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Understanding Epipolar Geometry for Camera Systems

Explore the concept of epipolar geometry involving two cameras, baseline, epipoles, and epipolar lines in 3D space. Discover how camera matrices link 3D world shapes to 2D images.

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Understanding Epipolar Geometry for Camera Systems

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  1. CS 395/495-25: Spring 2003 IBMR: Week 8A Chapter 8... Epipolar Geometry: Two Cameras: Jack Tumblin jet@cs.northwestern.edu

  2. IBMR-Related Seminars Light Scattering ModelsFor Rendering Human Hair Steve Marschner, Cornell University Friday May 23 3:00pm, Rm 381, CS Dept.

  3. Reminders • ProjA graded: Good Job! 90,95, 110 • ProjB graded: Good! minor H confusions. • MidTerm graded: novel solutions encouraged. • ProjC due Friday, May 16: many rec’d... • ProjD posted, due Friday May 30 • (Last Week’s IAC notes revised...) • Take-Home Final Exam: Thurs June 5, due June 11

  4. Camera Matrix P links P3P2 xfspx0 0 yfpy00 0 1 0 y Input:X 3D World Space Output: x 2D Camera Image x X (world space) z yc C zc xc x(camera space) y x • Basic camera: x = P0 X whereP0 = [K | 0] = • World-space camera: translate X to camera location C, then rotate: x = PX = (P0·R·T) X • Rewrite as: P = K[R | -RC] • Redundant notation:P = [M | p4]M = KRp4 = -K R C ~ ~ ~

  5. Chapter 7: More One-Camera Details Full 3x4 camera matrix P maps P3world to P2 image ? What does it do to basic 3D world shapes? Forward Projection: • Line / Ray in world Line/Ray in image: • Ray in P3 is: X() = A + B • Camera changes to P2: x() = PA + PB yc A PA B p C f zc xc

  6. Chapter 7: More One-Camera Details Full 3x4 camera matrix P maps P3world to P2 image ? What does it do to basic 3D world shapes? Backward Projection: • Line L in image Plane L in world: • Recall: Line L in P2 (a 3-vector): L =[x1 x2 x3]T • Plane L in P3 (a 4-vector): L = PT·L = p11 p21 p31 p12 p22 p32p13 p23 p33p14 p24 p34 x1x2x3 yc L zc p C f xc

  7. Cameras as Protractors cos = x1T (K-TK-1) x2(x1T (K-TK-1) x1) (x2T (K-TK-1) x2) d2 n x2  d1 x1 C L • World-Space Direction: D = [xc, yc, zc, 0]T • Direction from image point x: D = (KR)-1x • Point C and points x1,x2 form angle : (pg 199) (K-TK-1)=  = ‘Image of Absolute Conic’ Line L makes plane with normal n = KT L (in camera coords)

  8. Cameras as Protractors x1 x2 x3 0 x1 x2 x30 P () = (K-TK-1). OK.Now what was  again? • Absolute Conic =all imaginary points on  • Satisfies BOTH x12 + x22 + x32 = 0 AND x42 = 0 • Finds right angles-- if D1D2, then: D1T· ·D2= 0 • Dual of absolute conic is Dual QuadricQ* = allimaginaryplanesto, tangent toQ* • Finds right angles-- if 12, then: 1T· Q*·2= 0 • can writeor Q* as the same matrix: 1 0 0 00 1 0 00 0 1 00 0 0 0

  9. Cameras as Protractors Clever vanishing point trick: • Perpendicular lines in image? • Find their vanishing pts. by construction: • Use v1T v2 = 0, stack, solve for  = (K-TK-1) v3 v2 v1

  10. Cameras as Protractors 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 00 0 1 00 0 0 0 P  = (K-TK-1)=  = ‘Image of Absolute Conic’ • Just as has a dual Q*,  has dual * : * = -1 = K KT • The dual conic * is the image of Q* , so * = P (Q*)= P( ) • Vanishing points v1,v2of 2  world-space lines:v1T v2 = 0 • Vanishing lines L1, L2of 2  world-space planes:L1T* L2 = 0

  11. Movement Detection? • Can we do it from images only? • 2D projective transforms often LOOK like 3-D; • External cam. calib. affects all elements of P • YES. Camera moved if-&-only-ifCamera-ray points (CxX1,X2, etc…) will map to LINE (not a point) in the other image • ‘Epipolar Line’ == l’ = image of L • ‘Parallax’ == x1’x2’ vector X2 X1 x2’ x1’ L x C’ l’ C

  12. Epipolar Geometry: Chapter 8 Basic idea: • Given ONLY images from 2 cameras C, C’ • Different views of same objects X, butwe don’t know world-space points X. • If we choose an x, how can we find x’ ? • How are x, x’ linked? X x’ x C’ C

  13. Epipolar Geometry: Chapter 8 Basic idea: • 2 cameras located at C, C’ in world space. • Find ‘baseline’ through camera centers C, C’ • Baseline hits image planes at ‘epipoles’ Notice baseline and Xform a plane... Many OTHER planesthru baseline ... X x’ x baseline C’ C

  14. Epipolar Geometry: Chapter 8 Basic idea: • 2 cameras located at C, C’ in world space. • Find ‘baseline’ through camera centers C, C’ • Baseline hits image planes at ‘epipoles’ • Family of planes thru baseline are all the ‘epipolar planes’ • Image of planes = lines =‘epipolar lines’ • Lines intersect at epipolar points in both images. x’ x baseline C’ C

  15. Epipolar Geometry: Chapter 8 Summary: • Connect cameras C, C’ with a baseline, which hits image planes at epipoles e, e’. • Chose any world pt X, then  everything is coplanar! epipolar plane includes image points x, x’, and these connect to epipoles e,e’ by epipolar lines L, L’ X epipolar plane  epipolar line L’ epipolar line L x’ x baseline C’ e’ e C

  16. Epipolar Geometry Useful properties: • Every image point x maps to an epipolar line L’also: • Epipoles e,e’ = each camera’s view of the other • All epipolar lines L’ pass through epipole e’ • Epipolar Line L’ is (image of the CX ray...) • Epipolar Line L’ links (image of C) to (image of X) X epipolar plane  epipolar line L’ epipolar line L x’ x baseline C’ e’ e C

  17. Fundamental Matrix: Fx = L’ One Matrix Summarizes ALL of Epipolar Geometry Fundamental Matrix F: 3x3, rank 2. • Maps image point x to image point x’: x’T F x = 0 but F is only Rank 2 – given only x, F cannot find x’ for you!! • Maps image point x to epipolar line L’: F x = L’ X epipolar plane  epipolar line L’ epipolar line L x’ x baseline C’ e’ e C

  18. Fundamental Matrix: Fx = L’ 1) How do we findF? If we know the camera matrices P and P’ (we almost never do), book derives: (pg 224) F = [e’]P’ P+ ?!?!What?!?! point e’ cross product with a matrix p’p+ ?!?! X epipolar plane  epipolar line L’ epipolar line L X() x’ x baseline C’ e’ C (Recall: P+ = PT(PPT)-1, the pseudo-inverse)

  19. Fundamental Matrix: Fx = L’ F = [e’]P’ P+But what’s this? NEW TRICK: • Cross Product written as matrix multiply (pg. 554) a b = = = == [a]·b • Note: a b = -b a = [a]·b = (aT·[b])T X epipolar plane  epipolar line L’ epipolar line L X() x’ x baseline C’ e’ C b1 b2 b3 a2b3 – a3b2 a3b1 – a1b3 a1b2 – a2b1 0 -a3 a2 a3 0 -a1-a2 a1 0 b1 b2 b3 a1 a2 a3 ‘skew symmetric’ matrix

  20. Fundamental Matrix: Fx = L’ • 2) What is F if we DON’T know the cameras P, P’,but we DO know some corresp. point pairs (x, x’)? • F finds epipolar line L’ from point x : Fx = L’ • (Recall that if (any) point x’ is on line a L’, then x’T L’= 0) • Substitute Fx for L’: x’TF x = 0 AHA! we can find F using DLT-like method! see Chap. 10 X epipolar plane  epipolar line L’ epipolar line L X() x’ x baseline C’ e’ C

  21. Fundamental Matrix Summary (pg. 226) F is 3x3 matrix, maps P2P2, rank 2, 7-DOF • If world space pt X image space pts. x and x’ then x’TF x = 0 • Every image pt has epipolar line in the other image:Fx = L’FTx’ = L • Baseline pierces image planes at epipoles e, e’ : Fe = 0 FTe’ = 0

  22. Fundamental Matrix Summary (pg. 226) F is 3x3 matrix, maps P2P2, rank 2, 7-DOF • Given camera matrices P, P’, find F matrix by: F = [e’] P’ P+ (recall: e’ is image of C: e’ = P’C) • F is unaffected by any proj. transforms done on BOTH cameras(PH, P’H) has same F matrix as (P, P’) for any full-rank H (e.g. F measures camera C vs. Camera C’ only, no matter where you put them)

  23. Fundamental Matrix Uses tx ty tz Special case: camera translate only (no rotations) • Camera matrices are P= K[ I | 0 ], P’ = K[I | t ] • where K is internal calib., t is 3D translation vector • F matrix simplifies to F = [e’] • Epipolar lines are all parallel to direction t • x,x’ displacement depends only on t & 3D depth z: x’ = x + (Kt)(1/zc)

  24. Fundamental Matrix Uses Can we find a camera matrix from motion + fundamental F? • Let one camera position define the world’s coords:P = P0 = K[ I | 0 ], and other is P’ = [M | m] = K[R | -RC] where K is internal calib., R is rotation C is position • F matrix simplifies to F = [m]M • If we know how we moved the camera (R,C matrices) then find F by correspondence and solve for K. (pg 237) • No R, C matrices? Use Essential Matrix (pg 238) ~ ~

  25. Fundamental Matrix Properties (pg. 226) Why bother with F? • Can find it from image pt. correspondences only • Works even for mismatched cameras (example: 100-year time-lapse of Eiffel tower) • Choose your own world-space coordinate system. • SVD lets us recover P0, P’ camera matrices from F (See 8.6 ‘The Essential matrix’pg 240) • Complete 2-camera mapping from worldimage • 2 images + corresponding point pairs (xi,x’i)F • Let camera coords == 3D world coords, then (xi,x’i)Xi

  26. Correspondence Problem: Where Computer Vision, IBMR part ways: Fundamental Matrix + Corresponding point pairs (x,x’)  How can we ‘blunt’ the correspondence problem?

  27. END

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