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The Eternal Light: A Journey to Inner Truth and Universal Freedom

Explore the search for true freedom and inner peace through the revelation of universal signs. Discover the importance of differentiating between truth and falsehood, guided by the inner self and external influences. Experience the transformation towards embracing the eternal light and finding harmony within oneself. Let the eternal teachings guide you towards spiritual enlightenment and self-realization.

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The Eternal Light: A Journey to Inner Truth and Universal Freedom

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  1. Who am I (Click anywhere in slide-show for 7+1)paragraphs, Click on Speaker for music) “No prophetic message ever came just from the will of man, but men were under the control of the Holy Spirit as they spoke the message that came from God” Man primarily wishes for freedom so as to experience love and peace. He is encountered by invisible and indefinable forces. No power on earth gives him true freedom. Good time furtively turns into bad; hopeful events smash up into horror; beloved one doesn’t remain faithful; the doctrine cheat the reasoning; advices seem fake; sorrow overcomes the rare delights. Man is not aware of his birth, death and the life even. All the disasters from nature, failures in life, frustrations in relations and the handcuff on the arms point towards the man-external for its cause. Nobody else can save you from this catastrophe, but you. Only you alone can save You. When man was created by Him in His likeness, God the Lord filled man with the likeness of trinity for the completion of the likeness of human, with the Lord. Man- Eternal (Inner / Soul),Man-External, Man-Intellectual are the three. The Lord introduce himself as “I am who I am”. Man too introduces himself in the same way, but veiling the inner man and stressing the earthly one, the man-intellectual. The universal reason for every damage happen to man is the love of the inner man on the man-intellectual. With a piece of bread to content his hunger, the man-external needs the support of the inner man as well, as the man-intellectual. To hear, to know, to believe and to love the only God, man-intellectual needs the help of both man-external and the man-inner. To obey the Moral Law, the man-external needs to take the consent from both the man-intellectual and the man-eternal. The man-eternal do not associate with the other two earthily entities until they know the Truth and glorify Him. Because “He is who He is”, is the Soul or the Real. The inner man silently witnesses the deeds of man-intellectual which it does through the man-external. To differentiate between the Truth and Falsity, the man-external needs the guidance from the man-intellectual who further needs the confirmation from the man-internal. Where are you?

  2. Scriptures, Scriptures, Scriptures everywhere. (Click anywhere in slide-show for 7+1)paragraphs, Double-click Speaker for music) The man-internal awaits the news from man-external about the universal sign raised by the God-Eternal . On seeing the ETERNAL Sign of the Cross and hearing the news of the universal freedom, realizing the reliability of the news heard, the man-intellectual confesses and kneels to the man-inner. Apologizing for his misunderstanding the man-intellectual declares the man-Inner as the Real one among the three. Then the veil between the three tears off, for the eternal light to enter and the earthily entities rejoice in the new world in association with the reverenced heavenly entity, the man-inner or the man-eternal or ‘Aham’ or the Christ. The man-external who is exposed to the idiotism of the satanic world, is strengthened by the man-intellectual in association with the man-inner. Scriptures, Scriptures, Scriptures everywhere. A fancy dress of scriptures performed by the so-called scholars. Claiming as revelation, they quote the words already inscribed in the past by disciples or prophets or men of Words. They call it Word of God! What about the scripture inscribed by Lord the God in the heart of man? Mathew, Mark, etc just perused what they saw or witnessed or experienced. In the Light of Holy Spirit, they evaluated and proclaimed the Truth evolved from it. Thesame, same,same and only the Holy Spirit inspire all who follow Jesus Christ, who is the Will of God. I left it behind for you to Know that, you are defeated and YOU won

  3. Halleluiah (Click anywhere in slide-show for 7+1)paragraphs, Double-click Speaker for music) As the Lord revealed to John the disciple through His Spirit (Rev14::6), he saw an angel fly in the midst of heaven,having with him the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, “Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” Is it that the Bible we have today is a defaced Bible provided by the Lord for the mankind? Never! It reveals to any reader that, despite the augmented argument of church (all the churches on the earth) which hold up the proclamation of St. Paul (Gal.1:9), the Bible presently distributed is not true to its purity. It can not claim the inerrancy. The Greeks/ Babylonians and various Eulogists to them mutilated the Bible for their selfish desires. Achieved what was wished, they perished into the chaos. Thus the churches of the earth started preaching as they wished, with blasphemy. Some points are so malicious that even the faith of the weak is at stake. The three main identification marks of these earthily churches are that they do not know 1) what Faith is, 2) what Word of God is, and 3) what the Holy Spirit is. They speak copiously about these but do not know the Truth. They plunder the worldly books to learn this heavenly Wisdom. An angel flyin the midst of heaven

  4. What’s the Faith on God, the Lord (Click anywhere in slide-show for 7+1)paragraphs, Touch Speaker for music) Faith is the fruit of the knowledge. You had faith in Atom bomb that it might help mankind to glorify them, but it didn’t. You have faith in your sound that it will help you. A dumb man has the faith of the same intensity but on his limbs. A paralyzed dumb man has the same faith but on his caretaker. Also you have faith in condolence when in need. People of God had faith on the Manna, then on the Quails, fallen from nowhere, then on non-vegetarian food, then on vegetarian food and finally on the Fast foods. You have faith on medicine, on machinery, on lover or on priest. As you learn better about, you change medicine, machinery, lover or church. So as to lead you, you had faith in Theocracy. For your knowledge, you disregarded Theocracy and opted for Autocracy, then Aristocracy, then Democracy, etc and finally for Puzzledocracy (a mixture of crazy isms). Your knowledge fructifies so, as you may love them or may hate them. But the faith on God is purely a gift-eternal, a gift never to be returned. While you search for the Heaven the Truth, for the real Consolation and Recognition, for the true Love and true Caress, you are bestowed with the Knowledge of Him which along brings the Faith in God. It shall never be annexed nor be transformed. It shall never be taken aback. The faith shall be what it has been. By knowing more of the Lord, faith neither reduces nor increases. Rather, your love, belief, claim and the dependency on God may grow to new horizon.

  5. May Your Will be done! (Click anywhere in slide-show for 7+1)paragraphs, Point towards Speaker for music) Word of God means, the Will of God. When St. Paul scribed the Will of God, the same is not to be specified as (Gal.x:yy) but only as the Word/ Will of God. But the gentile scholars were not enlightened to follow the highlighted difference between what St. James wrote and what St. Paul edited. The Truth is that, the difference among the disciples was the Will of God. The sorting of the scripture into paragraphs and sentences and specifying the numbers to sentences were done by gentiles for easy reference. Some people got annoyed of Scriptures in heathen(?) languages and so burned the so called, sacred scriptures to their pleasure. What they burned were only scripture, not the Word of God. What they did is a radiance for those who receive the Living Revelation from the Living God. What is filled in soul comes out through the mouth. A spoken word is the will of the person who spoke. When an actor speaks the word prompted out to him, the will of the writer is expressed. The word of a person to a person in witness of another person is genuine. When two or more persons gather in the name of Jesus Christ (both the persons should proclaim the cause as such), He, the only man-eternal or the inner man shall be among them with the Grace of Jesus Christ. It is not to be treated as a word or a sentence detached from the scripture, but, primarily as the Will of Jesus Christ. Is it Mathew 18:20 ? No; that is the Will of God or the Word of Jesus Christ. When the scholars of the heathen world translated the sacred scriptures, they never had a thought of ‘word’ other than that coming from the mouth. When John wrote the letters to esteem the Christ of the mankind (Jn.1:1-5), he meant as “Before the world was created, the Will of God already existed, the Will was with God and the Will was the same as God.” All prayers of Jesus concluded with the submission as “May your Will be done”; means as ‘May your Word be fulfilled’ Will of God is Christ. Christ, the God won the mankind through Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus, the God- External was crucified for the universal sin of, man (external as well, as intellectual). He was raised from death to eternity and is the anointed sample of Man-True. God-Eternal has made Jesus, the Lord, the Christ, the Messiah, the Savior. He is the only Way, the Truth and the Life. God-Eternal is the Lord of Heaven and Universe, God-Intellectual is the Knowledge/ Will of God and God-External is Jesus, the Entity of God. www.satyamevamsundaram.yolasite.com

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