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Understanding Islamic Ethics: Compassion & Kindness

Explore the importance of family, neighbors, and the needy in Islam. Learn how Hadith guides believers on treating orphans, widows, and more.

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Understanding Islamic Ethics: Compassion & Kindness

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  1. Questions about Islamic Ethics and Hadith Part #4 50 Questions

  2. Why all this excessive kindness to the parents? • Out of love. • It is a religious duty. • They deserve it. • All the above. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  3. Muhammad (pbuh) said "The gateway to Heavens is through the satisfaction of mothers." How come? • The mother deserves extra attention. • Repaying her extra work and toil, she deserves extra attention. • She is likely to be ignored. • It is a heavenly command. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  4. What kind of treatment should a Muslim aim for to please his parents? • Have tender cordial relationships. • Be supportive and respectful. • Be helpful, kind and considerate. • Ease the financial burden if need be + above. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  5. What does the Holy Quran say about treating relatives? • Be close to them, kind and considerate. • Their priority is second to the parents. • Eye for eye and tooth for tooth a + b. • Full support and cooperation + a and b. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  6. "The best of you towards Allah are those who are best towards their own family." What does this Hadith mean? • Allah loves those who are good to their family. • A good family is the basis of society. • We are urged to do our best in our family relationship. • All the above. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  7. "Who is the closest to you in your family? Then who? Then who?" What does this Hadith mean? • Mother and father; brothers and sisters; aunts and uncles. • Grandparents, brothers and sisters. • Aunts and uncles and grandparents. • A above in descending order. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  8. What does the Holy Quran say about neighbors? • Don't interfere with their affairs. • To mind their own business, mind your business + a. • Treat them as if they are your family. • Don't antagonize them at all. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  9. "He who believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment, let him cause no harm to his neighbor." What does this Hadith mean? • The great value Islam gives to the neighbors. • All neighbors deserve the standard of excellence. • Nasty neighbors are not to be so treated + b. • a above if they are good. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  10. Give us more Hadiths about neighbors. • "He is beloved by Allah he who is best among friends." • a + "and is best in his neighborhood." • a + "and is best to his mom and dad." • a + "and is best to Allah's creatures." Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  11. Islam urges us to help the needy and visit the sick. Why the sick? • To give them medicine. • Give them love in times of need + a. • Make them feel better psychologically. • All the above. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  12. Why does Islam urge us to treat our wives with tenderness and respect? • They are too sensitive and need our appreciation. • They are always good, need acknowledgement. • They need constant assurance + a and b. • The head of the family is to return the favor to the wife. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  13. "With kindness do admonish your wives." What does this Hadith mean? • A good wife deserves all degrees of kindness. • A good wife deserves all kinds of love. • On receiving appreciation and love, a smart wife will reciprocate + a and b. • Admonish her only if she deserves that + a and b. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  14. "A virtuous wife is a man's best treasure." What does this Hadith mean? • Virtue of a woman is the basis of family integrity. • Virtue leads to stability and trust + a. • Virtue leads to insecurity and disgust. • Virtuous wife is rarely appreciated. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  15. Why does Allah the Almighty command us to be very helpful to the widows and the orphans? • They always need help. • They are in a disadvantaged condition. • They might hold inferiority complex + b. • To make them feel good + all above. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  16. Give us some Hadiths about the place of the widow and the orphan in Islam. • "Striving for the widows and the disadvantaged:" • "Is like he who strives in the way of Allah" + a. • "Is like a hero going to Heaven" + a. • "Is like a true Muslim, full of faith" + a. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  17. What if an orphan or widow is ill-treated? • Person will go to Hell. • It will cost the person demerits. • Person is non-Muslim. • Person is crude, non-sensitive and cruel. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  18. How many orphans and widows have you helped? • None so far but I intend to help in the future. • Few. • 10 to 20. • 25 to 50. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  19. How does Islam teach us to treat women? • In a tender gracious manner. • In a demanding but respectful way. • In a loving, tender way, but she is to reciprocate. • One-sided way of respect + a. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  20. "The rights of women are sacred." What does this Hadith mean? • Islam believes in equal rights. • Rights of women are taken seriously. • b + religiously binding. • b + on condition they do their homework. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  21. What does Islam teach us about debts? • Have the intentions to pay it back. • Do it in writing. • a and b above done in court. • a and b above done privately. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  22. "To delay paying back a debt is a form of malice." What does this Hadith mean? • To return the favor you pay back the debt promptly. • Paying back debts is binding. • It is sinful not to pay back debts. • All the above. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  23. What does Islam recommend about treatment of thieves? • Put them in jail. • Chop their head off. • Cut the hands of any thief. • Cut their hands only if the reasons for their thefts meet strict criteria. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  24. What does the Holy Quran say about thieves? • Stealing is a grave sin. • As to the thief, male or female, cut off his/her hand. • b + to be an example. • Only when they satisfy certain strict criteria + above. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  25. Is stealing a grave sin? • Yes, it is. • No, it is a mild sin. • It is not a sin. • It is a sin only if the thief does not need the item. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  26. Who gets hurt from the act of stealing? • The owner. • The people who buy the goods. • Everyone who potentially deals with it. • Only the thief when caught. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  27. Is stealing against the integrity of the faithful? • It is destructive. • It is wrong in most circumstances. • It is sinful. • All the above. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  28. What does Islam say about honest work? • Urges us to do honest work. • Only encourages us for that. • The only way there is to work + b. • One of the ways to do so. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  29. Is begging good? • Yes if you are a beggar. • Demeaning to the soul, ills the spirit. • An abhorrent thing to Islam. • Society is to provide jobs + b and c. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  30. What is usury? • Using machines in a certain way. • High taxation. • High interest rates. • Charging interest rates for lending. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  31. What does the Holy Quran say about usury? • "Usury belongs to Satan, so avoid it." • "Allah will deprive usury of all blessings." • "Usury belongs to Ahlul Kitab, so avoid it." • b + "But will increase it for deeds of charity." Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  32. Why is usury forbidden in Islam? • Increases the burden of the needy. • Increases class difference of wealth in society. • Increases greed of lenders. • All the above. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  33. What is the stand of Islam towards liquor? • Encourages us to get drunk • Mildly prohibiting it. • Use it to cook with. • Complete prohibition. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  34. Why do you think Islam prohibited drinking alcohol? • Source of numerous tragedies. • Grave danger to health, and finance + a and c. • A big burden on society, and family. • Only a and c above. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  35. "Don't drink liquor, for it is the root of evil." What does this Hadith mean? • Liquor can lead to numerous mishaps. • Liquor can destroy families. • Liquor can be the source of numerous problems. • All the above. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  36. How does alcohol hurt our health? • Damages the mental condition, stomach, intestine and bones. • Damages the liver severely + c • Damage the brain tissue. • a and c above. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  37. How does alcohol hurt our finances? • It cost a lot of money. • Often it leads to missing work. • a and b + money missed can be used for family. • a and b + gives false security. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  38. What is an alcohol dependent person? • Someone who cannot be without alcohol. • Someone who depends on alcohol when in distress. • Someone who has to drink when preparing for a fight. • Someone who likes the taste but hates the smell of alcohol. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  39. What does Islam say about marriage? • Encourages marriage. • Live a fruitful happy life + a. • Live fighting each other + a. • Live secluded life + a. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  40. "The most valuable thing in the world is a virtuous woman." What does this Hadith mean? • A virtuous woman will practice Islam to the fullest. • Will be best for the family + a. • Will be active in her career + a. • Will be active in government + a. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  41. Give us some Hadiths about married life. • "Give your wife good council." • "The best of you are those who behave best to their wives." • "Wives should bow in obedience to their husbands." • a and b above. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  42. Why should a husband and wife be devoted to each other? • It is so nicely selfish. • It leads to the best relationship. • It is best for the children at first. • a and b above. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  43. What does Islam say about adultery? • It is a grave sin, therefore allowed a few times. • a above but allowed before marriage . • a above but not allowed at all. • Can be done and Allah will forgive any time. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  44. How does the Holy Quran treat those who commit adultery? • Stoning, if adultery is proven beyond a doubt. • Cutting their hands off. • A smile and a bow. • Stoning once suspicion is aroused. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  45. What commands does the Holy Quran give us for man/woman relationship? • Enjoyment of each other through marriage. • Amiable decent relationship. • Respect of person rights through intense negotiations. • Respect of personal rights + and b. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  46. Does Islam emphasize preventive measures? • Yes, and it is very good. • No, it does not have to. • Only occasionally. • In emergency situations. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  47. How does Islam treat divorce? • Be free to divorce. • The right to divorce is acknowledged. • b + divorce is better if avoided. • a + divorce is better if practiced. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  48. Give us some examples of Hadith about divorce? • "Divorce is lawful in the eyes of Allah. • "The most detestable of all lawful things is divorce." • "No divorce in Islam is ever allowed." • "Only men have the right to divorce." Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  49. Does Islam keep the rights of the divorcees well? • Yes, in full equity. • Islam favors men. • Islam favors women at the expense of men. • Yes, but there is discrepancy. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

  50. What does Islam say about murder? • "Killing a human being is like killing all humanity." • "Killing is lawful in just cause + a." • Killing is the gravest sin of all. • Killing is rewarded with damnation + c. Questions, Islamic Ethics and Hadith, Part 4

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