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https://pandabuddy.net/teach-english-in-china/ :- Teaching in China Graduate Program<br>
2019 - 2020 TEACHING ENGLISH IN CHINA GRADUATE PRGORAM Everythingyouneedtoknowtogetyourjourneystarted
PANDABUDDY China, a country with more than 5000 years of rich history, has created one of the biggest economic miracles in recent years. It's a country that never ceases to grow, and to fascinate people all over the world. Our teaching in China program provides aspiring graduates the opportunity to live and work in China, immerse themselves in the unique cultural experience, learn a new language, and develop essential skills in a global economy. Zoe Liang Panda Buddy
Connor Meyer "Working as a teacher in China for the last 4 years has been immensely rewarding for me on both a personal and professional level. On a professional level nothing beats a student walking into a classroom without a word of English and watching them progress and develop. On a personal level I have made some great friends, learned (a little) of a new language and lots about a new culture (and food) that I would never have have discovered had I not taken the plunge. Having lived in both a very small city and a very large city and both have their own unique charms. In my time here I have helped quite a few friends with their transition to living here and I can safely say they loved it." THE GREAT OPPORTUNITY OPPORTUNITIES POTENTIALS CULTURES ADVENTURES China is Quickly Becoming the Most Sought-After Teaching Destination IMPACT DEVELOPMENT GROWTH
Online Application "Teachingin Chinawithusis simple & straight tothe point!" Position Match Position Interviews Contract Review Pre-depature support THE EASY PROCESS Enjoythehassle-freeprocesswe provide! StevenSmith Year10Coordinator
POSITIONS AVAILABLE Each year, there’s a huge demand for native English teachers to come teach in China. These English teaching jobs offer a great opportunity for you to work, live and travel in one of China’s big cities for one year. Most teaching jobs provide great benefits that allows you to have a comfortable lifestyle in China. KEY DATES PUBLICSCHOOLS EnglishisthemandatorysubjectinChina's publicschools. Theyarerunfairlywell whenitcomestoorganization. Youwill findthatyouwillhavebetween30and60 studentsinyourclassroomandyouwillbe abletoteachmostlywhatyouwant. September, 2019 (Application opensinFeb – July2019: deadline: 31st July, 2019) PRIVATEINSTITUTES February, 2020 (Application opensinSep – Dec2019: deadline: 15th Jan, 2020) Englishinstitutescatertostudentswho wanttolearntheEnglishlanguageafter theirnormalschoolhours. Thistypeof positionwillallowyoutoreallygetto knowthelocalsintheareathatyouwillbe livingin. September, 2020 (Application opensinFeb – July2020: deadline: 31st July, 2020) KINDERGARTENS Flexible (*Forsomelanguage institutionpositions) Nowadays, Englisheducationhasbecome themainstreaminkindergartensinChina, thereforedrivingahugedemandfor foreignEnglishteacherswhocannurturing theyoungminds.
CITIES YOU CAN TEACH JILIN BEIJING CHENGDU HANGZHOU SUZHOU CHONGQING GUANGZHOU SHENZHEN HAINAN A mixture of modern and tradition, different cities offer different tastes of China.
"The kids remember my name. I get to teach things that I find personally interesting. The people are weird (the best kind). And there’s something new to see / eat / do everyday. " -- Harold Aman
START YOUR JOURNEY TODAY REQUIREMENTS Have a bachelor degree Be a native speaker in English (*passport holders of United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand or South Africa in order to meet China’s visa regulations) Be passionate about learning and education Able to obtain clean police check APPLY ONLINE AT: https://pandabuddy.net/application-page/ Any questions, email: info@pandabuddy.net