Cigarettes Not A Healthy Choice? They contain tobacco & a flavor that makes them taste better to teens. Herbal & Flavored Cigarettes Include: Cloves Bidis Kreteks
Summary • What would you tell a friend who thinks smoking herbal cigarettes is safe? • What are four chemicals found in tobacco products that also have other uses in society (i.e. cleaners, poison, etc.)? Name their uses. • Would you expect any of these chemicals to be healthy for you based on their other uses? Why or why not?
What is Emphysema? A respiratory disease in which air cannot move in & out of the lungs easily What is Sidestream Smoke? Smoke from the tip of a cigarette, cigar, or pipe What is Mainstream Smoke? Smoke inhaled & then exhaled by a smoker What is Environmental Tobacco Smoke? Second-hand smoke – a combination of exhaled mainstream & sidestream smoke
What Are The Short-Term Effects Of Tobacco? Stimulates the brain reward system Increases heart rate Increases breathing rate Increases blood-sugar level & Stimulates the vomit reflex
What Are The Long Term Effects Of Tobacco Use? • Addiction • Nicotine stimulates the brain reward system, and changes the way the brain functions. • Bronchitis & Emphysema • A respiratory disease in which air cannot move in & out of the lungs • Heart & Artery Disease • Nearly 170,000 people die each year from this side effect of smoking. • Cancer • Cigarettes contain carcinogens that cause several types of fatal cancer. • Lung cancer kills more people each year than any other form of cancer.
What Other Damage Does Tobacco Use Cause? Ulcers in the stomach & small intestines, Reduces the stomachs ability to neutralize acid, & causes acid to build up leading to ulcers, Dull skin & loss of elasticity (wrinkles), Clothes, hair, & body smell like an ashtray Stained teeth & fingers, Receding gums, & sores in mouth (dip), & Dulled sense of taste & smell.
What Is Immune System Suppression? Chemicals in tobacco reduce the activity of the immune system cells & makes smokers more vulnerable to disease & cancer.
What Are The Effects Of Secondhand Smoke On A Nonsmoker? Lung cancer caused by secondhand smoke kills over 3,000 nonsmokers in the U.S. each year Reduced heart function, headaches, nausea, & dizziness Children of smokers have more respiratory infections, asthma & ear infections than children of nonsmokers.
How Does Smoking Affect A Fetus? Smoking during pregnancy can cause: • Miscarriage • Premature birth • Low Birth weight Babies in homes of smokers have a higher risk of: • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) • Developmental Difficulties • Nicotine Dependency
Summary 1. Should people be allowed to smoke? Why or why not? 2. Should people be allowed to smoke around children, the elderly, sick people? 3. Is it fair to forbid adults to smoke? 4. Should smoking be banned in all public areas & only allowed within a smokers own home?
What is Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)? A form of medicine that delivers small amounts of nicotine to the body to help a person quit using tobacco.
What Are 5 Reasons People Use Tobacco? • Family & Friends - You are around smoke if people around you smoke • Misconceptions - Don’t know or don’t believe the truth about tobacco. • Advertising - Targets youth - The message: - Smoking makes you sexy/mature/popular etc. • Curiosity - People wonder what the hype is about so they try it & get hooked • Rebellion -Teens will do it just because adults say not to.
What Are 3 Ways Tobacco Affects The Family & Society? 1. Cost to Family • Over $1,500 to buy tobacco/year • Lost wages due to illness • Medical bills • Funeral costs 2. Cost to Society • $138 billion dollars/year in medical care for non-insured people who can’t afford to pay costs • Businesses often pay part of insurance costs • Accidental fires caused by careless smokers
3. Tobacco & The Law • A person selling tobacco to anyone under age 18 faces fines or imprisonment. • Teens who purchase tobacco face fines or community service.
If You Hear This – You Can Say This • “Come on; just try one.” • “Smoking is sexy.” • “Don’t be so paranoid. These are made from cloves, so they’re healthy.” • “Dipping makes you look as cool as a sports star.” • “Everyone else is smoking.” “Isn’t that how you got addicted?” “There’s nothing sexy about smelling like an ashtray.” “They have tobacco, so they’re still bad for you.” “I don’t think I’ll look cool with brown spit.” “So, not smoking makes me unique? I like being unique.”
What Are 3 Skills For Refusing Tobacco? • Be Honest • Be direct, don’t attack, say no without hurting your friendship 2. Give a reason • You have so many reasons to live a healthy life, share them with someone who wants you to smoke to explain why you don’t want to. 3. Suggest an alternative…
Beliefs vs. Reality • “Smoking makes me look more mature.” • “Smoking makes me look sexy.” • “I can stop whenever I want.” • “All the cool kids smoke.” Smoking can make you look older because smoking damages your skin. Smokers get stained teeth, receding gum lines, bad breath, wrinkled skin, & stained fingers Cigarettes are addictive. 3,000 teens start smoking every day; most will not be able to stop Does being hooked on tobacco really seem that cool?
What Are The Benefits Of Being Tobacco Free? Getting fewer colds, sore throats, & asthma Not coughing when not sick Less likely to have yellow teeth, bad breath, or chronic gum disease Being able to smell & taste your food Not smelling like smoke Not exposing loved ones to 2nd hand smoke Not having black bits of tobacco in your teeth & Not having to carry around a cup for spit
What Are 5 Tips For Quitting? 1. Decide You CAN Do It • Use a tool like Nicotine Replacement Therapy or chewing gum to curb the desire to smoke 2. Get Started • Set a date, make a plan & stick to it 3. Change Your Habits • Start healthy habits to replace your negative ones. 4. Set Goals • Then keep them & celebrate when you do. 5. Get Support • There are many support groups that can help you quit.
Summary • What are three reasons people begin using tobacco? • What are two ways tobacco use affects families & society? • What is a strategy a person can use to make quitting smoking easier? • How can you provide support & encouragement to someone who is trying to quit smoking? • Why is it difficult to stay tobacco free?