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The Politics of Public Schools in Chicago Story of the Hunger Strike

The Politics of Public Schools in Chicago Story of the Hunger Strike. 3 New High Schools are promised 2 High Schools are built, where and why? The District tells LV there is no more money.

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The Politics of Public Schools in Chicago Story of the Hunger Strike

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  1. The Politics of Public Schools in ChicagoStory of the Hunger Strike • 3 New High Schools are promised • 2 High Schools are built, where and why? • The District tells LV there is no more money. • Community leaders meet with the District and send letters to the Mayor, meet with City officials over a 2 year period • Community is told to go to the Illinois State legislature for special funding • Then the Community was offered a small amount of $ to renovate old high school What should the community do? What would your parents do?

  2. What would your parents do?Prior 201/202 students have said: • Community Action: PTA, meetings, meet with principal, gain media attention, gain support of entire community • Political: write and meet with political leaders, protest the District leaders, elect new board members (in Chicago trustees are appointed by the Mayor), write Congress persons, write representatives, make it an election issue, hold political rallies, sit-ins and marches • Economic: stop paying taxes, raise your own taxes, try to raise private funds, send children to private school, look to philanthropic organizations for money, ask local businesses to support schools, move to another community

  3. What is the reasoning behind where new schools were built? • Table 1 (Friedman) Data on North Park, Near North Park, and Little Village (2000 Census) • Population, poverty rates, median income • Table 2 (Friedman) School Data (2005) • Attendance Rate, Graduation Rate, Achievement, AP scores, Racial demographics of the 3 schools

  4. Today, complete discussion of how to use the Analytic Framework to explain school policies and practices—case of Little Village High SchoolThen to Jefferson’s ideas of Liberty and Literacy Why was the promise to build a school in Little Village broken? What should residents do? This is a story of power structures, distribution of resources, geography, demographics, priorities of public schooling, and ideology.

  5. Use your list of P-E, ideological, and school forces in Chicago from the Friedman article to explain why CPS did not build a new school in Little Village as promised by 2001. POLITICAL ECONOMY in Chicago 2001 Social (Urban life in Chicago, community organizations, class status, race/ethnicity) Economic Political (Mayor, power relations) Demographics (LV) IDEOLOGY Explains and Justifies Life (norms) Shared beliefs Shared values Groups differ SCHOOLS District Policies and priorities, the 2 New Schools, Farragut Academy

  6. Does anyone need a copy of Analytic Framework Sheet for this case? • Read all footnotes in Friedman’s article. • Defines Plus and Minus Schools and Program for Figure 1. “Contested Space” by Friedman For Exam 1, one question will require you to use the Analytic Framework to answer questions about this situation.

  7. This effort to gain quality education is an example of collaborative grassroots power and participatory democracy by a less powerful minority group. It required an organized and sustained challenge of both institutional and ideological barriers. PUSH BACK, CHALLENGED STATUS QUO-- Some level of community leadership--- • The community challenged the dominant institutions and its practices. • The community challenged the dominant ideology. It drew on the democratic ideals of our nation.

  8. Similar to Farragut HSHarper High ChicagoWho is responsible? • NEW LINK (see homepage): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpfMD9gWNf8&feature=related • http://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/Harper-High-Schools-Turnaround-Video

  9. Data on Chicago Public School Students • 90% are Hispanic and African-American • 85.6% of students from low-income families • 19.9% of Illinois public school students attend CPS • 13.7% are limited-English-proficient • 94.0% attendance rate for elementary schools • 86.0% attendance rate for high schools Per pupil operating expenditures as of FY05-06 • $9,758 operating expenditure per pupil • $6,875 per capita tuition

  10. In 2001, 14 people mounted a hunger strike • The hunger strike lasted 19 days • Community got district to build the school • Community remained involved in school design

  11. New CPS CEO Arne Duncan Who were some of the key players? Did the struggles end with the building of the new school? (Friedman: impact of Ren10, boundaries, name of school) CPS CEO Paul Valles Mayor Richard Daley Valles resigned 2 months later

  12. Little Village High School4 small schools in one locationMulticultural Arts, Infinity,World Languages andSocial Justice • Our MissionThe Little Village Lawndale High School is a reality because of the principles of social justice. Our belief in self-determination inspired a community to act on its convictions to affirm its right to a quality education. Through a system of support, guidance, and accountability our students will graduate high school, be prepared for college and implement a post secondary plan. Our students will cherish and preserve their ethnic and cultural identity, will serve and determine the future of our community, and will have a passion for peace, justice and the dignity of all people.

  13. SOCIAL JUSTICE HIGH SCHOOLOne of four theme schools in Little Village High School Our Vision The purpose of the school of social justice is to assure that all students become critical thinkers through a curriculum that is rigorous, innovative, and implemented through meaningful school relationships.Project based and problem based learning that addresses real world issues through the lenses of race, gender, culture, economic equity, peace, justice, and the environment will be the catalyst for developing our curriculum.Service learning will be the center of our curriculum. Our community and the city will be our classroom. All learning will be relevant to the lives of our students.We will increase student learning and achievement by building on what our students know and utilize their everyday experiences in order to build the excellence of basic skills and literacy.The professional community composed of administrators, teachers, students, parents and other community members will learn together and from one another.

  14. One of your Exam 1 questions will be using the Analytic Framework to explain this case study.

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