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How to Avoid Temptations When Not at Home

If you are learning to live a sober life after a programme of recovery, then you will have to change certain things about your lifestyle.<br>

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How to Avoid Temptations When Not at Home

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  1. How to Avoid Temptations When Not at Home If you are learning to live a sober life after a programme of recovery, then you will have to change certain things about your lifestyle. You may have to stop socialising with certain people as well as change the places you frequent. However, what happens when you are away from the security and comfort of your home? How will you cope with temptations when you are away? Away from Home If you are travelling for business or pleasure, it may not be as easy to stay on the straight and narrow. Travelling alone makes it very easy to think that you could have one or two drinks, and nobody would know. It is easy to let your guard down when you are away from home and your support network. It is, therefore, crucial that you plan ahead and prepare before you leave home so that you do not end up back where you started. Before you head away, check out the nearest fellowship meeting to where you will be staying. If you are worried that you may fall off the wagon while away, take a sober companion with you. If you cannot do this, then make a point of letting colleagues know that you will not be drinking. If you do not want to tell them you are in recovery, say you cannot drink for medical reasons. Flying in Recovery Flying can be tough for many individuals, and a vast majority of people will try to calm their flying fears by drinking alcohol. Those in recovery cannot do this, so it can be a struggle for those who are afraid of flying. There is also the worry that the person next to you will be drinking. If you are flying alone, you have no control over who sits beside you and you cannot stop them from having an alcoholic drink if they want to. If you do find yourself sitting beside someone who is drinking and there is no possibility of switching seat, you should close your eyes and zone out. Meditate, watch a film or listen to music to help you forget about the fact that you cannot drink. Coping with Temptations Below are a few examples of ways to deal with temptations when not at home: 1. If you are finding it tough while away from home, contact your sponsor or someone you can talk to about your feelings. This may be a close family member or friend who will be able to get you through this tough 2. Take some literature with you that you can read when you are feeling particularly low – you may be surprised at how much this helps. Also, practice any meditation techniques you have learned to help you to move past these feelings.

  2. 3. Remember why you wanted to get sober in the first place and what it was like during the darkest periods of your life before alcohol rehab. It is easy to fall back into the old ways if you begin to glamorise your drinking or drug-taking past. Instead, think of all the good things in your life and remind yourself of what you could lose if you succumb to drinking or drug-taking again. 4. Find something to do that does not involve drinking. No matter where you are in the world, you should be able to find some activities that should take your mind off any cravings you may be experiencing. Ideally, you should research these before you leave home so that you know what opportunities you will have for sober activities should you need them. 5. Go for a walk or find a local gym or leisure centre where you can do a workout. This article originally published at middlegate.co.uk Blog here https://www.middlegate.co.uk/how-to-avoid-temptations-when-not-at-home/

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