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Adopting Authentic Materials to Integrate Culture and Language. Dali Tan Landon School, Bethesda, Maryland. What are authentic materials ?. Authentic materials are resources that have been developed specifically for native speakers. These include print, audio, and visual materials.
Adopting Authentic Materials to Integrate Culture and Language Dali Tan Landon School, Bethesda, Maryland
What are authentic materials? • Authentic materials are resources that have been developed specifically for native speakers. These include print, audio, and visual materials.
Examples of Authentic Materials songs proverbs folktales newspapers televisions programs radio broadcasts film internet websites • transportation schedules • pictures of road signs • business cards • labels • menus • brochures • receipts • currency • Tickets • Others
Using Authentic Materials Across All Levels • Authentic materials can be used at the beginning level. • How can one find age and level appropriate as well as culturally-rich authentic materials? • The use of authentic material leads naturally to authentic assessments.
How to introduce the concept and practice of “Xiao”(filial piety) in Chinese culture? --A preliminary proposal from Dali Tan The purpose of the following examples from Dali Tan is to “抛砖引玉” ( To throw out a brick in order to bring forth a jade).
中國文化傳統中的“孝” 小鳥 小鳥小﹐老鳥老﹐ 小鳥本是老鳥抱﹐ 小鳥﹐小鳥﹐你今長大了﹐ 老鳥誰養他的老﹖ (This children’s rhyme can be taught in Chinese I )
小板凳 小板凳﹐ 你莫歪﹐ 讓我爹爹坐下來。 我替爹爹捶捶背﹐ 爹爹叫我好乖乖﹐ 我敬爹爹一杯茶﹐ 爹爹叫我好乖乖。 http://v.ku6.com/show/fYGrRyqZAgpvG1Pt.html • (This children’s rhyme can be taught in Chinese II )
小烏鴉愛媽媽 路邊開放野菊花,飛來一只小烏鴉, 不吵鬧呀不玩耍呀,急急忙忙轉回家。 它的媽媽年紀大,躺在家里飛不動, 小烏鴉呀叼來虫子,一口一口喂媽媽。 多可愛的小烏鴉,多懂事的小烏鴉, 飛來飛去不忘記呀,媽媽把它養育大。 http://www.aiting.com/MusicData/play/183027.html (Second graders in China learn this song in music class. This can be taught in Chinese III )
Use of “常回家看看”Across Levels This popular music video song lends itself really well in teaching the concept and practice of “filial piety” across all levels of proficiency. The possibilities are endless. You can use the provided link to show the video.
常回家看看 找点空闲,找点时间, 领着孩子常回家看看.带上笑容,带上祝愿, 陪同爱人常回家看看.妈妈准备了一些唠叨, 爸爸张罗了一桌好菜.生活的烦恼向妈妈说说, 工作的事情向爸爸谈谈. The lyric for this popular song continues in next slide.
常回家看看 (continued) 常回家看看,回家看看, 哪怕帮妈妈洗洗筷子,刷刷碗,老人不图儿女为家做多大贡献,一辈子不容易,就图个平平安安. 常回家看看,回家看看,哪怕帮爸爸捶捶后背,揉揉肩,老人不图儿女为家做多大贡献啊,一辈子总操心,就换个平平安安. http://you.video.sina.com.cn/b/2895959-1263555182.html
Other authentic materials for teaching the concept and practice of “filial piety” • Selected readings, proverbs, quotes from “Analects” of Confucius and other materials can be used in higher level classes. Some materials can also be used in designing IPAs (Integrated Performance Assessments).
中国民间有个说法,叫做“百善孝为先”。一 切善事都是从孝开始做起,因为这是人生中 最深刻的亲情,人人不可回避。 在孝顺这件事上,民间还有个说法,叫做 “论心不论迹”。我们知道,不一定每一个孝 子都有充足的钱财和很高的地位,能够安照 他的梦想把爱折合成一种物质条件给他的父 母。有时候一个很深刻的心愿,但是做起来 却是一件件朴朴素素的小事,小到微乎其微。(p.4)
...... 我还看到过一个让人很感动的儿女尽孝的小故事. 有一帮朋友在一起聊天, 有一个人说,我在外面时间这么长,我要给爸爸妈妈打个电话告诉他们一声. 然后,他拨了一个号码, 停了一下挂断, 又拨了一遍号码,拿着听筒等着, 接着跟他父母说话. 他的朋友很奇怪, 问, 拨第一遍占线啊? 他说没有. 朋友问, 那为什么要拨两遍呢?
这个人淡淡地说, 我爸爸妈妈年纪大了, 腿脚不好, 他们只 要听见就觉得是我的, 每次都是不顾一切往前冲, 恨不得扑到 电话机上. 我妈妈因为这样就经常被桌子腿绊了. 后来我就跟 他们说好, 我会经常打电话, 但前提你们一定不要跑, 我第一 次拨通电话就响两三声, 然后挂上, 你们慢慢走到电话机边等 着, 过一会儿我一定还会打过来的. 这个故事是比较少见的儿女孝敬父母的故事. 朋友们在一 起要聊起父母对儿女的爱, 大家可能随口说出一大把, 但是儿 女有如此之心对父母的, 往往少见. 其实, 我倒真希望这样的 故事能发生在我们每个人的家里, 发生在我们身边. (p.20-21). --“于丹 ‘论语’感悟 ” 中华书局, 2008。
为人子 方少时 尊长辈 习礼仪 香九龄能温席 爱父母意深长 --新三字经 http://baike.baidu.com/view/96121.htm “九岁黄香能温席” http://2006.chinataiwan.org/web/webportal/W5270503/Uzbhua/A234428.html “千经万典,孝义为先。” “子孝父心宽。” “羊有跪乳之恩, 鸦有反哺之义。” “事父母﹐能竭其力。” --<<論語.學而>> (意思是說﹐侍候父母﹐能做到盡心竭力。)
http://www.lmp.ucla.edu/Lessons.aspx?menu=003#AMS Useful Resources