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International Trade Terms. The International Trade School of Shandong Economic University. Content. Concept of Trade Terms International Trade Terms Usage A Guide to Incoterms 2000. Concept of Trade Terms.
International Trade Terms The International Trade School of Shandong Economic University
Content • Concept of Trade Terms • International Trade Terms Usage • A Guide to Incoterms 2000
Concept of Trade Terms Trade Terms : also called price terms or delivery terms, are an important component of a unit price in International trade, refer to using a brief English concept or abbreviation to indicate the formation of the unit price and determine the responsibilities, expenses and risks borne by two parties as well as the time of passing of the property in the goods.
International Trade Terms Usage Trade terms have been developed in practice over many years to fit particular circumstance. Different countries have different interpretations of the terms. To clear up the confusion, some international organizations have made quite a few rules and explanations, of which there are three influential international trade practice. 1.《Warsaw — Oxford Rules 1992》 2.《 Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941 》 3.《INCOTERMS 2000》
《INCOTERMS 2000》 In 1936, the International Charmber of Commerce (ICC) drew up a set of standard terms and definitions, which are known as Incoterms 1936, They were revised in 1953, 1982, 1990 and again in 2000 in order to bring the rules in line with current international trade practice. Compared with Incoterms 1990, Incoterms 2000 have made two practical amendments: The customs clearance and payment of duty obligations under FAS and DEQ The loading and unloading obligations under FCA
《2000年通则》 四组术语(共13种) E 组 启 运 适用于各种运输方式, 包括多式联运 EXWEX Works 工厂交货 FCAFree Carrier 货交承运人 FASFree Alongside Ship 船边交货 FOB Free On Board 装运港船上交货 同上 适用于海运及内河运输 同上 F 组 主运费 未付 同上 CFRCost and Freight 成本加运费 CIF Cost,Insurance 成本加保险费、 and Freight 运费 CPT Carriage Paid To 运费付至 CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid To 同上 C组 主运费 已付 适用于各种运输方式, 包括多式联运 同上 运费、保险费付至 同上 DAFDelivered At Frontier边境交货 DES Delivered Ex Ship 目的港船上交货 DEQDelivered Ex Quay 目的港码头交货 DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid DDPDelivered Duty Paid 完税后交货 D组 到达 适用于海运及内河运输 同上 适用于各种运输方式, 包括多式联运 未完税交货 同上
The obligations between the buyer and the seller B1 Payment of the price B2 Licenses, authorizations and formalities B3 Contract of carriage and insurance B4 Taking delivery B5 Transfer of risks B6 Division of costs B7 Notice to the seller B8 Proof of delivery, transport document or equivalent electronic message B9 Inspection of goods B10 Other obligations A1 Provision of goods in conformity with the contract A2 Licenses, authorizations and formalities A3 Contract of carriage and insurance A4 Delivery A5 Transfer of risks A6 Division of costs A7 Notice to the buyer A8 Proof of delivery, transport document or equivalent electronic message A9 Checking-packing-marking A10 Other obligations
*FCA CPT CIP FOB CFRDDU*FASCIF DES *DEQ DDP EXW 工厂 仓库 敞车 机场 集装箱 码头 码头 火车站 堆场 CY 汽车站 出口国 进口国 DAF 关境 关境 出口国 进口国
FOBFree on board(…named port of shipment) This term means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’s rail at the named port of shipment. This means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to the goods from that point. This term can be used only for sea or inland waterway transport.
However, As the loading of the goods is a continuous process, it is hard to use ship’s rail as a point to divide responsibilities and costs. To avoid any dispute, there are several derived terms. • FOB Liner Terms • FOB Under Tackle • FOB Stowed • FOB Trimmed
Free on Board 一、 FOB+指定装运港(装运港船上交货) 出口方 进口方 码头
(一)买卖双方的义务 卖方的基本义务: 1、按时交货,并发已装船通知。装船通知样本 2、办理出口结关手续。 3、负担货到装运港船舷为止的一切费用与风险。 4、提交约定的各项单证或电子信息。 买方的基本义务: 1、按时租船订舱并支付运费,发船名等的充分通知。 2、办理进口结关手续。 3、负担货到装运港船舷后的一切费用与风险。 4、领货付款。
(二)理解及使用FOB术语时应注意的问题 1、FOB+装运港。 2、交货点:装运港船上。 3、风险划分点:装运港船舷为界。 4、风险提前转移。 5、费用划分点:装运港船舷为界。(运费、保费、其他) 6、报关。 7、买方发“充分通知”。 8、船货衔接。 9、卖方发“及时通知”。 10、只适用海运或内河航运。 11、装船费的负担。
FOB的变形:装船费 1、FOB Liner Term 船方(即买方) 2、 FOB under tackle 吊钩 3、 FOB stowed 卖方+理 4、 FOB trimmed 卖方+平 5、 FOB stowed and trimmed 卖方+平+理
案例分析: A公司以FOB条件出口一批茶具,买方要求A公司代为租船,费用由买方负担。由于A公司在约定日期内无法租到合适的船,且买方不同意更换条件,以致延误了装运期,买方以此为由提出撤消合同。问买方的要求是否合理?
案例1 有一份FOB合同,甲公司出口卡车500辆,该批货物装于舱面,其中40辆是卖给某国乙公司的。货物抵运目的港后由承运人负责分拨,船行途中遇到恶劣天气,有50辆卡车被冲进海中。事后甲公司宣布出售给乙公司的40辆卡车已在运输途中全部损失。乙公司认为甲公司未履行交货义务,要求赔偿损失,甲公司认为货物已经越过船舷,风险已转移,无须赔偿。请判别孰是孰非?为什么?
案例2 我与美商达成的合同中采用的术语为 FOB上海,合同规定的交货时间为2001年3~4月份,可是到了4月30日,买方指派的船只还未到达上海港,问: 1、货物在5月2日因仓库失火而全部灭失。发生灭失的风险应由谁来负担? 2、船于5月2日到达并装运,由此为保存货物而发 生的额外费用由谁负担?
CIF Cost Insurance and Freight(… named port of destination) This term means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’s rail in the port of shipment. The seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination and arrange marine insurance against the risk of loss of, or damage to, the goods in transit. But the risk of loss of or damage to the goods, as well as any additional costs due to events occurring after the time of delivery, are transferred from the seller to the buyer.
The seller arrange insurance only on minimum cover. Should the buyer wish to have the protection of greater cover, he would either need to agree as such expressly with the seller or to make his own extra insurance arrangements. • This term is a popular cargo delivery arrangement and can only be used for sea and inland waterway transportation. To stipulate the responsibility and cost of unloading, CIF has some derived terms: CIF Liner Terms, CIF Landed and CIF Ex-Ship’s Hold
Cost、Insurance And Freight 3、 CIF+指定目的港:成本、运费加保险 出口方 进口方 码头
(一)买卖双方的义务 卖方的基本义务: 1、租船订舱并支付运费,按时交货,并发已装船通知。 2、办理出口结关手续。 3、负担货到装运港船舷为止的一切费用与风险。 4、提交约定的各项单证或电子信息。 5、办理保险并支付保险费。 买方的基本义务: 1、领货付款。 2、办理进口结关手续。 3、负担货到装运港船舷后的一切风险。
(二)理解及使用CIF术语时应注意的问题 1、CIF+目的港。 2、交货点:装运港船上。 3、风险划分点:装运港船舷为界。 4、费用划分(运费、保费)。 5、报关。 6、只适用海运或内河航运。 7、象征性交货 8、最低责任险110% 8、卸货费的负担。
CIF的变形:卸货费 1、CIF Liner Term 船方(即卖方) 2、 CIF Ex tackle 吊钩 3、 CIF landed 卖方 4、 CIF Ex ship’s hold 买方
案例分析: 1、我方按CIF条件进口一批床单,货物抵达后发现床单在运输途中部分受潮,而卖方已如期向我方递交了合同规定的全套合格单据并要求我方支付货款。问我方能否以所交货物受潮而拒付货款并向卖方提出索赔?
案例4 在80年代,有一出口商同国外买方达成一交易,合同约定的价格条件为CIF,当时正值海湾地区爆发战争,装有出口货物的轮船在公海上航行时,被一发导弹误中而沉。由于在投保时没有加保战争险,不能取得保险公司的赔偿。问:买方为此向买方提出索赔是否合理?
案例5 按CIF贸易术语出口。卖方按合同的规定装船完毕后取得包括提单在内的全套装运单据。但是,载货轮船在启航后第二天就触礁沉没,买方闻讯后提出拒收单据,拒付货款。试问,卖方应如何处理?为什么?
案例6 某公司按CIF London向英国出口一批季节性较 强的货物,双方在合同中规定:买方须于9月底前将 信用证开到,卖方保证运货船只不得迟于12月2日驶 抵目的港。如货轮迟于12月2日驶抵目的港,买方有 权取消合同。如货款已收,卖方须将货款退还买方, 如此签约是否正确?
CFRCost and Freight(… named port of destination) This term means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’s rail in the port of shipment. The seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination, but the risk of loss of or damage to the goods, as well as any additional costs due to events occurring after the time of delivery, are transferred from the seller to the buyer.
Cargo insurance is to be effected by the buyer. So when the goods are loaded on board the vessel, the seller should send shipping notice to the buyer. • This terms can be used for sea and inland waterway transport. If the parties do not intend to deliver the goods across the ship’s rail, the CPT term should be used. • To stipulate the responsibility and cost of unloading, CFR has some derived terms: CFR Liner Terms, CFR Landed and CFR Ex-Ship’s Hold
Cost And Freight 二、 CFR+指定目的港:成本加运费 出口方 进口方 码头
(一)买卖双方的义务 卖方的基本义务: 1、租船订舱并支付运费,按时交货,并发已装船通知。 2、办理出口结关手续。 3、负担货到装运港船舷为止的一切费用与风险。 4、提交约定的各项单证或电子信息。 买方的基本义务: 1、领货付款。 2、办理进口结关手续。 3、负担货到装运港船舷后的一切风险。 4、投保并支付保险费。
(二)理解及使用CFR术语时应注意的问题 1、CFR+目的港。 2、交货点:装运港船上。 3、风险划分点:装运港船舷为界。 4、费用划分(运费、保费) 5、报关。 6、卖方发“及时通知”。 7、只适用海运或内河航运。 8、卸货费的负担。
CFR的变形:卸货费 1、CFR Liner Term 船方(即卖方) 2、 CFR Ex tackle 吊钩 3、 CFR landed 卖方 4、 CFR Ex ship’s hold 买方
FCAFree Carrier(… named place) This term means that the seller delivers the goods, cleared for export, to the carrier nominated by the buyer at the named place. It should be noted that the chosen place of delivery has an impact on the obligation of loading and unloading the goods at that place. If delivery occurs at the seller’s premises, the seller is responsible for loading. If delivery occurs at any other place, the seller is not responsible for unloading.
Free Carrier FCA +指定地点 :货交承运人 出口方 进口方 车站 码头
(一)买卖双方的义务 卖方的基本义务: 1、按时将货交给指定的承运人,并发及时通知。 2、办理出口结关手续。 3、负担货交承运人前的一切费用与风险。 4、提交通常单据或电子信息。 买方的基本义务: 1、订立自指定地点到目的地的运输合同,并支付运费, 发承运人名称等的充分通知。 2、办理进口结关手续。 3、负担货交承运人后的一切费用及风险。 4、领货付款。
(二)理解及使用FCA术语时应注意的问题 1、FCA+指定地点。 2、交货点:承运人的运输工具上或承运人控制下。 3、风险划分点:指定地点完成交货。 4、风险提前转移。 5、费用划分点:指定地点。(运费、保费、其他) 6、报关。 7、买方发“充分通知”。 8、安排运输:卖方可代理买方办理运输 9、卖方发“及时通知”。 10、适用各种运输方式。 11、FCA与 FOB。
CPTCarriage Paid to(… named place of destination) This term means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier nominated by the him but the seller must in addition pay the cost of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the named destination. This means that the buyer bears all risks and any other costs occurring after the goods have been so delivered. CPT is almost the same as CFR except that CFR is only applied to sea and inland water transportation while CPT may be used for any mode of transport including multi-modal transport.
Carriage Paid To CPT +指定目的地 :运费付至…… 出口方 进口方 车站 码头
(一)买卖双方的义务 卖方的基本义务: 1、订立自指定地点到目的地的运输合同,并支付运费,按时将货交给承运人,并发及时通知。 2、办理出口结关手续。 3、负担货交承运人前的一切风险。 4、提交通常单据或电子信息。 买方的基本义务: 1、办理进口结关手续。 2、负担货交承运人后的一切风险。 3、领货付款。 4、投保并支付保险费。
(二)理解及使用CPT术语时应注意的问题 1、CPT+指定目的地。 2、交货点:承运人的运输工具上。 3、风险划分点:指定地点完成交货。 4、费用划分(运费、保费、其他). 5、报关。 6、卖方发“及时通知”。 7、适用各种运输方式。 8、CPT与 CFR。
CIPCarriage and Insurance Paid to(… named place of destination) This term means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier nominated by the him but the seller must in addition pay the cost of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the named destination and arrange the insurance. The seller arrange insurance only on minimum cover. Should the buyer wish to have the protection of greater cover, he would either need to agree as such expressly with the seller or to make his own extra insurance arrangements.
Briefly, this term is almost identical to CPT except that under CIP, the seller has to fund the cargo insurance. The seller’s liability ceases when the cargo has been accepted by the carrier or the first carrier under multimodal transport operation. Its only difference from CIF is that CIP is applied to all modes of transport.
Carriage 、Insurance Paid To CPT +指定目的地 :运费、保险费付至…… 出口方 进口方 车站 码头
(一)买卖双方的义务 卖方的基本义务: 1、订立自指定地点到目的地的运输合同,并支付运费,按时将货交给承运人,并发及时通知。 2、办理出口结关手续。 3、负担货交承运人前的一切风险。 4、提交通常单据或电子信息。 5、投保并支付保险费。 买方的基本义务: 1、办理进口结关手续。 2、负担货交承运人后的一切风险。 3、领货付款。
(二)理解及使用CPT术语时应注意的问题 1、CPT+指定目的地。 2、交货点:承运人的运输工具上。 3、风险划分点:指定地点完成交货。 4、费用划分(运费、保费、其他). 5、报关。 6、卖方发“及时通知”。 7、最低责任险110%。 8、适用各种运输方式。 9、CIP与 CIF。
术语不同点 FOB、CFR、CIF FCA、CPT、CIP 1、适用的运输方式 仅适用于海运和内河运输,承运人一般为船公司。 适用于各种运输,承运人因运输方式不同而有多种情况。 2、交货点和风险转移点 交货点和风险划分点都是装运港船舷。 交货点和风险划分点因运输方式不同而有多种情况。 3、租船运输时 装、卸费用负担 贸易合同中要采用贸易术语变形加以确定装卸费用负担。 运费中包含装货费或卸货费,贸易合同中无需采用术语变形。 4、运输单据 卖方一般要提交“清洁已装船”提单。 运输单据因运输方式不同而有多种情况。 六种主要贸易术语的区别