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Learn about Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) to improve student outcomes through partnership and evidence-based practices. Understand key components, definitions, and system integration for effective implementation.
CO-MTSS Overview & Introduction Kim Watchorn, TSD MTSS Coordinator Ed Camp August 13, 2019
This guidance document is meant for clarification, is not legally binding, and is not to be confused with legal advice. This guidance is adapted from CDE’s recommendations, but Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and Administrative Units (AUs) in Colorado may develop their own policies or procedures that differ from those described herein. Be sure to refer to your local policies and procedures through local leadership (e.g., Directors of Special Education, Title I Coordinators, superintendents) if you are seeking legal advice, please contact your legal counsel. Note that the contents of this presentation and corresponding handouts were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. However, the content does not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government. Note: The majority of the content contained in this presentation was originally-created by staff from the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) Office of Learning Supports (OLS).
Who we are & why we’re here… Session Objectives: • Discuss misconceptions • Introduce & examine tools/resources • Consider applications • Possible next steps Session Facilitator: • Kim Watchorn, TSD MTSS Coordinator • Session Participants?
Common Agreements Meeting Norms: • Assume Positive Intent • Keeping eyes on Common Goal • Contribute actively form your own perspective, while holding to the broader view • Stay on topic/task • Start and end on time • Limit side conversations to relevant topics • Set a purpose • Identify roles and responsibilities • Be an active listener • Support and Champion the group decision
? Making Predictions PROMPT(s)… • How would you define MTSS? • What key terms would you expect to be included in a definition of MTSS? • What are “essentials”? 1 min
MTSS framework & Essential Components Team-Driven Shared Leadership Family, School, and Community Partnering Data-Based Problem Solving andDecision-Making Layered Continuum of Supports Evidence-Based Practices CDE, 2016
Common Language andCommon Understanding Language reveals belief; belief informs action; action is visible in the behavior of adults …which is what we are trying tochange or shape to support students.
WHY MTSS? A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework helps schools and districtsorganize resources and align systems. Effective MTSS implementation results in high-quality learning environments where all stakeholdersfeel confident and are competent tosuccessfully engage in school, work, and life.
Definition: Multi-Tiered System of Supports in CO CO-MTSS is a prevention-based framework of team-drivendata-based problem solving for improving the outcomes of every student through family, school, and community partnering and alayered continuum ofevidence-based practices applied at the classroom, school, district, region, and state level.
MTSS = Organizational Framework • General Education + Special Education[it really is “every ed”…] • Academic + Behavioral Supports • Response to Intervention (RtI)+ Positive BehavioralInterventions and Supports (PBIS) • School-wide Systems + Individual Systems • Multiple Funding Streams • Merging Data, Practices, and Systems Note: “Integrated elements” Content adapted from: PBIS TA center
? Definitions & Considerations PROMPT(s)… • Review the Definitions Handout • Consider key features • How are these component definitions represented in your system? 1 min
One System… (with sub-systems & supports)
Focus on the System To get to “all”, we must pay attention to “every”.We must pay attention to the “system” first, and then, we move to small groupsand individuals. -Dave Tilly
Homework, grading, make-up/missed work policies; Teams (e.g., BLT, PBIS, SAC, PLCs); Observation protocols; School-Wide Expectations (e.g., AVID, behavioral); Time allocation (for prep & for collaboration); Coaching & PD Delivery; Acknowledgements/Celebrations; Data collections & analysis Planning (e.g., UIP, events, assessments) Scheduling/Assignments Homework, grading, make-up/missed work policies; Learning structures/strategies for engagement; Transitions/Rotations/Centers; Acknowledgements/ Celebrations; Peer Coaching/Mentoring; Data collections Unit/Lesson Planning; Personalized Learning Plans Scheduling/Management District Systems: Leadership Teams (e.g., DLT, MLT, DAC); Policies; Resource Allocation(s); Curriculum Adoption(s); Scheduling/Calendaring; Acknowledgements/Celebrations; Coaching & PD Delivery; Planning (e.g., UIP); Comm/Oversight Classroom Systems: School Systems:
Additional INSIGHTS “If you expect it, pre-correct-it.” (Anita Archer) Engagement: • Affective • Behavioral • Cognitive Attendance Works: https://www.attendanceworks.org/ Early Warning Systems: • Attendance • Behavior • Class Performance/Course Grade
Capacity Building Based on Greenhalgh, Robert, MacFarlane, Bate, & Kyriakidou, 2004
Seeking Balance CONDITIONS, OPERATIONS,PROCEDURES Accountability Support Infrastructure Culture
A Shift in Thinking What about the interaction of the curriculum, instruction, learners, and learning environment should bealtered so that the student(s) will learn? What about the student is causing a problem? STOP Instead This shift alters everything else! Adapted from Batsche and Elliott materials (citing Ken Howell)
What do we need? • A clear model with steps for problem solving routine • Access to the right information at the right time in the right format • A formal/predictable process that a group of people can use to build and implement solutions Newton, J. S., Todd, A. W., Algozzine, K., Horner, R. H., & Algozzine, B. Version 2 (2012). The Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Training Manual. Educational and Community Supports, University of Oregon, unpublished training manual.
Reflect on your culture…is it a problem-solving culture? Step 1: Problem Identification DEFINE:What is the problem? STEP ZERO… (a) TEAMING (b) DATA Step 4: PlanEvaluation Step 2: Problem Analysis ANALYZE: Why is it occurring? EVALUATE: Did it work? Step 3: Plan Implementation IMPLEMENT: What can we do about it? Where (within the process) do you dedicate your time? For whomis this process applied? Fluency/Ease of use? Errors/Difficulties?
Responses to Data: What is the impact?(Consider fidelity & outcomes) • Done without fidelity and no growth:restart/enter with implementation as it was planned; consider barriers to implementing [Ask: How can we reduce, eliminate, navigate barriers?] • Done without fidelity and growth: change the plan/document to reflect “what is done and working” = assess variables; “what variations are occurring that are resulting in gains” • Done with fidelity and no/low growth: re-enter problem solving &/or change intervention (consider changes in intensity level) • Done with fidelity and growth: continue support and/or plan to “fade” or “graduate” (celebrate progress/exit)
Layered Continuum:Support Matched to Stakeholders’ Needs Few = Universal + Targeted + Intensive Some = Universal ALSO Targeted Every = Universal (Note: Visual Representation Adapted from practitioners)
Math Example:Continuum of Support for one student Intensive Science Targeted Writing Spanish Social Skills Comprehension Decoding Universal Technology Social Studies Basketball Label the behavior or performance or the supports…NOT the individual. Dec 7, 2007 Adapted from George Sugai presentations (2007-2019)
Kim Watchorn: TSD MTSS Coordinator Email: kim.Watchorn@thompsonschools.org Website: https://www.thompsonschools.org/mtss Office Phone: 970-613-6833