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IDs and Definitions. Duce/Fuehrer (definition) Stalin Dawes Plan / Young Plan Mein Kampf. Questions and Imperatives. Describe a “totalitarian regime,” giving examples from the regimes of Hitler and Stalin. Discuss the changes in Italy following WWI.
IDs and Definitions • Duce/Fuehrer (definition) • Stalin • Dawes Plan / Young Plan • Mein Kampf
Questions and Imperatives • Describe a “totalitarian regime,” giving examples from the regimes of Hitler and Stalin. • Discuss the changes in Italy following WWI. • Describe the 3 phases of the Weimar Republic. • How did Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin come to power in their respective nations? • Can personal liberty be maintained under conditions of material hardship? (Class discussion)
Modern Totalitarian • absolute control by the state or centralized government • monopoly in power by the party • monopoly over the arts (use aesthetic environment to glorify ruling party) • a one man leadership, over all means of the community • Censorship • suppression of individualism and initiative • Propaganda • no existence of other parties • terroristic police & secret institutions instigate terrorism to carry out directives = (gangsterism) • future looking toward utopia and universalism (spread to world) • psychology of hatred of the enemy • militarism (rearming receives top economic priority) • collectivism (weaken family and individual identity)...state run nurseries, youth groups, uniforms • coercion, keep population in permanent state of fear • possible genocide when political violence pushed beyond limits
Stalin • had been party secretary, paper pusher, had kept membership list • Trotsky had no party following and therefore was left out on a limb • at first Stalin laid low until 1927-29 • tried to break the backs of the Kulak class • the Kulaks protested by burning their stuff and they were sent to the Gulag • now there was forced collectivization, Stalin’s personal rule • he formulated a five-year plan to command the economy by party expropriations from the factories • He ruled the economy with an iron hand, telling what should be produced (there was no private market) • He weeded out the Jews of the Bolshevik leadership...he was an anti-Semite • Purges of 1934: • removal of party members, secret police would arrest and denounce them, torture them and force them to sign, saying they were guilty • 2/3 of the generals of the soviet army were shot for conspiring with the Germans • 1936-38, imprisonment in gulags and forced labor killed millions
Italy • Italy felt like a defeated power after WWI, not victorious • Italy came into the war a year after it began; during that year deciding which side would benefit her • felt betrayed by the English and Americans • no fulfillment of the Treaty of Versailles for Italy • had been promised huge territories in the pact of London, April 1915 if they came into the war on the side of the allies • Wilson’s “self-determination” caused Italy’s inability to fulfill territorial ambition (i.e. Italy lost in formation of Yugoslavia) • Italy felt estranged, wanted to avenge the mutilated victory • they emerged as a battered country and the people blamed the government • had hardly any resources to begin with, a miracle they got through the war • afterward, there was high inflation and unemployment, a rise of social violence, strikes, social and economic chaos (manipulation) • soldiers came back to menial jobs, their minds barbarized by war
Unified Italy?? • Many in Italy never wanted a unified country; they regarding Rome as an enemy • where Germans were law abiding, Italians rose up • jails filled with many Italians • we will revoke your sentences if you join the special fighting forces • they were armed with knives and grenades to fight Austria during war • now they came home and followed Mussolini, became his squad • they were born and breed in violence
MUSSOLINI (1883-1945) • born in NE Italy, father was an active socialist • Mussolini was a tough kid • believed Italy should involve herself in the War on the side of the allies) it would spark revolution) • fought and was injured in the War, returned home to politics • joined the socialist party like his father and started to make a name for himself as a young man • a powerful orator and writer • one of the most outspoken critics of the government and spokesman for veterans • his socialist ideas changed to ideas of nationalism • in the year following War, Italy experienced social unrest from political instability • Mussolini hated liberalism and it was then Fascism was born • Mussolini became the Duce (leader)
Fascism • Mussolini founded the movement (1919), consisted of nationalist intellectuals and war veterans, starting with about 100 followers • from Latin word fasces (“sticks bound around an ax handle, used in ancient Rome as a symbol of unity” or from Italian “union of forces”) • Fascists were mostly from lower middle class with many veterans (blamed government for battered country) • the Fascist program was a combination of Socialist and nationalist demands • they wanted territorial expansion, land reform for peasants, and benefits for workers • Mussolini spoke out against other socialist parties and started to grow support from the middle classes and conservatives, but he did not become their puppet
How Mussolini got support • Fascist thugs went out at night and beat up members of socialist gatherings • fear of Communism spread over Italy in 1920-21 (as it would in Germany) • Mussolini secured financial support from the rich (who feared communism) • big landowners financed Mussolini against the Bolshevik threat • Blackshirts were sent out to the countryside as security for the landowners • # of fascists grew quickly • Italian government began to break down in 1922 from all the chaos • Mussolini enjoyed the support of the lower middle class
Mussolini comes to power • Mussolini came into power 11 yrs before Hitler • King Victor Emmanuel called on Mussolini to form a cabinet, become Prime Minister • On October 28, 1922, Mussolini was appointed to resolve the crisis • Mussolini seized all power legally after widespread violence and uprisings • he was granted dictatorial power for 1 year by the King and parliament • in 1924, the Fascists party had the majority of representatives in parliament • that same year, the leader of the socialist opposition in Parliament (Matteotti who had exposed the fascists illegal activities in election) was murdered • opposition demanded Mussolini’s armed guards be disbanded and violence banned • Mussolini chose to move ahead
A Fascist State • made known his desire to make nation a fascist state • imposed repressive measures • - freedom of the press was abolished • - elections were fixed • - arrested his political opponents • - disbanded labor unions • - fascists controlled the schools • - created a fascists youth movement (see pg. 1064, text) • Mussolini’s famous slogan in 1926 • “Everything in the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state” • Mussolini gained support from the Catholic Church • - Lateran Agreement of 1929 recognized the Vatican as a tiny independent state • - he gave the Church financial support • - the Pope urged Italians to support Mussolini • Mussolini abolished divorce and told women to stay home and produce children
Germany after the war • Weimar Republic formed by the provisional government (Social Democratic Party) in Germany following the War • other parties (Marxists and right-wing radicals) saw an opportunity and tried to take control • Between January 6 and January 15, 1919, Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht attempted a coup in Berlin • called Sparticus week as the group led by the two were called Sparticists • government troops and Freikorps put down the coup, much bloodshed • Luxemburg and Liebknecht were arrested and killed on the way to jail
ROSA LUXEMBURG • a brilliant writer • leader of radical socialists • stressed the revolutionary character of Marxism • Lenin was willing to sign the Brest-Litovsk Treaty with the hope that Luxemburg and Liebknecht would start revolution in Germany • Luxemburg canonized as a communist saint
Continued Problems • Weimar Republic was compromise that no one wanted, therefore constant coup attempts • - 1919 SparticusWeek, 1920 Kapp Putsch • Allies had pronounced Germany guilty of starting the war and many Germans could not accept that, “stab in the back” well received! • economic difficulties plagued Germany undermining the Republic • unemployment was widespread • government printed millions of dollars worth of paper money • government issued new currency in 1923 and the economy stabilized
America helps Germany – Why? • America realized the problems Germany had paying war reparations, introduced 2 plans • Dawes Plan in 1924 • delay payments for 2 years • $200,000,000 loan with regular payments on an increasing scale • Germany, with economy restored, was then able to borrow abroad for public works projects and rebuild industry • Young Plan in 1929 • revised the reparation payments • loan of $300,000,000 with payments over 59 years
Origins of Nazi Party • NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers Party, founded 1919 as German Workers Party • anti-Semitism characterized its meetings • AdolfHitler joined the party in fall 1919, was his job to find out what was going on in the meetings, any extremist parties, Ernst Roehm had recruited him as a civilian investigator • he was taken with the group and became its leader in 1921 • Nazi party based on leadership principle of a fuhrer (leader) • Ernst Roehm formed the Brown Shirts (SA), a paramilitary group and the swastika appeared and would be used as the symbol for the Nazi party
Nazis • SA seemed mostly to be thugs, watched out for party leaders • but then the SS was found by Himmler, an elite version of the SA, brutal, but in a refined sort of way, became Hitler’s guard • Hitler gave talks at rallies, tried to get people to believe in the “stab in the back” • 1923 putsch in Munich (putsch is an uprising), party attempted to take over the government, Hitler was arrested and spent about 9 months in prison, writing Mein Kampf • When it came to punishment...right wingers got a slap on the wrist whereas the Communists were jailed
Hitler realizes… • The way to take power in Germany • LEGALLY • Get into the government • Nazis in the Reichstag • Hitler sends Goebbels to Berlin • Little comes of it until…?
Phases of the Weimar Republic • EARLY • MIDDLE • LATE • Was the Weimar Republic doomed from the start?
DISCUSSION QUESTION: Similarity in polarity? – Fascism versus Communism?