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GACC, UNCAC PROJECT & UNCAC REVIEW PROCESS IN GHANA. Engagement of civil society in the fight against corruption 28 TH AUGUST 2013. OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION. Brief on GACC Activities UNCAC Review process & CSO involvement Usefulness of Training on UNCAC in Vienna

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  1. GACC, UNCAC PROJECT & UNCAC REVIEW PROCESS IN GHANA Engagement of civil society in the fight against corruption 28TH AUGUST 2013

  2. OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION • Brief on GACC Activities • UNCAC Review process & CSO involvement • Usefulness of Training on UNCAC in Vienna • Project on SMEs & UNCAC Review Process

  3. GHANA ANTI-CORRUPTION COALITION • Coalition of Independent Public Institutions, Private Sector, CSOs & Think Tanks involved in anti-corruption work; • Conducts Research, Advocacy, Capacity Building, Awareness Creation; • Builds Strategic Partnership in the fight against corruption; • Formed Local anti-Corruption Networks to ensure the bottom-up approach connecting districts, and regions in Ghana.

  4. PROJECTS • Business Integrity Forum – Comprises 16 companies, business Associations and Public Agencies; • Co-ordinates Regional Contract Monitoring Project in West Africa – Liberia, Ghana, Sierra Leone and Nigeria; • Media Monitoring and Journalist Against Corruption; • Public Sensitization on Anti-Corruption Laws; Whistleblowing & Procurement; • Health Accountability Project – HAP.

  5. Impact of CSOs in UNCAC Review Process • Creates key networks that CSOs can use to advocate & influence processes & policy; • Provides an in-depth information on understanding of the anti-corruption environment and some of the challenges (especially filling the self-assessment checklist and providing supporting information; • Strategic information on areas that CSOs can work to enhance the fight against corruption e.g. Access to information, coordination of anti-corruption institutions.

  6. Training In Vienna • Provided a network of CSO in anti-corruption; • Ideas on how to get involved in UNCAC Review process; • In-depth knowledge on UNCAC review process and how CSO can take advantage in advocacy on anti-corruption & influence the process to open and involving.

  7. Actions After Training • GACC in October 2012 engaged the Attorney General & Ministry of Justice on Ghana’s preparedness for the UNCAC Review Process; • Government appointed a focal person to facilitate the process; • GACC in collaboration with Commission on Human Rights & Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) held a roundtable Forum on Ghana’s preparedness towards the UNCAC review process. (funded by CHRAJ)

  8. Actions After Training • Influenced the choice of Focal Institution for the UNCAC process (CHRAJ); • Influenced selection of membership of UNCAC Steering Committee; • Committee comprising the Private Sector, CSO & Media Association; • Actively involved in Ghana’s preparations towards UNCAC Review processes.

  9. Use of UNODC Grant • Conducted a study on the extend of conformity of anti-corruption policies and laws of Ghana to the provisions of the articles of UNCAC • Used the document to make inputs into the UNCAC review process • Analyzed gaps in the legal environment that can be used for advocacy to strengthen the fight against corruption in the Private sector

  10. Implementation • A consultant who is an expert in the UNCAC Review process and was a Reviewer in Uganda was engaged for the study; • Gaps identified and used to engage SMEs; • A workshop was held for SMEs; • Document was presented to CHRAJ for input into the review process. Ms. Estelle Appiah, the Consultant

  11. Mrs. Florence Dennis responds to questions from participants

  12. Results of Implementation • 30 SMEs were engaged – 17 Females/13 Males; • Well informed on UNCAC Review process and anti-corruption laws relating to the Private sector; • Knowledge gained on the role of SMEs in the anti-corruption work; • 30 SMEs informed on impact of corruption on SMEs; • SMEs agreed to form a network to sustain the gains made so far and broaden GACC’s Private Sector work.

  13. A participant contributes to the discussion

  14. Participants in a group picture after the workshop


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