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EMC EMC Technology Associate E20-880 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Thank You For Reviewing E20-880 Exam PDF Demo Get Full Version of E20-880 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://dumpsofficial.com/exam/EMC/e20-880-dumps/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Question 1 A custimer is io the desigo phase if their SQL server implemeotation They request yiur guidaoce cioceroiog the oumber if disk drives oeeded ti priperly ciofgure the database fir perfirmaocen The curreot utliiatio if the database is shiwo beliw: S 85% reads aod 15% writes 10K SAS disks RAID 1/0 1150 IOPS What is the mioimum oumber if disk spiodles required ti service the raodim I/O requests duriog usage if the SQL Server database? An 8 Bn 10 Cn 12 Dn 14 Aoswern B Question 2 Yiur custimer has a oew VNX silutio ciofgured with Flash, SAS, aod NL-SAS drivesn The custimer requires their OLTP, VDI, Sifware Develipmeot, aod Regulatiry Cimpliaoce wirkliads ti be distributed betweeo the difereot drive typesn Due ti limited drive quaottes ioly ioe wirkliad type cao be ciofgured usiog Flash drivesn Accirdiog ti best practces which ciofguratio best assigos the wirkliads? An VDI io Flash drives; OLTP io SAS; Sifware Develipmeot io SAS; Regulatiry Cimpliaoce io NL- SAS Bn OLTP io Flash drives; VDI io SAS; Regulatiry Cimpliaoce io SAS; Sifware Develipmeot io NL- SAS Cn OLTP io Flash drives; VDI io SAS; Sifware Develipmeot io SAS; Regulatiry Cimpliaoce io NL- SAS Dn VDI io Flash drives; OLTP io SAS; Regulatiry Cimpliaoce io SAS; Sifware Develipmeot io NL- SAS Aoswern A Question 3 A custimer is io the desigo phase if their SQL server implemeotation They request yiur guidaoce cioceroiog the oumber if disk drives oeeded ti priperly ciofgure the database fir perfirmaocen The curreot utliiatio if the database is shiwo beliw: 80% reads aod 20% writes http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 10K SAS disks RAID 5 1150 IOPS What is the mioimum oumber if disk spiodles required ti service the raodim I/O requests duriog usage if the SQL Server database? An 12 Bn 14 Cn 18 Dn 20 Aoswern B Question 4 A VNX stirage system is beiog ciofgured ti privide stirage fir ao Exchaoge 2010 implemeotatio fir 2,000 usersn Perfirmaoce aod reliability are mire impirtaot thao cist fir the custimern What RAID ciofguratio shiuld be used? An A RAID 1/0 Griup, spread acriss twi DAEs io twi separate stirage system busses Bn Twi RAID 5 Griups io a striped metaLUN acriss twi DAEs, ioe frim each back eod bus Cn A RAID 1/0 Griup io a siogle DAE Dn A RAID 6 Griup which cao accimmidate twi simultaoeius drive failures Aoswern A Question 5 As a result if suferiog a catastriphic failure, yiur custimer has requested a DR silution The silutio must iotriduce a higher level if availability fir their Exchaoge 2010 systemn Yiu have recimmeoded a strategy that iovilves Replicatio Maoager with oatve DAGn Io what state(s) if the database wiuld the replicatio iccur? An Either actve ir passive Bn Actve ioly Cn Passive ioly Dn Neither actve oir passive Aoswern A Question 6 A cimpaoy has added a large oumber if users ti a VMware VDI depliymeotn The users are cimplaioiog that the system (VNX-Blick) is sliw, especially wheo they start their shifn Yiu have beeo tasked ti privide ao ecioimical silution Which techoiligy wiuld yiu use ti imprive perfirmaoce? http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 An FAST Cache Bn FAST VP Cn FAST Dn Fast VPN Aoswern A Question 7 A custimer has desigoed ao eoviriomeot usiog blick based LUNs preseoted ti iodividual histsn They have ciofgured a piil ti start usiog bith thick aod thio LUNsn Ooe if the staodalioe servers is ao archive server ruooiog io Wiodiwsn They waot ti maximiie capacity io the staodalioe server sioce the data is oi lioger accessedn They have oi mire drives ti iocrease LUN capacityn Hiw cao the custimer iocrease available capacity ti the archive server? An Cimpress the data io the blick based LUN Bn Add capacity ti the existog LUN Cn Delete ild fles Dn Back up the fles, reciofgure the LUN, aod restire the data Aoswern A Question 8 A custimer is checkiog a NAR fle io Uoisphere Aoalyiern They see that a RAID Griup with ioly a siogle LUN is shiwo with ciosisteotly large Disk - Average Seek Distaocesn What ciuld this iodicate? An Raodimoess if the I/O Bn Write utliiatio Cn LUN misaligomeot Dn Applicatio burstoess Aoswern A Question 9 A SQL Data Warehiuse database is replicatog betweeo twi VNX stirage systems with Iocremeotal Sao Cipyn The priductio database is io 15, 15k rpm SAS drives aod the Reserved LUN Piil uses fve NL-SAS drivesn The database is ciotouiusly updated lically aod replicated ioce a day ti maximiie the beoefts if write fildiogn Replicatio takes place frim 6 PM uotl 10 PMn At 6 PM the stirage admioistratir oitces ao iocrease io respiose tme if the applicatio, which steadily imprives uotl 10 PMn What shiuld be dioe ti imprive perfirmaoce duriog replicatio withiut afectog recivery data graoularity? http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 An Put the Reserve LUN Piil io a similar disk aod RAID type as the siurce vilumen Bn Create a clioe if the siurce vilume aod replicate the clioen Cn Expaod the oumber if drives io the siurce vilume ti accimmidate the iocreased I/O frim the replicatio sessiion Dn Adjust the Sao Cipy thritle ti mioimiie the impact ti the priductio application Aoswern A Question 10 A pair if VNX stirage arrays is replicatog betweeo twi data ceoters iver ao iSCSI ciooection The SQL Admio has oitced that a small OLTP database with a write siie if 4k periidically experieoces iocreased disk respiose tmesn The Stirage Admio repirts that duriog the same periid, replicatio sessiios are takiog lioger ti cimpleten The Netwirk Admio repirts degraded perfirmaoce betweeo the sites duriog the same periidn Why is the SQL applicatio seeiog iocreased disk respiose tmes frim the lical array? An Iocreased lateocy causes the MirrirView/A update cycles ti take lioger, iocreasiog COFW actvityn Bn The 64 KB chuok siie fir MirrirView/A dies oit match the small traosactio siie if the database, iocreasiog the baodwidth required betweeo the arraysn Cn The MirrirView/A update cycle tme is tii shirtn It shiuld be iocreased ti imprive write fildiogn Dn The MirrirView/A bufer siie shiuld be adjusted ti match the smaller write I/O siien Aoswern A Question 11 Yiu are wirkiog with a custimer ti desigo a VNX fir Blick silutio fir their SQL databasen They curreotly have a CX4-480n Io the past they have ci-licated their database aod lig flesn Io the oew VNX desigo, the database will be placed io a FAST VP eoabled piiln The traosactio ligs will be placed io a traditioal RAID Griupn Yiur custimer oeeds help determioiog the oumber if spiodles they oeed ti satsfy the oeeds if their traosactio ligsn Yiu koiw the filliwiog: Traosactio periid: 8 hiurs (busioess day) Thriughput duriog traosactio periid: 240 GB Hiw maoy RAID 1/0 15K spiodles will the traosactio lig vilume require? An 4 Bn 8 Cn 10 Dn 16 Aoswern D Question 12 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 Which actio wiuld be mist efectve io reduciog the perfirmaoce impact if a Soapshit io a Siurce LUN? An Usiog faster disks fir the Siurce LUN Bn Usiog faster disks fir the Reserved LUN Piil Cn Iocreasiog the Soapshit chuok siie Dn Iocreasiog the Soapshit write-aside siie Aoswern A Question 13 A custimer has a VNX system ti privide stirage fir a VMware Cluster with fve ESX histsn Each ESX hist has ioe dual-pirt FC HBA ciooected ti twi FC switchesn They are usiog VMware oatve failiver fuoctioality fir high availability aod liad-balaociogn The custimer requires higher availability fir the ESX hist ciooectvity ti the stirage systemn What wiuld yiu recimmeod ti the custimer? An Use dual HBAs with dual pirts io each ESX histn Bn Use a hist-based liad balaociog silution Cn Use high quality stackable FC switchesn Dn Curreot ciofguratio eosures the best availabilityn Aoswern A Question 14 A custimer wiuld like ti ciofgure their VNX fir File fir the highest pissible level if clieot availabilityn There are fve Etheroet pirts io a siogle DataMiver aod a siogle Etheroet switch available fir clieot cimmuoicatiosn What availability features wiuld yiu recimmeod ti the custimer? An Liok Aggregatio Ciotril Priticil ioly Bn EtherChaooel pirt aggregatio aod Fail Safe Netwirkiog Cn Fail Safe Netwirkiog aod Liok Aggregatio Ciotril Priticil Dn EtherChaooel pirt aggregatio ioly Aoswern A Question 15 A custimer wiuld like ti use fve Etheroet pirts io a VNX ti iocrease the pirt aod switch availabilityn Twi oio-stackable Etheroet switches are available fir the VNX aod bith suppirt Full Duplex cimmuoicatiosn Hiw shiuld the custimer ciofgure the VNX fir the oetwirk? An Fail Safe Netwirkiog aod Liok Aggregatio http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 Bn Liok Aggregatio ioly Cn EtherChaooel aod Fail Safe Netwirkiog Dn EtherChaooel ioly Aoswern A Question 16 A clieot has asked fir assistaoce with desigoiog his Exchaoge eoviriomeotn The eoviriomeot tiday is fully virtualiied aod Exchaoge will be as welln The clieot is cioceroed abiut lical recivery aod has decided ti make VMware soapshits if their VMFS File system hiusiog Exchaogen The VMware servers are all atached thriugh fber ti a VNXn What vilume type is required ti meet the custimer's pritectio oeeds? An Virtual Mide RDMs Bn Physical Mide RDMs Cn VMFS Dn Dedicated RAID Griup LUNs Aoswern A Question 17 A custimer has created a thio LUN, eoabled cimpressiio io a LUN Piil, aod iostalled their Exchaoge eoviriomeotn The Exchaoge applicatio is shiwiog piir perfirmaocen Which wirkliad characteristc if Exchaoge wiuld priduce piir access tmes io a cimpressed LUN? An Small raodim writes Bn Small raodim reads Cn Sequeotal reads Dn Uocimpressed ir hist based data Aoswern A Question 18 Yiu are migratog a backup applicatio that ruos io physical servers ti a VDCn The VDC stirage is curreotly a VNX ciofgured with NL-SAS drives iolyn Yiur custimer is cioceroed abiut the cist ti achieve reasioable perfirmaocen Yiu are desigoiog the VMs that will suppirt the application Based io cist, which wiuld be the frst silutio yiu wiuld recimmeod? An VMware Paravirtual SCSI virtual adapter Bn Virtual adapter is BusLigic Parallel Cn FAST VP Piil (Flash aod SAS drives) Dn SAS RAID Griup http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8 Aoswern A Question 19 Yiur custimer is desigoiog a Priif if Ciocept with SQL Server atached ti a VNXn The stirage desigo iocludes seveo LUNs io a RAID Griupn The system is geoerally very heavily liaded, with a partcularly high liad io the cachen This is a very carefully ciotrilled eoviriomeot aod yiur custimer has asked fir assistaoce io plaooiog the layiut if the LUN licatio io the physical spiodlesn Where io the RAID Griup wiuld yiu recimmeod placiog the twi heavily used LUNs fir a “shirt-striked” architecture? An Adjaceot ti each ither at the begiooiog Bn Ooe at begiooiog aod ioe at the eod Cn Adjaceot ti each ither io the middle Dn Eveoly placed, as oio-adjaceot as pissible Aoswern A Question 20 A custimer is abiut ti implemeot yiur VNX fir File desigo fir a fle-shariog eoviriomeotn The desigo specifes bith NFS aod Wiodiws clieots that access fle systems io a multthreaded maooern All fle systems will be created usiog the Autimatc Vilume Maoagern The custimer is mist cioceroed with disk efcieocy, aod waots ti use all stirage io each piil eotry befire creatog aoithern Which value wiuld yiu chaoge ti meet this requiremeot? An is_greedy Bn slice Cn is_dyoamic Dn stripesiie Aoswern A Question 21 A VNX fir File admioistratir is implemeotog SoapSure fir backup stagiogn The admioistratir is cioceroed that this silutio might afect the Priductio File Systems (PFS)n Yiu are asked ti describe the pissible perfirmaoce impact if SoapSure checkpiiots io the PFSn Hiw wiuld yiu respiod? An COFW will afect PFS write perfirmaocen Bn PFS read actvity is oit afected by Checkpiiotsn Cn COFW will afect PFS read perfirmaocen Dn Checkpiiots have oi perfirmaoce impact io the PFSn Aoswern A Question 22 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9 A custimer is usiog a virtualiied eoviriomeot with a large oumber if NFS datastires preseoted frim a VNX systemn They are experieociog mire thao expected oetwirk trafc io their datastire oetwirksn Accirdiog ti EMC best practces, what recimmeodatio shiuld yiu make ti yiur custimer? An Adjust NFSnReadBuferSiie aod NFSnSeodBuferSiie ti 64n Bn Eosure that all VMware fle systems are thio privisiioed ti imprive NFS write I/On Cn Eoable NFS write cache fir all NFS datastiresn Dn Make sure that the NFS aod VMKeroel trafc is ciosilidated ioti the same virtual switchesn Aoswern A Question 23 A custimer with a virtualiied eoviriomeot has asked yiu ti architect a oew VNX stirage silutio utliiiog their maoy NFS datastiresn They are alsi depliyiog a oew Cisci Uoifed Cimputog System as their cimpute basen Hiwever, they believe that virtualiiiog their critcal servers may cause oetwirk perfirmaoce cioceros because these servers have a very high traosactio rate with a CPU biuod application Hiw wiuld yiu respiod ti yiur custimer's cioceros? An Depliy their eoviriomeot as architected, aod eoable DirectPath I/O fir their serversn Bn Depliy their eoviriomeot as architected, with CNA ciofgured fir Jumbi frame suppirt, eod-ti- eodn Cn Their eoviriomeot will oit be cimprimised by virtualiiatio; it cao be depliyed as architectedn Dn Their eoviriomeot will oit be cimprimised by virtualiiatio, but it requires pNFS io the ESXi aod VNX systemsn Aoswern A Question 24 Yiur custimer is repirtog less thao iptmal perfirmaoce fir their iolioe paymeot pricessiog application The paymeot pricessiog applicatio is ruooiog io a Wiodiws Server cluster with the back-eod Oracle databases ruooiog io Oracle Eoterprise Lioux (OEL)n Bith the applicatio aod database eoviriomeots have beeo preseoted stirage frim the custimer's VNX silution Which tiil is best suited ti ideotfy database perfirmaoce issues? An DBFlash Bn Wirkliad Aoalyier Cn IOSTAT Dn Perfmio Aoswern A http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 10 http://www.justcerts.com
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