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PARAPHRASING USING NOMINALS by A. Suzan Öniz. PARAPHRASING USING NOMINALS. Paraphrasing is a necessary skill in academic writing when you want to refer to or borrow other people’s ideas.
PARAPHRASING USING NOMINALS • Paraphrasing • is a necessary skill in academic writing when you want to refer to or borrow other people’s ideas. • expresses what you understand from what you read & involves changing someone else’s ideas into your own words. • is NOT copying the exact words or quoting a person directly. Prepared by A. Suzan Öniz, PhD
THREE STEPS IN PARAPHRASING: Original Sentence: Reading about a topic and taking part in discussions are two ways that can help students to produce ideas. VERB NOMINAL: USING A NOMINAL INSTEAD OF THE VERB FORM 1. Replace the verb with a nominal, if possible: production of ideas. production Reading about a topic and taking part in discussions are two ways that can help students with the
having discussions about it. 2.Find synonyms and change the order of the ideas: Original Sentence: Reading about a topic and taking part in discussions are two ways that can help students to produce ideas. a. The production of ideas will be easier for learners if discussed it. about a theme and they have read b. The production of ideas is ... generally the result of reading about the subject and c. Producing ideas is easier for learners after reading about a subject and discussing it.
Original Sentence: Reading about a topic and taking part in discussions are two ways that can help students to produce ideas. d. When learners read about a topic and participate in discussions, then they can easily produce ideas. e. Learners can easily produce ideas when they read about a topic and participate in discussions. f. Learners can produce ideas by reading about a subject and participating in discussions. discussing an issue enable learners g. Reading about and to produce ideas. h. Reading about a theme and discussing it make it easy for learners to find ideas.
3.Now decide which sentence is better.What’s the focus in each? a. will be easier for learners if they have read about a theme and discussed it. b. is generally the result of reading about the subject and having discussions about it. c. is easier for learners after reading about a subject and discussing it. d. When read about a topic and participate in discussions, then they can easily produce ideas. e. can easily produce ideas when they read about a topic and participate in discussions. f. can produce ideas by reading about a subject and participating in discussions. g. an issue enable learners to produce ideas. h. about a theme and it make it easy for learners to find ideas. The production of ideas The production of ideas Producing ideas learners Learners Learners Reading about and discussing Reading discussing
Original Sentence: Reading about a topic and taking part in discussions are two ways that can help students to produce ideas. Which sentence is better??? All sentences are fine but the focus is different in some. The focus in the original sentence: “reading … & taking part …” The focus of Paraphrases a, b, c: “the production of ideas” “producing ideas” The focus of Paraphrases d, e,f: “ learners” The focus of Paraphrases g, h: “reading & discussing” So??? Paraphrases g & h and the original sentence are closest because they have the same focus.
Original Sentence: The selection of a suitable topic sentence can be done after carefully thinking about the message of the paragraph. NOMINAL VERB: USING THE VERB FORM INSTEAD OF A NOMINAL 1.Replace the nominal with the verb, if possible: To select or selecting To select OR Selecting a suitable topic sentence can be done after carefully thinking about the message of the paragraph.
2.Find synonyms and change the order of the ideas: Original Sentence: The of atopic sentencecan be done after carefully the message of the paragraph. selection suitable thinking about What are some synonyms for the underlined words in the original sentence? What are some verbs that you can use with the following?? The selection can be done Selecting ??? Choosing ???
Original Sentence: The selection of a suitable topic sentencecan be done after carefully thinking aboutthe message of the paragraph. CHANGING THE FOCUS: Can you start each paraphrase in a different way? Selecting a. b. c. d. e. an appropriate topic sentence is easier when writers want to express/ state/give first consider the message that they in the paragraph. Choosing an appropriate topic sentence generally follows careful consideration about the contents of the paragraph. after careful can be written An appropriate topic sentence on the contents of the paragraph. reflection Learners can produce an appropriate topic sentence following the careful consideration of the paragraph contents. Students can write an appropriate topic sentence when they have considered the contents of the paragraph.
3.Decide which sentence is better: Original Sentence: of a suitable topic sentencecan be done after carefully thinking aboutthe message of the paragraph. The selection Find the focus in each & decide. a. b. c. d. e. is easier when Selecting writers an appropriate topic sentence want to express/ state/give first consider the message that they in the paragraph. Choosing an appropriate topic sentence generally follows careful consideration about the contents of the paragraph. after careful can be written An appropriate topic sentence on the contents of the paragraph. reflection Learners can produce an appropriate topic sentence following the careful consideration of the paragraph contents. Students can write an appropriate topic sentence when they have considered the contents of the paragraph.
Decide which sentence is better: All of the sentences are fine but again there are differences in focus. The focus in the original sentence: “to select/selecting …” The focus of Paraphrases a, b: “choosing” “the selection…” The focus of Paraphrase c: “an appropriate topic sentence” The focus of Paraphrases d, e: “learners/students” So???? Paraphrases a & b and the original sentence have the same focus.
IN BRIEF: CHANGE THE SENTENCE. Chop it up into two sentences or totally change the form. Reverse the word order. Use synonyms and other forms of the same word. BUT Keep technical or jargon words! Don’t change the meaning! Check the focus: Does the paraphrase have a new focus? Is this OK? Look at the context (the other sentencesaround thissentence) and try to match thefocus.
EXERCISE: PARAPHRASING OLR 1 Unit 5 Reading 4 The boomerang two curved wings looks like connected together. What are synonyms for the underlined words? Now paraphrase it.
The boomerang looks like two curved wings connected together. Possible Paraphrases: The boomerang __________ two curved wings ________ attached. is similar to which are which are joined together. resembles resembles two curved and attached wings. The shape of the boomerang is similar to two curved wings that have been joined together.
results It in the curved or turning flight of the boomerang. What are some alternatives that signal result? How do you need to change this sentence when you replace ‘results’ ???
Possible Paraphrases: As a result, the boomerang flies in a curved or turning way. Therefore, This causes the boomerang to fly in a curved or turning manner. The boomerang, therefore, flies It results in the curved or turning flight of the boomerang. Thisleads to a curved or turning flight of the boomerang. The flight pattern of the boomerang then is curved or turned.
OLR 1 Unit 6 Reading 1 A study done with university students found that, after listening to loud rock music, students had increased heart rates. For which words do you know synonyms? Can you replace the folowing? to do a study after doing sth to have an increased heart rate
OLR 1 Unit 6 Reading 1 A study done with university students found that, after listening to loud rock music, students had increased heart rates. Possible Paraphrases: Research conducted with university students showed that carried out illustrated performed demonstrated students’ heart beats increased after they listened to loud rock music. went upwhenclimbedrose Research conducted with university students demonstrated that loud rock music caused students’ heart rate to rise.led to a rise in heart beats.resulted in
Playing music at home, in the office, or in school can help a person to focus. Find alternative expressions for the following: • playing music • can help a person to do sth • to focus on sth
Playing music at home, in the office, or in school can help a person to focus. Possible Paraphrases: Listening to music in your house, at work, or in school may school may improve. increase. get better. enable a person to concentrate. concentration The ___________ of people who play music in their houses, at work, or in school
Nowadays, dentists often offer headphones to their patients. Find synonyms for as many words as possible. Can you also find an alternative grammatical structure? Paraphrase this sentence starting with These days/Currently/... Headphones
Nowadays, dentists often offer headphones to their patients. Possible Paraphrases: These days, patients are frequently offered headphones in their dentist’s office. iscommon for (dental) patients to be offered headphoneswidespread in their dentist’s office. These days,it Presently, Currently, Headphones are commonly used in dentists’ offices these days.
It is not uncommon to see patients listening to soft music while having an operation. Can you change the focus? In how many different ways can you start this sentence?
It is not uncommon to see patients listening to soft music while having an operation. Possible Paraphrases: Soft music for surgery patients to listen to gentle music during the operation. for patients during surgery is quite common. It is not unusual to see people under medical treatment listening to gentle music duringsurgery. It is quite common Listening to soft music during surgery is quite common for patients. It is possible to see patients listening to gentle music during surgery.
By slowing the tempo of the music you are listening to, you can contribute to your own calmness. Reword this sentence by using double comparatives: The ...er, the ...er.
By slowing the tempo of the music you are listening to, you can contribute to your own calmness. Possible Paraphrases: The slower the speed of the music you are listening to, the more your calmness. If you the music you are listening to, you can your calmness. decrease the speed of increase
By slowing the tempo of the music you are listening to, you can contribute to your own calmness. Decreasing the tempo of the music you are listening to can help youtobecome more calm. calm down. enable
OLR 1 Unit 6 Reading 2 Generalizations from these would be findings premature. Find synonyms for the underlined words.
OLR 1 Unit 6 Reading 2 Generalizations from these findings would be premature. Possible Paraphrases: Generalizations It would from these results would be possible later. be too early to generalize from these results.
More research is needed. What are synonyms for more to be needed
More research is needed. Possible Paraphrases: essential. is necessary. Further research should be conducted. Additional needs to be performed. has to be carried out. must be
OLR 1 Unit 6 Reading 3 Jazz is aof music that was by the African slaves sung or played kind on the plantations. Can you replace the highlighted words?
Jazz is a kind of music that was sung or played by the African slaves on the plantations. Possible Paraphrases: type performed Jazz is a ______ of music that was _________ by the African slaves _____ fields. sort in the which African slaves sang orplayed in the fields.
Jazz music in the 1800s thus grew from a combination of African folk music and dance rhythms. Now you try on your own. Remember to find synonyms, to change the word order, and then to decide which is the best in terms of matching focus.
Jazz music in the 1800s thus grew from a combination of African folk music and dance rhythms. Possible Paraphrases: Therefore, the jazz music of 200 years ago developed from a mixture of evolved African folk music and dance rhythms. ________ , the jazz music of the 1800s developed when Therefore, African folkmusic As aresult, For this reason, Consequently, was combined with dance rhythms.
As African-Americans migrated north, they brought jazz and the blues with them. Find synonymous structures and reword this sentence. Hints: when... during starting with the nominal for ‘to migrate’
As African-Americans migrated north, they brought jazz and the blues with them. Possible Paraphrases: When African-Americans moved north, they introduced jazz and the blues there. The migration of African-Americans to the north took jazz and the blues there. During jazz and the blues the migration of African-Americans to the north, Due to spread there. was taken to that region.
People were buying jazz records faster than they could be recorded. A more specific word for ‘people’ Instead of ‘buying’ & ‘faster’ ????
People were buying jazz records faster than they could be recorded. Possible Paraphrases: Jazz records were Peoplewere The recording of jazz records the artists sold more quickly than could record them. purchasing jazz records more rapidly than Customers Fans they could berecorded. could not keep up with their sales.
The boomerang looks like two curved wings connected together. It results in the curved or turning flight of the boomerang. A study done with university students found that, after listening to loud rock music, students had increased heart rates. Playing music at home, in the office, or in school can help a person to focus. Nowadays, dentists often offer headphones to their patients. It is not uncommon to see patients listening to soft music while having an operation. By slowing the tempo of the music you are listening to, you can contribute to your own calmness.
Generalizations from these findings would be premature. More research is needed. Jazz is a kind of music that was sung or played by the African slaves on the plantations. Jazz music in the 1800s thus grew from a combination of African folk music and dance rhythms. As African-Americans migrated north, they brought jazz and the blues with them. People were buying jazz records faster than they could be recorded.