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Research project on nuclear data for physics, nuclear waste management, & technology development, spanning 3.5 years. Areas include neutron capture, detection, simulations, and digital electronics.
Nuclear data for basic nuclear physics and nuclear waste management “n_TOF4FAIR” FPA2011-28770-C03-01 Proyecto coordinado entre el CIEMAT, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña y la Universidad de Sevilla
CIEMAT research group (FPA grant application) 4 staff researchers Daniel Cano Ott (Researcher – PhD) Juan Blázquez Martínez (Researcher - PhD) Enrique González Romero (Researcher - PhD) Gustavo Martínez Botella (Researcher – PhD) 5 researchers Francisco Álvarez Velarde (Researcher – PhD) Trinitario Martínez Pérez (Researcher – PhD) Emilio Mendoza Cembranos (CPAN – PhD in 2011) Sara Pérez Martín (Researcher – PhD) María del Carmen Ovejero Mayoral (CPAN) 1 PhD fellow Vicente Becarés Palacios (FPI-CIEMAT fellow) Aczel García Ríos (FPI – MICINN fellow) 1 external researcher (postdoc of the group at CERN – n_TOF experiment) Carlos Guerrero Sánchez (CERN fellow – PhD) 1 additional technical engineer (not included in the project submission) Javier Tera Ruedas – dedicated fully to the activities of the group • Scientific results during the last 3.5 years: • 25 papers in international journals • 45 contributions to international conferences • 2 (+1) PhD theses • 4 Diploma theses Total = 8.5 EDP
CIEMAT group areas of expertise Neutron capture cross section measurements of minor actinides. World experts (together with FZK and Los Alamos) in Total Absorption Calorimetry in (n,γ) measurements. Neutron detection. Considered now as one of the reference groups in Europe. Neutron simulations. The group covers tasks as wide as design of nuclear reactors, design of neutron irradiation facilities, development of Monte Carlo codes (members of the GEANT4 collaboration). Digital electronics. Long experience with the development of the n_TOF digital DAQ and nowadays designing and building our own digitisers.
CIEMAT research grants and projects Plan nacional de Física de Partículas: 4+1 grants since the creation of the group FPA2000-0269-C05-01 (5 institutions, CIEMAT as coordinator), 2000 – 2001 FPA2001-0144-C05-01 (5 institutions, CIEMAT as coordinator), 2001 – 2004 FPA2005-6918-C03-01 (3 institutions, CIEMAT as coordinator), 2005 – 2008 CAC-2007-35 (complementary action), 2008 FPAFPA2008-04972-c03-01 (3 institutions, CIEMAT as coordinator), 2009 – 2011 EU Framework Programmes (FPs): 7 projects in the last 3 FPs nTOF-ND-ADS, 5th FP FIKW-CT2000-00107, 2000 - 2004 MUSE, 5th FP FIKW-CT-2000-0063, 2000 - 2003 PDS-XADS, 5th FP FIKW-CT-2001-00179, 2001 - 2004 ADOPT, 5th FP FIKW-CT-2001- -20178, 2001 - 2004 IP-EUROTRANS, 6th FP FI6W-CT-2004-516520, 2005 – 2008 (coordinator of domain 5) REDIMPACT, 6th FP FI6W-CT-2004-002408, 2003 – 2006 CANDIDE, 6th FP ENSAR, 7th FP ANDES, 7th FP (coordinator of the project) Researchers of CIEMAT are members of various international expert groups on nuclear data (like the NEA-OECD WPEC Subgroup 31) and nuclear technologies (SNETP).
Goals of the n_TOF4FAIR project Scientific motivation: procurement of nuclear data for basic nuclear physics and applications to nuclear technologies. The continuity of the experimental programmeon neutron capture cross section measurements of actinides at the n_TOF facility at CERN. The development of neutron, γ-ray detectors andsimulationtoolsfor the DESPEC experiment at the FAIR facility. The test of detectors and scientific exploitation of the equipment developed for FAIR at facilities already available. The development of a fast data acquisition system based on high performance digitisersfor neutron (and other type of) detectors. Trigger the transfer of (some of the) the technologies developed in Spain to the Spanish Industry.
Proton Beam 20GeV/c 7x1012 ppp Pb Spallation Target Neutron Beam 10o prod. angle I. The n_TOF facility at CERN n_TOF 185 m flight path Booster 1.4 GeV Linac 50 MeV PS 20GeV
The n_TOF collaboration U.Abbondanno14, G.Aerts7, H.Álvarez24, F.Alvarez-Velarde20, S.Andriamonje7, J.Andrzejewski33, P.Assimakopoulos9, L.Audouin5, G.Badurek1, P.Baumann6, F. Bečvář 31, J.Benlliure24, E.Berthoumieux7, F.Calviño25,D.Cano-Ott20,R.Capote23,A.Carrillo de Albornoz30,P.Cennini4, V.Chepel17, E.Chiaveri4, N.Colonna13, G.Cortes25, D.Cortina24, A.Couture29, J.Cox29, S.David5, R.Dolfini15, C.Domingo-Pardo21, W.Dridi7, I.Duran24, M.Embid-Segura20, L.Ferrant5, A.Ferrari4, R.Ferreira-Marques17, L.Fitzpatrick4, H.Frais-Koelbl3, K.Fujii13, W.Furman18, C.Guerrero20, I.Goncalves30, R.Gallino36, E.Gonzalez-Romero20, A.Goverdovski19, F.Gramegna12, E.Griesmayer3, F.Gunsing7, B.Haas32, R.Haight27, M.Heil8, A.Herrera-Martinez4, M.Igashira37, S.Isaev5, E.Jericha1, Y.Kadi4, F.Käppeler8, D.Karamanis9, D.Karadimos9, M.Kerveno6, V.Ketlerov19, P.Koehler28, V.Konovalov18, E.Kossionides39, M.Krtička31, C.Lamboudis10, H.Leeb1, A.Lindote17, I.Lopes17, M.Lozano23, S.Lukic6, J.Marganiec33, L.Marques30, S.Marrone13, P.Mastinu12, A.Mengoni4, P.M.Milazzo14, C.Moreau14, M.Mosconi8, F.Neves17, H.Oberhummer1, S.O'Brien29, M.Oshima38, J.Pancin7, C.Papachristodoulou9, C.Papadopoulos40, C.Paradela24, N.Patronis9, A.Pavlik2, P.Pavlopoulos34, L.Perrot7, R.Plag8, A.Plompen16, A.Plukis7, A.Poch25, C.Pretel25, J.Quesada23, T.Rauscher26, R.Reifarth27, M.Rosetti11, C.Rubbia15, G.Rudolf6, P.Rullhusen16, J.Salgado30, L.Sarchiapone4, C.Stephan5, G.Tagliente13, J.L.Tain21, L.Tassan-Got5, L.Tavora30, R.Terlizzi13, G.Vannini35, P.Vaz30, A.Ventura11, D.Villamarin20, M.C.Vincente20, V.Vlachoudis4, R.Vlastou40, F.Voss8, H.Wendler4, M.Wiescher29, K.Wisshak8 The Spanish participation amounts to 20%: CIEMAT, IFIC (CSIC – Universidad de Valencia), Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela and Universidad de Sevilla.
CIEMAT’s contributions to the n_TOF experiment • 1 CIEMAT researcher (postdoc) has been permanently at CERN during the entire data taking periods since 2000. • Design of the neutron beam optics and collimators (2000) • Co-design of the high energy neutron shielding (2000). • Co-design of the Total Absorption Calorimeter (2001-2002). • Design of the digital DAQ concept (2000) • Programming and maintenance of the digital data software analysis: pulse shape analysis and data reduction (2001). • Conceptual design of the new spallation target (2008). • Responsible since 2000 of the operation of the total absorption calorimeter and of the (n,γ) cross section measurements of actinides. Spokespersons of the 3 accepted proposals on 237Np, 240Pu, 243Am, 241Am and 235U. • Development of new analysis techniques for the total absorption data (2003-2008). • Spanish spokesperson of n_TOF 2008 –2010: E.González Romero (CIEMAT) • Spanish chairman of the collaboration board since 2011: E. González Romero
n beam C12H20O4(6Li)2 Neutron absorber 10B doped carbon fibre capsules • The n_TOF Total Absorption Calorimeter (TAC) for (n,g) measurements • 40 BaF2 crystals covering 95% of 4p. • 98% detection efficiency for capture g-ray cascades. • Its operation is responsibility of CIEMAT. • The TAC is a powerful instrument for measuring (n,γ) cross sections of radioactive isotopes like actinides.
237Np (n,γ) measurement with the TAC (~1 MBq) PhD thesis of C. Guerrero (CIEMAT)
243Am(n,γ) measurement (~100 MBq) E. Mendoza PhD thesis (CIEMAT)
241Am(n,γ) measurement in 2010 (~1 GBq) Preliminary analysis by E. Mendoza (CIEMAT)
(n,γ) cross section measurements of fissile materials The capture cross sections of fissile materials are prioritary data but are difficult to measure. Two competing channels which produce γ-rays: (n,γ) and (n,f) For fissile materials: (n,f) 5 · (n,γ) → 10 times more γ-rays We have to distinguish the γ-rays from neutron capture from the γ-rays produced in the (n,f) reactions. Solution: measure the fission γ-ray background in coincidence with micromegas fission detectors. Successful test on 235U performed in 2010. Real measurements have to follow.
Proposed experimental setup Micromegas detectors with the fissile targets vacuum Neutron absorber Window surrounded by neutron absorber (10B or 6Li doped polyethylene) Calorimeter Request: 4 micromegas fission detectors + 235U deposits + neutron shielding
Information from (n,γ) cascades with the n_TOF/TAC The Total Absorption Calorimeter (TAC) : 4p detector made of 40 BaF2 crystals Collimators g Protons (20 GeV) Neutrons (meV-GeV) g g Sweeping magnet Neutron energy Deposited energy Multiplicity • Additional experimental information consists in: • Energy deposited (Ei) in each crystal as function of multiplicity (mcr) • Correlation between Ei, Ej within each cascade • Total energy in the TAC as function of multiplicity • CIEMAT will transfer the knowledge to UPC on this topic
II. The FAIR facility GSI FAIR 100 m SIS 100/300 SIS 18 UNILAC ESR Low energy branch. DESPEC & HISPEC experiments Super FRS RESR NUSTAR NESR
Physics motivation GOAL: To measure neutron emission probabilities Pn and energies in coincidence with γ-rays for neutron rich isotopes with relevance to basic nuclear physics, nuclear astrophysics (r-process) and nuclear technologies (reactor kinetics and control). Need of a high resolution and high efficiency neutron TOF spectrometer.
The MOdularNeutron SpectromTER - MONSTER CIEMAT has designed and is leading the construction of a 200 cell neutron spectrometer for the DESPEC (56 institutions, 350 researchers) experiment at FAIR. High intrinsic detection efficiency in the range of a few 100 keV up to tens of MeV. For neutron energies below 100 keV, a complementary system is needed. Funding is requested for the acquisition of a few doped (6Li, 10B) neutron detectors, efficient a energies below 100 keV. TOF spectrometer: array of liquid scintillators (BC501A)
Status of the project • CIEMAT has completed the scintillator cell design: • Monte Carlo simulations (Diploma theses of E. Reillo and A. García). • Design of the light guide and optimisation of the light collection (Diploma thesis of A. García) • Characterisation of the prototype cell at the metrology laboratory PTB Braunschweig (E. Reillo and A. García) • CIEMAT has completed the design of a low efficiency and low resolution 30 cell demonstrator (compatible with the future array). The demonstrator will be ready by the end of 2011 and used in experiments at the cyclotron of the University of Jyvaskyla in 2012. • CIEMAT leads the international collaboration that will build MONSTER: Spain (CIEMAT, Instituto de Física Corpuscular), Finland (University of Jyvaskyla ), Sweden (University of Uppsala), India (VECC, University of Calcatta). • CIEMAT has established a strong collaboration with the European research groups developing neutron detectors for SPIRAL-2: LPC – Caen (France) and Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (Italy) – NEDA project
CIEMAT is coordinating the neutron detector working group of the entire NUSTAR collaboration: 158 institutions and over 900 members. CIEMAT has an accepted scientific programme with the MONSTER demonstrator. One accepted proposal at the Cyclotron Laboratory of the University of Jyvaskyla and participation to another 4 accepted proposals at Jyvaskyla and GSI together with IFIC and UPC.
Facilities for the FAIR detector assembly at CIEMAT (February 2011)
The 30 cell elements are being assembled and optimised at CIEMAT’s neutron laboratory.
The mechanical structure has been designed entirely by CIEMAT and made at CIEMAT’s workshops.
First part of the structure completed at CIEMAT’s workshops (May 2011)
The MONSTER demonstrator • CIEMAT is currently building the 30 cell demonstrator of MONSTER. • Low energy resolution • Low efficiency • Request: 10 more cells (+10 from IFIC) are necessary for reaching the target efficiency of 10% at 1 m flight path. • Additional funding will be necessary for extending the structure to a larger number of modules.
We aim at manufacturing the Spanish in-kind contribution to MONSTER in Spain. Scientifica International has expressed strong interest and made a preliminary cost evaluation of an individual cell. The price is competitive with detectors available commercially (St. Gobain or SCIONIX).
Improving the n-γ coincidence detection efficiency The combined neutron and γ-ray spectrometry requires high simultaneous detection efficiencies: Largest efficiency of the neutron spectrometer (including solid angle) ~ 25% Largest efficiency of the γ-ray spectrometer based on Ge ~ 10% Neutron- γ coincidence detection efficiency ~ 2% For exotic isotopes, the Qβ and Pn values (neutron emission probabilities) become large. There are cases for which alternative γ-ray detectors like inorganic scintillators become a more reasonable choice.
γ-ray detectors for combined neutron and γ-ray spectrometry 120 k€ 400 k€ Clover Germanium detector: 4 crystals of ~4.1 x 4.1 x 7cm. Geometry simulated for the LaBr3, NaI and BaF2 clovers, four crystals of 5.5 x 5.5 x 11cm.
“Recently” developed inorganic scintillators like LaBr3(Ce) do offer excellent energy resolution (better than NaI) and can be grown in large sizes (>3”x3”). They are a reasonable choice for combined neutron and γ-ray spectrometry when high efficiency is required. • The request is part of CIEMAT’s R&D to the Total Absorption Spectrometer for DESPEC. • Additional uses: • Photon strength function measurements at n_TOF. • Use as “neutron detectors” with neutron to γ-ray converters (R&D done by CIEMAT) thanks to its good energy resolution. Request: an array of 4 LaBr3(Ce) detectors
The R&D and scientific roadmap towards FAIR First parts of the Super FRS completed Spain signs RISING MoU 2006 Start of PRESPEC MoU 2008 Signature of FAIR 2010 DESPEC 2016 / 2017 RISING PRESPEC @ GSI PRESPEC @ FAIR
Facilities where CIEMAT is performing experiments/tests Cyclotron Laboratory at the University of Jyvaskyla YALINA research reactor IRMM – Geel Mol Research Reactors PTB Braunschweig – Reference neutron beams GSI - FAIR GANIL/SPIRAL Budapest Research Reactor n_TOF facility ISOLDE LNL Legnaro Centro Nacional de Aceleradores
A fully digital data acquisition system • CIEMAT’s high performance digitiser: • Resolution: 12 bits @ 1 Gsample/s (1 GHz bandwith) • FPGA for trigger decision and pre-processing. • DSP for pulse shape analysis. • 2 Gbytes DDR2 for waveform storage.
Funding is requested for the construction of a fully digital DAQ demonstrator, that will serve to take data with virtually any detector. • Scalable • High data throughput (in oscilloscope mode), allowing to store the digital waveforms. • Low data throughput (in pulse shape analysis mode, made on board). • Based on Spanish technology (CIEMAT’s boards) • To be used at FAIR (but also at n_TOF and wherever it is requested).
Coordination between the different subprojects CIEMAT (coordinator) Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña Universidad de Sevilla Instituto de Física Corpuscular (FPA2011-24553)
CIEMAT (coordinator) n_TOF (CIEMAT + UPC + IFIC + University of Prague) Analysis of the TAC data for the determination of the nuclear structure properties of actinides (photon strength functions). 1 PhD student from UPC, co-directed by CIEMAT and UPC. FAIR (CIEMAT + UPC + IFIC) Common experiments at Jyvaskyla and GSI with the BELEN detector (3He neutron detector of UPC), MONSTER (CIEMAT) and the Total Absorption spectrometer (IFIC). The first experiments will use the data acquisition system GASIFIC developed by IFIC. Later on, the CIEMAT flash ADC system will be used as well. Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña Instituto de Física Corpuscular (FPA2011-24553)
CIEMAT (coordinator) n_TOF. Simulation and design of a new C6D6 detector for n_TOF. Participation in the 32S(n,α) measurement proposed by the University of Sevilla. GEANT4. Maintenance of the hadronic physics packages for GEANT4. Both University of Sevilla and CIEMAT are members of the GEANT4 collaboration and responsible for this task inside the GEANT collaboration. CNA. Development of neutron beam lines at the CNA tandem and cyclotron. Characterisation of the neutron beams with the detectors of CIEMAT and CNA. Universidad de Sevilla
The DESPEC experiment FAIR will be an excellent place where to study the decay properties of heavy neutron rich nuclei. Purpose of the DESPEC experiment. The high energy ion beams from the SuperFRS will be slowed down and implanted in active stoppers.
The MONSTER demonstrator (CIEMAT) Evaluate the performance of the DESPEC TOF spectrometer at a reduced scale (starting configuration with 30 detectors, to be upgraded soon). Reduced flight path: ~75cm distance from the implantation position. ΔΩ/Ω ~13% Coincident β-n and β-γ-n events (for the most intense transitions). Start signal: plastic β-detector in close geometry. Stop signal: liquid scintillator. γ-ray detectors
The total neutron detection efficiency of the setup has been computed by Monte Carlo simulation with the GEANT4 code: 6.6% at 1 MeV to 2.9% at 10 MeV. One reference cell will be calibrated in with calibrated neutron beams at PTB-Braunschweig. Δt ~ 1ns, which corresponds to an energy resolution the spectrometer of 16% at 1 MeV and 30% at 10 MeV.
Nuevos materiales centelleantes orgánicos para calorímetros • Nuevos materiales como el LaCl3 (o LaBr3). Análisis en el banco de pruebas del CIEMAT: • Detector de 3” x 3” (más grande en el momento de adqusición) • Fuentes g, b y de neutrones (252Cf y Am/Be UPM) • Sistema de adqusición de datos digital Acqiris (n_TOF) • Irradiación en PTB-Braunschweig en 2008 con patrones calibrados (proyecto EFNUDAT) Excelente resolución temporal Excelente resolución energética
Motivation: the problem of the nuclear waste • The 437 nuclear reactors in operation worldwide generate about 5800 tons/GWe/year of waste: • Uranium and structural materials (94% of the mass) . Can be considered as waste (like in Spain) or as valuable resources that should be reprocessed (like in France. • Short lived fission fragments (5%). Decay in 300 years. • Transuranic elements (1%): Pu, Np, Am, Cm… Highly radioactive and long lived. Difficult to handle over long periods (10.000 to 100.000 years). Short lived fission fragments Transuranic elements Uranium and structural materials
1/100 1/1000 Waste management strategies • Temporary storage. Short term (2010 ). • Partitioning and transmutation of the transuranic elements. Mid- and long-term (2030 ). The transmutation can take place in both ADS and Generation IV critical reactors (with fast neutron spectrum). • Geological storage. Nuclear fuel highly enriched in transuranic elements. Proton accelerator: Ip >10 mA Ep 1 GeV Spallation target (Pb – Bi) Proton beam neutrons Fissions