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Caesar 4.24-25. [24] At barbari , consilio Romanorum cognito praemisso equitatu et essedariis , quo plerumque genere in proeliis uti consuerunt , reliquis copiis subsecuti nostros navibus egredi prohibebant .
[24] At barbari, consilioRomanorumcognitopraemissoequitatu et essedariis, quo plerumquegenere in proeliisuticonsuerunt, reliquiscopiissubsecuti nostros navibusegrediprohibebant. But the barbarians, the plan of the Romans having been perceived and (their) cavalry and war charioteers having been sent forward, which type they are accustomed to use in battles very often, having followed up with their remaining troops, were preventing our (men) from disembarking the ships.
Erat ob has causas summa difficultas, quod naves propter magnitudinem nisi in alto constitui non poterant, militibusautem, ignotislocis, impeditismanibus, magno et gravionerearmorumoppressissimul et de navibusdesiliendum et in fluctibusconsistendum et cum hostibuseratpugnandum, cum illiaut ex aridoautpaulum in aquamprogressi omnibus membrisexpeditis, notissimislocis, audactertelacoicerent et equosinsuefactosincitarent. There was on account of these reasons with greatest difficulty, because the ships on account of their size unless in deep (water) were not able to be anchored, the soldiers, however, locations unknown, encumbered in respect to their hands, having been oppressed/weighed down by a great and heavy burden/weight of armor, had at the same time to leap down from the ships and to stand (firm) in the waves and to fight with the enemy, when those men (the enemy) either on dry land or having advanced in a little water with all limbs unencumbered, in places very familiar, were boldly hurling spears and were urging on their trained horses.
Quibus rebus nostriperterritiatquehuiusomnino generis pugnaeimperiti, non eademalacritate ac studio quo in pedestribusutiproeliisconsuerantutebantur. By which (i.e. these) things our (troops were) terrified and entirely unskilled in this type of fighting, they were not using the same eagerness and zeal which they had been accustomed to use.
[25] Quod ubi Caesar animadvertit, naves longas, quarum et species eratbarbarisinusitatior et motus ad usumexpeditior, paulumremoveriabonerariisnavibus et remisincitari et ad latusapertumhostiumconstituiatqueindefundis, sagittis, tormentishostespropelli ac submoveriiussit; quae res magnousuinostrisfuit. When Caesar noticed it (i.e. these things), the long ships, both the sight of which (or “both whose sight…and whose…) was less familiar/more unusual to the barbarians and the movement of which was more unimpeded (i.e. it was more lightly armed) for use, he ordered be removed from the cargo/freight ships a little and to be set in motion by oars and to be stationed/anchored toward the open/exposed side of the enemy and then/from that place with slings, arrows, catapults the enemy to be driven back/be routed and to be driven away.
Nam et naviumfigura et remorummotu et inusitatogeneretormentorumpermotibarbariconstiterunt ac paulummodopedemrettulerunt. For the barbarians disturbed both by the form of our ships and by the movement of the oars and by the unusual type of artillery, halted and even stepped back/retreated a little.
Atquenostrismilitibuscunctantibus, maxime propter altitudinemmaris, qui X legionisaquilamgerebat, obtestatusdeos, ut ea res legionifelicitereveniret, ' desilite', inquit, ' commilitiones, nisi vultisaquilamhostibusprodere; ego certemeumreipublicaeatqueimperatoriofficiumpraestitero.‘ And our soldiers hesitating, especially (lit. most greatly) on account of the depth of the sea, (the man) who was bearing the eagle of the 10th legion, having begged the gods, that this situation turn out favorably for the legion, said “jump down, fellow soldiers, unless you want to betray your eagle to the enemy; I certainly will have performed my duty for the republic and my commander.”
Hoc cum voce magna dixisset, se ex naviproiecitatque in hostesaquilamferrecoepit. Tumnostricohortati inter se, ne tantumdedecusadmitteretur, universi ex navidesiluerunt. Hos item ex proximispriminavibus cum conspexissent, subsecutihostibusappropinquarunt. When he had said this in a great voice, he hurled himself from the ship and began to bear/bring/carry the eagle toward the enemy. Then our men, having encouraged one another, lest so great a shame be allowed (in order that so great a shame not be allowed), they jumped down all together from the ships. In like manner, when the men in front (primi) on the neighboring ships had caught sight of these men, having followed closely/right after, they approached the enemy.