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Socio-Economic and Family Factors that affect gang violence in California

Socio-Economic and Family Factors that affect gang violence in California. California Assembly Representatives By Ernesto Rebollar CHHS Major . INTRODUCTION.

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Socio-Economic and Family Factors that affect gang violence in California

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  1. Socio-Economic and Family Factors that affect gang violence in California California Assembly Representatives By Ernesto Rebollar CHHS Major

  2. INTRODUCTION • California is considered the birth place of gang culture. Socio -economic and family factors factors have allowed this problem to expand to mass proportions

  3. Findings • Causes- “Youths with weak attachments to parents are likely to engage in deviance because they lack important indirect controls on their behavior” (Esbensen, F., Peterson, D., Taylor, T. J., and Freng, A. 2009). • Poverty & lack of opportunities • The unemployment rate among 16- to 19-year-olds in California was 34.2 percent in 2010 (California gang prevention , 2011).

  4. Effects • Effects- “In California it is estimated that approximately 25 percent of California homicides are gang-related”, according to legislative analyst office (2007). • According to the LAPD (2012), “The County and City of Los Angeles are the ‘gang capital’ of the nation. There are more than 450 active gangs in the City of Los Angeles. Many of these gangs have been in existence for over 50 years. These gangs have a combined membership of over 45,000 individuals” (pg. 1).

  5. The Azteca Soccer Team is an alternative program for young adults who are involved with gangs. • Practices, games, and successful mentoring, participating youth learn sportsmanship, leadership skills, conflict resolution, and anger management. (Squires, 2006). Effective Programs

  6. Synthesis California should support youth by proving funds on programs like the Azteca Soccer program and Barrios Unidos in order to decrease crime.

  7. References • California Cities Gang Prevention Network. (2011). Addressing gang violence by creating safe and healthy communities. Retrieved from http://www.ccgpn.org/Publications/CA%20Cities%20Bulletin%202.pdf • Daniels, C. (2010, July 01). Retrieved from http://www.king5.com/news/Gang-Activity-Rising-Due-to-Economy-97643114.html. Hill K.G., Howell J.C., Hawkins J.D.,& Battin-Pearson S.R. Childhood risk factors for adolescent Gang membership: Results from the Seattle Social Development Project (1999) Journal ofResearch inCrime and Delinquency, 36 (3), pp. 300-322. Rodriguez, L. (2005). The End of the Line: California Gangs and the Promise of Street Peace. Social Justice, 32(3), 12-23 Squires (2006, June 27). Azteca soccer puts gang members on the same team. Santa Cruz Sentinel. Tracy Manzer(2008,May19), Gangs pose a tremendous challenge. Press telegram.

  8. Thank you

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