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The Personnel Committee discusses the implications of defined benefits and defined contributions plans, with input from DB experts. Discussions to be held at the upcoming Inter-Faculty Council meeting.
RP&A Defined Benefits vs Defined Contributions Referral: The Personnel Committee is asked to explicate the ramifications of defined benefits versus defined contributions plans A straw poll was conducted with an overwhelming majority for DB Profs. Davis, Isaac, and Schulz will participate in discussions on this issue at the upcoming Inter-Faculty Council meeting
RP&A Emergency access to electronic records With input from ITCC, RP&A proposes the following amendment to the motion of ITCC: The campus faculty representative providing signature of approval should be the President of Faculty Senate, or if he/she is unavailable the Past President, or if he/she is unavailable the President Elect.
RP&A S&T representative to UM Shared Services Oversight Committee. RP&A makes the following motion: “Be it resolved that the Missouri S&T Faculty Senate respectfully requests representation on the UM Shared Services Oversight Committee.”
RP&A UM System Awards. A status report on the recommendations of the UM System Awards committee was given at the August, 2010 IFC meeting. This report suggested that in the proposed award structure the relative importance of the traditionally main responsibilities of faculty (scholarly activities and teaching) would be significantly reduced in favor of a greater emphasis on service activities. RP&A makes the following motion: “S&T Faculty Senate moves to have President Isaac convey its recommendation to IFC that the System Awards should be focused on the main responsibilities of the faculty.”
RP&A Election of Standing Committee members Dr. Potthast was elected to serve on the Intellectual Property Committee, however, he has since left S&T. RP&A nominates Dr. Eun-Soo Park to take his spot on this committee. Due to the resignation of one of the elected Grievance Review panelists a replacement election had to be conducted. Because of time constraints on an ongoing hearing this was done by e-mail ballot. Dr. Chaman Sabharwal was elected.