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Detailed presentation on key developments, sector activities, and achievements of the Department of Basic Education. Includes context, programs overview, financial report, and performance indicators.
SECOND QUARTERLY REPORT ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE DEPARTMENT IN MEETING ITS STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES FOR 2013/14Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education 18 FEBRUARY 2014 Parliament, Cape Town.
Presentation Outline • PART A • Detailed presentation on Performance Indicators • and Targets • Context - Slides 3-9 • Programme 1 - Slides 10-16 • Programme 2 - Slides 17-33 • Programme 3 - Slides 34-45 • Programme 4 - Slides 46-60 • Programme 5 - Slides 61-68 • PART B • Financial Report for the Second Quarter
PART A Detailed presentation on Programme Performance Indicators and Targets
SECOND QUARTER CONTEXT The Second Quarterly Report on the performance of the DBE in meeting its strategic objectives for 2013/14 is presented in the context of the following key developments in the sector : • The main activity in the sector during the second quarter was the administration of the Annual National Assessments (ANA). The implementation of ANA was a collaborative effort involving the participation of the provincial education departments (PEDs), district officials, principals, teachers, parents and most importantly millions of learners who sat for the tests. The ANAs have become a method of providing overall system feedback to inform the education sector of literacy and numeracy levels. The ANA allows teachers to reflect on their performance and to identify areas that require additional support to ensure that effective learning and teaching takes place. The results were released in the third quarter.
SECOND QUARTER CONTEXT • Education White Paper 6 – Special Needs Education: Building an Inclusive Education and Training System outlines how the state will support all learners to participate and achieve optimally in schoolsthat are welcoming, that respect the dignity of all and do notdiscriminate on the basis of difference, language, culturalbackground, disability, learning difficulties or giftedness.In this regard, the Draft South African Sign Language Curriculum was released for public comment on 5 September 2013 by the issuing a government gazette by the DBE. • The Minister approved a set of Draft Regulations Containing Minimum Uniform Norms and Standards for School Infrastructure. These draft regulations were published in a Government Gazette for public comment on 12 September 2013. • A total of 6 500 Principals and their Deputies have signed-up for participation in the SACE Continuing Professional Teacher Development system. • The DBE commenced its ASIDI one-school-a-week handover schedule, on in July 2013, when the Deputy Minister officiated over the formal handing over ceremony of Ndlovayiphathwa Senior Primary School in Libode district.
SECOND QUARTER CONTEXT • The National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT) was launched on 16 July 2013, as the first practical embodiment of the National Development Plan (NDP) in education. The NECT will bring together the key stakeholders in education to work together to address the many challenges we continue to confront in the basic education sector. Government, business, labour and civil society have all committed to work together to improve learning outcomes for all our children.
PROGRAMMES OF THE DBE The ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN summarises the priorities of the DBE as aligned to the Delivery Agreement of OUTCOME 1: Improving the quality of Basic Educationand the Action Plan to 2014: Towards the Realisation of Schooling 2025 . The activities of the DBE have been structured into five programmes as elaborated in the Annual Performance Plan: • PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION • PROGRAMME 2: CURRICULUM POLICY, SUPPORT AND MONITORING • PROGRAMME 3: TEACHERS, EDUCATION HUMAN RESOURCES AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT • PROGRAMME 4: PLANNING, INFORMATION AND ASSESSMENT • PROGRAMME 5: EDUCATIONAL ENRICHMENT SERVICES
PROGRAMME ONE: ADMINISTRATION The purpose of Programme One is to manage the Department and provide strategic and administrative support services. SUB-PROGRAMMES : Ministry, Department Management Corporate Services, Office of the CFO, Internal Audit and Risk Management, Office Accommodation. Also includes the Branch R sub-programmes : • Strategic Planning, Research and Coordination • Media Liaison and National & Provincial coordination • International Relations and Grant Monitoring & Reporting
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES • To ensure the provision of suitable human resource capacity to support a high performing organization. • To ensure that the basic education sector and the country benefit from targeted support to the education department. • To improve inter-governmental planning, communication, education policy and legislative development.
PROGRAMME ONE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT. The DBE advertised 20 posts during the quarter. Overall 53 appointments were made during the quarter including posts advertised during the previous quarters. The key posts of Chief Director: Curriculum Implementation and Monitoring, Director: Internal Audit and Director: Strategic Planning was filled. MPAT. A presentation was made to Broad Management members on 26 September 2013 to discuss the scores that have been allocated for each standard and the evidence thereto. Internal Audit will certify the evidence and recommend any necessary changes be effected by the MPAT coordinator, after which the self-assessment was submitted to the DG for approval, and thereafter forwarded to DPME by 15 October 2013.
PROGRAMME ONE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS RESEARCH and EVALUATION STUDIES. • The final draft of the Macro Indicator Report on Trends in education Indicators was completed during the quarter. • A report based on statistical and data research on system inefficiencies within the basic education sector has been completed. The report analyses trends in access, enrolment, drop-out, post-schooling and employment as well as possible methods to improve outputs in these key areas using improved accountability mechanisms such as the ANAs. • Provincial quarterly reports based on the Delivery Agreement using a standardised national template were analysed and collated for the fourth quarter. An analysis and summary document has been compiled to provide feedback to provinces, highlight urgent and emerging priorities for the DBE, as well as develop reporting processes between the DBE and provinces.
PROGRAMME ONE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND MULTILATERAL AFFAIRS • The DBE concluded a draft implementation plan for China’s Cooperation Agreement in the Field of Basic Education, signed on 26 March 2013. The implementation plan will be signed during the Minister’s visit to China. (The visit will happen in Quarter 4) • The DBE concluded a Cooperation Agreement (referred to as the Declaration of Intent) between the Government of the Republic of South Africa and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the field of English language in education. The Declaration was signed in January 2014 during the Education World Forum in London. • The DBE concluded the development of a bilateral agreement with Namibia, on sharing of certification data for Grade 12. The agreement is now ready for submission to the Presidency in order for the President to authorize the Minister of Basic Education to sign it with her counterpart.
PROGRAMME TWO: CURRICULUM POLICY, SUPPORT AND MONITORING The purpose of Programme Two is to develop curriculum and assessment policies and monitor and support their implementation. SUB-PROGRAMMES : • Programme Management : Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring; Curriculum Implementation and Monitoring; Curriculum and Quality Enhancement Programmes; and, the Kha Ri Gude Literacy Project.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES • To increase the availability of e-Education learning and teaching resources amongst teachers. • To bring about stability and coherence with respect to the national school curriculum • To pay special attention to improvements in mathematics, physical science and technical subjects. • To promote adequate access to quality learning materials by means of better national specifications on what every learner requires and a more proactive approach towards the cost-effective development, reproduction and distribution of materials such as workbooks and textbooks • To establish national norms for school libraries • To create a sound basis for quality pre-Grade 1 education through the promotion of quality learning and teaching materials at this level • To finalise and promote national screening guidelines that provide for an equitable system of access to special needs support amongst learners
PROGRAMME TWO: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS CURRICULUM IMPLEMENTATION • The Incremental Introduction of African Languages(IIAL) policy will be implemented commencing in Grade 1 in 2015 and will continue until 2026 when it will be implemented in Grade 12. Full implementation of the IIAL will be preceded by a pilot. In readying the system for the implementation of the pilot in 2014, the Department made available the following resources: • CAPS available in all languages (Home and FAL levels) • FAL Workbooks are available for all languages – Grade 1. • National Catalogue of textbooks developed for Grades 1-12 • Exemplar ANA items for drill-and-practice have been developed for distribution. • Special call for submission from publishers – FAL readers and textbooks in African languages. • Ongoing engagements with NGOs
PROGRAMME TWO: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS CURRICULUM IMPLEMENTATION • Two hundred and twenty-four (224) teachers and subject advisors were trained in multi-grade teaching by the Centre for Multi-grade Education of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology in 7 provinces namely, Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, Mpumalanga, Free State, North West, KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng during the quarter. • The DBE has developed study guides in Accounting and Economics (South African Economic Growth and Development Policies and Approaches). The two study guides on CDs were distributed to provincial Curriculum and Teacher Development heads during the HEDCOM subcommittee meeting. The study guides were also uploaded on the Thutong portal. • The DBE has conducted CAPS orientation in Religion Studies, Agricultural Management Practice and Agricultural Technology in Grade 12. The orientation was held on the 23-26 September 2013 and was attended by 25 subject advisors from different provinces
PROGRAMME TWO: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS INCLUSIVE EDUCATION • An audit of 39 Schools for the Deaf was conducted using a survey form. The information gained from the Audit will inform preparation of the system for the implementation of the Curriculum in 2014. • The National Training Programme on the Guidelines for Full Service Schools, Special Schools and Curriculum Differentiation was conducted on 24 – 26 July and attended by 108 Provincial Officials and 36 Unions, DBE and other delegates. The Training Manuals were refined and made available to provinces for their Provincial Training Programme. • The Draft South African Sign Language curriculum was presented to the Minister and gazetted for public comment during the second quarter.
PROGRAMME TWO: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) • The development of 8 interactive workbooks was approved by the Bid adjudication Committee on 21 August 2013. • A total of 447 Digital Content Packs (including interactive workbooks) were distributed to PEDs. • A new landing page of the DBE Educloudwas developed that incorporates the Thutong portal and the Vodacom teacher website. • Connectivity. A list of 3 299 schools to be connected through the License obligation project has been compiled and submitted to ICASA through the Department of Communications. This list includes 511 schools from Gauteng, 412 schools from KwaZulu-Natal, 752 schools from Eastern Cape, 350 schools from North West, 263 schools from Northern Cape, 119 schools from Free State, 418 schools from Limpopo and 473 schools from Mpumalanga.
PROGRAMME TWO: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS LEARNING AND TEACHING SUPPORT MATERIALS • The DBE has consolidated data on learner numbers from provinces to inform printing and distribution of 2014 workbooks. Printing of workbook 1 was completed at the end of August 2013. Printing of 2014 workbook 2 will commence in October 2013 and is planned to be finished by the end of November 2013. Delivery of volume 1 of the 2014 workbooks commenced at the beginning of September. • The development of the following resources, in support of improving Mathematics and Science, is complete and are print ready: • English Grades 12 Mathematics and Physical Sciences textbooks; • Grades 7-9 (English Book A) Natural Sciences, Technology and Mathematics work/textbooks; and • Grade 4-6 Natural Science and Technology has been reviewed
PROGRAMME THREE : TEACHERS, EDUCATION HUMAN RESOURCES AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT The purpose of Programme Three is to promote quality teaching and institutional performance through the effective supply, development and utilisation of human resources. SUB-PROGRAMMES : Programme Management : Teachers, Education Human Resources and Institutional Development ; Education Human Resources Management and Education Human Resources Development; and Curriculum and Professional Development Unit.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES • To ensure the new teacher development plan is translated into a wide range of teacher training materials, collaborative professional development activities within the schooling system and agreements with the relevant service providers • To establish the National Institute for Curriculum and Professional Development (NICPD) in order to promote best practices in classroom teaching and teacher development • To establish an ongoing national campaign for choosing teaching as a career, based on research into who becomes a good teacher and focusing on giving the necessary information and bursaries to interested youths • To bring about a set of planning, management and accountability tools at the school level that cater for South African needs and make quality education more realisable • To develop training strategies and materials aimed at parents that can bring parents more integrally into the new accountability mechanisms being established for schools • To establish better and evidence-based practices and procedures for the country’s 82 education district offices, including models for school interventions designed to tackle specific school shortcomings
PROGRAMME THREE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS TEACHER SUPPLY AND UTILISATION • A strategy to improve teacher recruitment and reduce teacher shortages in schools is finalised. In April 2013, CEM approved a strategy document detailing the strategy on recruitment and deployment of educators which was developed in conjunction with the PEDs. During the months of August and September 2013, implementation support workshops were held in KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, Gauteng Limpopo and Western Cape. Four remaining PEDs will be visited in the third quarter. • Placement of Funza Lushaka Bursary Scheme beneficiaries. As at the end of June 2013, 80% of graduates had been placed in PEDs.
PROGRAMME THREE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS INTEGRATED QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (IQMS) • During August and September, external moderators visited 2 411schools to monitor the implementation of the IQMS as well as other school aspects that have a bearing on IQMS implementation. • The provincial and district breakdown of the 2 411 schools visited for IQMS monitoring is reflected below:
PROGRAMME THREE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS • Schools monitored for “Race to the Top”. Furthermore, external moderators simultaneously profiled 4 452 as part of the Education Collaboration Framework (ECF) initiative in the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North West. This initiative is a holistic and urgent response to the National Development Plan (NDP).
PROGRAMME THREE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS TEACHER DEVELOPMENT • PEDs conducted CAPS orientation sessions for Grade 12 and Senior Phase teachers. The DBE provided planning support to PEDs and monitored the sessions in Eastern Cape, Free State, Gauteng, Mpumalanga and North West provinces. • Workbook Training on the use of Teacher Guides. Workshops to train subject advisors on how to help teachers use workbooks have taken place in Eastern Cape, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape, North West and Western Cape provinces. • CPTD Management System Development. A total of 6 500 Principals and their Deputies got signed-up for participation in the SACE Continuing Professional Teacher Development system (CPTD). Also, the development of the CPTD Management System Guide has been completed and a total of 150 courses have been endorsed by SACE.
PROGRAMME THREE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS TEACHER DEVELOPMENT • Development of courses - Certificate in English First Additional Language. The DBE, in collaboration with the British Council, provided training to 61 provincial Intermediate Phase English First Additional Language (EFAL) Specialists/Subject Advisors in the effective delivery of EFAL across all 9 provinces. • Teacher Centres. A meeting with Teacher Centre Managers was hosted by the Deputy Minister at which partners (Vodacom, UNISA, Mindset, Cisco) committed to strengthening 82 centres. Approximately 20 potential sites were visited by the partners to identify suitability for equipping with ICT and broadcast facilities. Approximately 15 centres are targeted for upgrade in the next quarter.
PROGRAMME THREE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS INITIAL TEACHER EDUCATION • District-based Recruitment Campaign. Selection meetings were held based on the Grade 11 final results or Grade 12 half-yearly results of applicants. The selection meetings ran from the 23 July to 11 September 2013. About 2 000 learners were provisionally selected to be awarded the bursary in 2014 pending the outcome of the final year Grade 12 results at the end of the year. The selected learners are also given provisional admission by all the 22 Higher Education Institutions participating in the bursary programme. DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT • After the gazetting of the district policy on the Organisation, Roles and Responsibilities of Education Districts on 3 April 2013, HEDCOM resolved that the DBE should visit all provinces education departments (PEDs) to get a picture of their activities and good practice to strengthen the District Strategy to Support Schools. In line with HEDCOM recommendation, and to ensure the proper implementation of the Policy, the DBE conducted provincial workshops in the form of Roadshows to mediate the policy and to ensure a common understanding for its proper implementation as envisaged. The road show started on 23 July 2013 until 31 August 2013. All nine provinces were visited. The road show exposed gaps between what existed in districts against policy expectations. Clear activities were outlined for districts to begin addressing their short falls to strengthen strategies to support schools.
PROGRAMME FOUR: PLANNING, INFORMATION AND ASSESSMENT The purpose of Programme Four is to promote quality and effective service delivery in the basic education system through planning, information and assessment. SUB-PROGRAMMES : Programme Management : Planning, Information and Assessment; Information Management Systems; Financial and Physical Planning; National Assessments and Public Examinations; and, the National Education Evaluation and Development Unit; and Planning and Delivery Oversight Unit.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES • To establish a quality system of standardised and benchmarked learner assessments • To ensure that all children complete a quality readiness programme in Grade R before they enter formal education in Grade 1 • To put into place support systems for provinces and schools to improve the physical environs of the school and create enabling conditions for successful teaching and learning • To ensure that districts can use quality information and data about the level and quality of learning in schools to plan and implement school-based improvement programmes
PROGRAMME FOUR: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS NATIONAL SENIOR CERTIFICATE • A total of one hundred and thirty (130) question papers required for the 2013 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations as well as 65 question papers for the blind and 55 question papers for the deaf and 66 non-official languages question papers have been handed over to PEDs for printing. • The ‘Exemplification of Standards of learner Evidence’ in Business Studies, History, Geography and EFAL has been released to provinces for distribution to all Grade 12 teachers and learners in the schools. • The national School-Based-Assessment (SBA) moderators have successfully completed the audit of the Provincial SBA moderation systems, and the first round of moderation of SBA tasks and learner evidence.
PROGRAMME FOUR: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS ANNUAL NATIONAL ASSESSMENTS • Test administration: The test administration took place from 10 – 13 September 2013 in all public and State-Funded Independent schools. The test administration process was a resounding success as most schools wrote according to plan. A total of 75 monitors inclusive of DBE officials and part-time monitors were deployed to monitor 300 schools nationally. • Verification ANA: A consortium of service providers (SAB&T and Deloitte) was appointed to conduct independent verification of ANA 2013. The first phase of the project involved the deployment of field workers in the 2 164 sampled schools for data collection from 9-13 September 2013 during test administration.
PROGRAMME FOUR: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS INFRA-STRUCTURE • Education Infrastructure Grant (EIG). Education Infrastructure Grant (EIG). The total allocation for Education Infrastructure Grant (EIG) is R 6.630 billion with tranche transfers standing at 52.9 % as at 30 September 2013. To date three (3) transfers amounting to R3, 509, 181 billion have been made to respective PEDs. The first and second tranches were transferred on 19 April and 24 May 2013. The third transfer was due on 23 August 2013 and necessary conditions were met. The transfer of tranche payments is dependent on submission of Monthly Infrastructure Reports for the preceding months up to and including September 2013 captured on the IRM. • Accelerated School Infrastructure Development Initiative (ASIDI) : Inappropriate structures. A total of 38 schools (out of 49) have been completed and are in use. 11 schools are between 60% and 95% complete. A total of 158 water supply, 191 sanitation and 118 electrification projects have been completed.