About me By Cole Holland
My birth/my family/my pets My name is Cole T.j. Holland, I was born on July 29, 1999 I was born at 2:28 in the morning. I used to have two dogs bowser and shandie bouser had died about 2 years ago then we got henry he is 3 years old and he is still alive. My mom and my dad still live together I have a older brother he is turning 17 in November. My dad is 46 and my mom is 51. My nana is 80 and she is one of the most important things in my life.
my most memorable moment • My most memorable moment was when I had one the banner when I was playing hockey. That moment was special to me because it was 2-2, then we had scored a goal. They had the best player in the league with ten seconds left he takes a slap shot it had went behind the goalie but then I dived in front of the net and I blocked it. I still have that scare for 2 years I don’t think that the scar is going away.