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Lecture 01: 當前全球環境危機

Lecture 01: 當前全球環境危機. One Planet Many People Atlas of Our Changing Environment http://www.na.unep.net/OnePlanetManyPeople/Atlas_PPT.php. Kyoto International Cartoon Exhibition. Montreal Protocol. Title. Body text.

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Lecture 01: 當前全球環境危機

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lecture 01:當前全球環境危機 One Planet Many PeopleAtlas of Our Changing Environment http://www.na.unep.net/OnePlanetManyPeople/Atlas_PPT.php Kyoto International Cartoon Exhibition

  2. Montreal Protocol Title Body text Evidence from satellites of thinning of the Ozone layer led to the Montreal Protocol for reducing CFC’s. It was signed in September 1987 and became effective in 1989.

  3. Ozone Depletion Title Body text Darkest blue areas represent regions of maximum ozone depletion. Growth of the Antarctic ozone hole over 20 years, as observed by the satellite

  4. Deforestation: Rondonia, Brazil Title Body text • 1975 -Healthy natural vegetation • 1986 -“Fishbone” pattern on the landscape indicate agriculture fields • 2000 -Agriculture continues to replace forest cover.

  5. Amazon Deforestation Title Body text Almost one fifth of the Amazon rainforest has been cleared. 26,000 sq km August 2003 to August 2004 alone; the second highest on record, 6% higher than the previous 12 months. Deforestation was worst in the state of Mato Grosso Source: Steve Kingstone, BBC News, Brazil

  6. Casey Trees, Washington, D.C. Title Body text Satellite images showing the dramatic loss of trees in the District moved Mrs. Casey to action.Casey Trees Endowment Fund was created to restore the tree cover of the District of Columbia.

  7. People and Planet Human Influences on the Planet Title Body text The explosive growth of developing world cities such as Santiago. Population Change from 1900-2000

  8. Earth’s Shrinking Biosphere1900-2000 AD Title Body text Currently, the Earth is the only home we have. With each new person added to our growing population, the amount of our living space decreases. Land Area hectare per/capita

  9. Population Growth: Lake Victoria Title Body text • The population growth around 100 km zone of the Lake Victoria • Population growth around Lake Victoria, East Africa, is the highest in Africa

  10. World Energy Consumption Title Body text World Energy Consumption between 1800 - 1990 World Primary Energy Consumption since 1970 projected to 2025

  11. World Energy Consumption Title Body text On 14 August 2003, parts of northeastern United States and southeastern Canada experienced widespread power blackouts

  12. Transboundary Pollutants Title Body text A large dust storm developed over China on 6-7 April 2001, moving over China, Russia, Japan, the Pacific Ocean, Canada, and ultimately over the United States on 17 April 2001.

  13. Transboundary: Dust over the Pacific Title Body text Images taken between April 29 and May 5, 2005 shows dust from the Gobi Desert crossing the Pacific, well on its way to North America.

  14. Sand storm from China

  15. Wildfire in Africa Title Body text

  16. Wildfire in Amazon

  17. San Francisco, United States Title Body text Images courtesy USGS

  18. Las Vegas, United States Title Body text • 1973 -A small settlement • 2000 -The landscape is now dramatically modified Images courtesy USGS

  19. Las Vegas, United States Title Body text

  20. Drought: Western United States Title Body text 2000 2004 PhotoView 18 meters

  21. Lake Meade, United States Title Body text New Golf Courses since 2001

  22. Next talk will begin here

  23. Variability vs. Change

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