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Programmable Networks: Active Networks + SDN

Programmable Networks: Active Networks + SDN. How to Introduce new services . Overlays: user can introduce what-ever Ignores physical network  perf overhead Overlay nodes – software routing  perf overhead Middleboxes: ops can introduce what-ever Must be placed in a specific location

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Programmable Networks: Active Networks + SDN

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  1. Programmable Networks: Active Networks + SDN

  2. How to Introduce new services • Overlays: user can introduce what-ever • Ignores physical network perf overhead • Overlay nodes – software routing perf overhead • Middleboxes: ops can introduce what-ever • Must be placed in a specific location • Must determine apriori what type of MB you want

  3. In the ideal work Ideal • Anyone can introduce services • So, like overlay • Can achieve Data-plane throughput • So, like MB • Can introduce anything • So like Overlay • Problem: • How to run untrusted code in your environment • We want flexible but need to deal with security, performance, safety

  4. Enter Active Networks • Motivated by advances in RPC • Goal: run mobile code in network • Code  implementation of a new service • Active Extensions: User ships code to network devices • All packets use the code • No change to packet format • Active Packets: Each packet carries the code or pointer to the code • Very fine-grain control • Packet is larger • A lot of redundant data

  5. REALITY, MERGE BOTH: The How? • Entities are a set of pre-installed modules. • The Active packet include the graph of which entities to use. Active Packet! Network Router TCP Header Serv 1 Serv 2 Type:Serv 1 Type:Serv5 Type:Serv6 Serv 7 Serv 5 Serv 6 IP Header

  6. REALITY, MERGE BOTH: The Why? • Promotes more modularity and reuse • Entities can be smaller; since packet can be used to stitch together multiple entities. • Reduces waste of N/W • A flow  multiple packets • If each Packet carries code  lot of n/w wasted • Lots of Waste CPU, load/unloading code • Wasted n/w b/w because of code in pkt

  7. REALITY, MERGE BOTH:End-to-End Picture Global Entity Store Signs code with special Key, so routers know to trust the code Serv 1 Serv 2 Serv 3 The type is an MD5 hash Of the code. This way pkts are treated by the exact code you downloaded from store Network Router Network Router Active Packet! Type: serv1 Serv 1

  8. REALITY, MERGE BOTH:End-to-End Picture Network Router Network Router Active Packet! Type: serv1 Serv 1

  9. REALITY, MERGE BOTH:End-to-End Picture Network Router Network Router Active Packet! Type: serv1 Serv 1 Serv 1

  10. REALITY, MERGE BOTH:End-to-End Picture Network Router Network Router Active Packet! Type: serv1 Serv 1 Serv 1

  11. REALITY, MERGE BOTH:End-to-End Picture Each router caches the code so that it can be used for Next packet. Packet only caries a pointer to the code. Network Router Network Router Active Packet! Type: serv1 Serv 1 Serv 1 Serv 1

  12. Active Packet: Capsules • Recall: OSI  layering • A.P.  just random modules no need to stick to layers

  13. Routers: Active Nodes • A VM (JVM? Language level safety) • Protect code from each other • Prevent for interfering with each other • A Trusted Operating system • Allow sharing of resources • Need Some that interfaces directly with H/W Network Router JVM JVM Serv 1 Serv 1 Linux OS

  14. Challenges: Performance • Traffic must be similar + bursty • Or else caching wouldn’t work • Network has diff types of nodes • Not all can run code at line rate • Think: Core V Edge • Only run on edge nodes

  15. What impacts Performance of Node

  16. What impacts Performance of Node • Code distribution • Caching of code minimizes this • Random management tasks • Cleanup memory (GBC), run normal protocols • Running code Main performance bottle-neck

  17. Challenges: Security Network Router • one code changing with another code's state • No sharing of state due to sandbox. • Node O.S. maybe corrupted by code • Sandbox prevents this. • Sending bad/malicious code to a node • The person signing should catch bad code • (Think Apple’s App store) • Pkt/Capsule using the wrong code at node • Wrong code will have diff finger print, • so finger print in pkt would make finger print of code at node JVM JVM Serv 1 Serv 1 Linux OS Bad Serv 1 Good Serv 1 100011011101000 100010011001000

  18. Challenges: Resource Sharing • code using too much resource on a node • Limit resource consumption (also limit code size) • Kill code if it runs for too long • code using too much resource across a set of nodes: Tricky – • Use TTL to prevents loops. • If I make copies – then they all get the same TTL • Divide TTL when making copies • Doesn't work for multicast. • an app sending too many capsules/pkts • Similiarto today's internet.

  19. Limitation of API • Fixed assumption that code must work around: • 1. format of IP • 2. resource limits (TTL & size & time) • 3. code distribution • 4. how code types are computed and calculated

  20. Limitation in terms of Architecture • Things that can't be easily specified: • FW --> since it should work for all flows just not the flows with the type specified. • Web-Cache/transcoders --> code is short lived.

  21. Why this Never took off? • Performance. • Still relatively slow– only at edge • Complex changes to routers • Routers should run JVM • Only a few types of networks • ISP and maybe Enterprise networks • So very limited use-cases

  22. A New Problem

  23. A New Problem • Interface vlan901 • ip address • ospf cost 100 • ip access-group 9 out • ! • Router ospf 1 • router-id • network • ! • access-list 9 Operator’s Goal Network Reality

  24. Old Solution: Programmable NetworksEthane Sw1 Sw2 Sw3 Packet

  25. Ethane Drawbacks • Require complex hardware • Each switch needs to encrypt/decrypt packets • Performance issues • The controller is involved with every packet

  26. Practical Solution: SDN (e.g. OpenFlow) If (port == 22) Then send on if 2 If (port == 80) Then Drop

  27. OpenFlow API (0.9) Layer 3.5: (Firewall/ACL) Matches on IP address OR Matches on a port Drops or forwards the pkt • Match • IP • Mac • Port • VLAN • TOS • Action: • Forward/flood on specific interfaces • Drop packet • Rewrite ipor mac headers Layer 3: (OSPF) 1. Matches on IP address 2. Forwards on a port Layer 2.5: (Spanning Tree) Matches on VLAN 2. Floods the packet Layer 2: (Spanning Tree) 1. Matches on MAC address 2. Forwards on a port OR 2. Floods the packet

  28. OpenFlow API ACL ACL ACL OSPF OSPF OSPF VLAN VLAN VLAN SPT SPT SPT Layer 3.5: (Firewall/ACL) Matches on IP address OR Matches on a port Drops or forwards the pkt Juniper Cisco HP Layer 3: (OSPF) 1. Matches on IP address 2. Forwards on a port Cisco Magic Protocols Juniper Magic Protocols HP Magic Protocols Layer 2.5: (VLAN) Matches on VLAN 2. Floods the packet Layer 2: (Spanning Tree) 1. Matches on MAC address 2. Forwards on a port OR 2. Floods the packet

  29. OpenFlow API ACL ACL ACL ACL OSPF OSPF OSPF OSPF VLAN VLAN VLAN VLAN SPT SPT SPT SPT Cisco OpenFlow Switch HP Juniper Cisco Magic Protocols Juniper Magic Protocols HP Magic Protocols Simple Firmware patch

  30. Lesson • A rigid network is impractical • Doesn’t support new services • Programmable Networks allow great flexibility • Allows anyone to introduce new services • Into which ever nodes they have access to • But this flexibility introduces new challenges • Security, performance, Resource control • For Technological adoption • Minimal overhead for transition is good • New h/w is hard to get created

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