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Hepatitis in Pregnancy: Impacts, Transmission Risks, and Management

Explore the physiological changes in the liver during pregnancy, including increased blood volume and cardiac output, and the impact of hepatitis on pregnant women. Learn about the transmission risks of hepatitis viruses to infants and the management guidelines for acute viral hepatitis during pregnancy.

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Hepatitis in Pregnancy: Impacts, Transmission Risks, and Management

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  1. Hepatitis in Pregnancy Women's Hospital School of Medicine Zhejiang University

  2. Summary of physiological changes in the liver during pregnancy Increased: Blood volume and cardiac ouput rise by 35%–50% Alkaline phosphatase levels rise threefold or fourfold due to placental production Clotting factor changes create a hypercoagulable state Decreased: Gallbladder contractility Hemoglobin Uric acid levels Albumin, total protein, and antithrombin III concentrations No change: Liver aminotransferase levels (aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyl transferase) Bilirubin level Prothrombin time

  3. The impact of pregnancy on the hepatitis • The course of most viral infections is not affected by pregnancy • To made the pathogenetic conditionviral exacerbations and complicated • The high incidence ofsevere hepatitis and hepatic coma

  4. Hepatitis on pregnancy • First trimester • Hyperemesis gravidarum increased • the high incidence of abortion and fetal malformation • associated with the incidence of Down syndrome • Second and third trimesters • a higher incidence of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy • a higher incidence of postpartum hemorrhage

  5. Vertical transmission of hepatitis virus (Mainly by hepatitis B)

  6. HAV • There is no evidence that HAV causes birth defects • There is no evidence of maternal-fetal transmission • In rare circumstances in which the mother has acute HAV infection at the time of delivery • immune serum globulin may be administered to the infant • Even under these conditions, the risk of transmission to the infant seems very small • Anti-HAV IgG antibodies is not transmitted frominfected mothers to newborn infants

  7. HBV • Evidence suggests that transmission of HBV to infants is common • when mothers have acute infection in the third trimester • when they are chronic carriers of HBV infection and have positive results for HBeAg or HBV DNA • The risk of transmission is highest in mothers who are HBeAg - positive at the time of delivery • Newborn baby has a 90% likelihood of becoming infected. • Approximately 25% of infected infants will become chronic carriers.

  8. The rate of vertical transmission of hepatitis C is less than 5% The risk is higher if the mother is co-infected with (HIV) if she is viremic at the time of delivery if her viral DNA load is greater than 1 million copies/ml if the time from the rupture of membranes to delivery is more than 6 hours. HCV

  9. Transmission occurs intrapartum and peripartum through close contact of mother and neonate. Significant vertical transmission among HEV-RNA positive mothers of up to 50%. Among women with symptomatic infection the rate of transmission is up to 100%, with significant perinatal morbidity and mortality. HEV

  10. HGV • Most cases of hepatitis G are transferred through contaminated blood products. • It is most commonly found among individuals infected with hepatitis C or HIV. • Perinatal transmission does occur, however, evidence suggests that it does not cause clinical disease in newborns. • Currently no therapy is available other than prevention

  11. Diagnoses • Epidemiological history • Clinical manifestations • Laboratory Studies : the most useful tests • evaluation of urine bilirubin and urobilinogen, total and direct serum bilirubin, ALT and/or AST, alkaline phosphatase, prothrombin time, total protein, albumin, complete blood count, and in severe cases serum ammonia. • the differential diagnosis with other forms of viral hepatitis requires serologic testing for a virus-specific diagnosis. • Type of hepatitis during pregnancy

  12. Type of hepatitis during pregnancy • Acute hepatitis • Chronic active hepatitis • Acute severe hepatitis

  13. Differential Diagnosis of Liver Disease in Pregnancy

  14. Management of Acute Viral Hepatitis inPregnancy

  15. Acute severe hepatitisDiagnostic points • Severe gastrointestinal symptoms • Rapidly deepening jaundice • Hepatic encephalopathy • Liver function :severely abnormal • Renal failure • Coagulopathy

  16. Guidelines for severe hepatitis • Protect the liver • Prevention of encephalopathy • Prevention of DIC • Prevention of hepatorenal syndrome

  17. HBV • Taking lamivudine before becoming pregnant and continuing to take it throughout the pregnancy • lower rates of transmission of the virus from mother to newborn • Lower transmission rates have also been seen in pregnant women with a high viral DNA load

  18. HBV • The administration of hyperimmune globulin and HBV vaccine protects 90% to 95% of infants from HBV infection. • It is recommended that 0.5 ml, of HBIG be given at birth and that three doses of HBV vaccine be given beginning at birth.

  19. HCV • The mode of delivery does not seem to influence the rate of transmission from mother to child • Infection prior to delivery has been shown to occur in as many as 33% of patients • An elective cesarean section has been suggested for patients co-infected with HIV • reduce maternal-fetal transmission by up to 60%

  20. Gestational Diabetes

  21. Definition: • CHO intolerance of variable severity that begins or is first recognized during pregnancy. • Applies regardless of whether insulin is used for treatment or the condition persists after pregnancy. • Does not exclude the possibility that unrecognized glucose intolerance may have antedated the pregnancy.

  22. Classification of Diabetes

  23. Class A: Abnormal GTT at any age or of any duration treated only by diet therapy A1 -Diet Controlled GDM A2 -Insulin-treated GDM Classification of Diabetes in Pregnancy

  24. Maternal: Hypoglycemia Infection Ketoacidosis Deterioration in retinopathy’ Increased proteinuria+edema Miscarriage Polyhydramnio Shoulder dystocia Preeclampsia Increased caesarean rate Future type 2 diabetes Fetal: Congenital abnormalities Increased neonatal and perinatal mortality Macrosomia Birth trauma Late stillbirth Neonatal hypoglycemia Polycythemia Jaundice Hyperbilirubinemia Complications of pregnancy in GDM

  25. RISK FACTORS FOR GDM • Previous diagnosis of GDM • A strong FH of type 2 DM • Previous delivery of a macrosomic infant • Member of a high-risk population (Aboriginal, Hispanic, South Asian, Asian or African descent) • Age  35 years • Obesity (BMI  30 kg/m2) • Polycystic ovarian syndrome and / or hirsutism • Acanthosis nigricans • Corticosteroid use

  26. Screening-cont: Women (at low risk) with ALL of the following characteristics need not be screened with a laboratory blood glucose test. • Less than 25 years of age • Normal body weight with BMI < 25 • No first degree relative with DM • Not a member of an ethnic group at increased risk for type 2 DM: women of Hispanic, African, Native American, South or East Asian or Pacific Islands ancestry • No hx of abnormal glucose metabolism • No hx of poor obstetric outcome

  27. SCREENING SCREENING All pregnant women between 24 and 28 weeks If multiple risk factors are present, assess during each trimester. 1hPG following 50-g glucose load at any time of day 1hPG=7.8-10.2 1hPG10.3 75-g OGTT. Measure FPG, 1hPG, 2hPG If 2 values are met or exceeded FPG  5.3 1hPG10.6 2hPG 8.9 GDM IGT of pregnancy If 1 value is met or exceeded

  28. Management • The goal is to prevent adverse pregnancy outcomes. • A multidisciplinary approach is used. • Patient is seen every 1-2 wks until 36 wks gestation and then weekly. • Patient is asked to keep an accurate diary of their blood glucose concentration.

  29. Management • The glycemic targets associated with the best pregnancy outcome in GDM are: • Preprandial < 5.3 mmol/L • 1-hour postprandial < 7.8 mmol/L • 2-hour postprandial < 6.7 mmol/L • Women with GDM should carry out frequent fasting and postprandial home blood glucose monitoring in order to achieve glycemic targets.

  30. Management • Blood glucose monitoring • Diet • Exercise • Physical activity should be encouraged • Insulin • Oral Hypoglycemic Medications

  31. Know your blood sugar level & keep it under control You may have to test four times a day: In the morning before eating breakfast, referred to as the Fasting glucose level 1 or 2 hours after breakfast 1 or 2 hours after lunch 1 or 2 hours after dinner You may also have to test your glucose level before you go to bed at night. This is referred to as your nighttime or nocturnal glucose test. 31 of 42

  32. Dietary Therapy • Nutrition therapy is the primary treatment of GDM, although evidence on the optimal diet is lacking. • Carbohydrate intake should be distributed over 3 meals and at least 3 snacks (one of which should be at bedtime). • Hypocaloric diets are not recommended. Refer to a dietitian

  33. Insulin Regimen • Pt should check their fasting glucose and a 1 hour or 2 hour postprandial glucose level after each meal, for a total of four determinations each day. • If the fasting value is > 95 mg/dL, or 1 hr value > 130-140 mg/dL or 2 hr value > 120 mg/dL, insulin therapy needs to be initiated.

  34. First trimester u/s and a fetal echo to assess congenital cardiac anomalies. Second trimester u/s to assess fetal growth. Twice weekly testing NSTs and amniotic fluid volume determination beginning at 32 wks gestation to assess fetal well-being. Antepartum Testing

  35. Delivery • Timing and mode of delivery individualised • Early delivery may be indicated for: • women with poor glycemic control • pregnancies complicated by fetal abnormalities Otherwise, pregnancies are allowed to go to term.

  36. Delivery • Most common complication = shoulder dystocia • 31% of neonates weighing >4,000g* • Data does not support the use of C-section to avoid birth trauma *13% error rate estimating fetal weight by untrasound

  37. What is a reasonable approach? Offer elective C-section • Estimated fetal weight >4,500g • Patient history and pelvimetry • Discuss risks and benefits

  38. Delivery No indications to pursue delivery before 40 weeks in patients with good glycemic control… *Unless other maternal or fetal indications are present

  39. Intrapartum The goal is to maintain normoglycemia in order to prevent neonatal hypoglycemia. • Check patient’s glucose q1-2 hours. • Start insulin drip to maintain a glucose level of between 80 - 110 mg/dL. • Observe infant closely for hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, and hyperbilirubinemia after birth.

  40. Postpartum Care After delivery: • Measure blood glucose. -fasting blood glucose concentrations should be <105 mg/dL and one hour postprandial concentrations should be < 140 mg/dL. • Administer one half of the pre-delivery dose before starting regular food intake.

  41. Postpartum Care-cont: Follow up: • Per American Diabetes Association, a 75 g two hours oral GTT should be performed 6-8 wks after delivery.

  42. Postpartum Care-cont: Follow up: • If the pt’s postpartum GTT is normal, she should be re-evaluated at a minimum of 3 years interval with a fasting glucose. • All pts should be encouraged to exercise and lose wt. • All pts should be evaluated for glucose intolerance or DM before a subsequent pregnancy.

  43. Thanks four your listening

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