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Eurasian Open Institute

Современный взгляд на образование!. Eurasian Open Institute. Modern view on education. About Us. The Eurasian Open Institute (EOI) was founded in 1998.

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Eurasian Open Institute

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  1. Современный взгляд на образование! Eurasian Open Institute • Modern view on education

  2. About Us TheEurasian Open Institute (EOI) was founded in 1998 • The basic activities of the Institute are training and education of experts in the areas of marketing, management, economics and information technology. • Eurasian Open Institute – the recognized leader in the implementation of e-learning and innovative management of knowledge in higher education.

  3. EOI Documents License for training and education № 1121 d.d. 22.12.2008 Certificate of state registration № 1827 d.d. 11.03.2009

  4. Collaboration • EOI is the member of the professional organizations: • Russian Association of Marketing (FRAMES) • International Consortium «Electronic University» • Association of nonstate higher educational institutions of Russia (ANHEIR) • European association on quality in electronic training (EFQUEL - The European Foundation for Quality in E-learning) • Association «Education in an information society» • Central and East European Management Development Association (CEEMAN) Membership in this organizations is evidence of our highly skilled work and competence

  5. EOI Awards EOI is the winner of the contest for the best implementation of e-learning in the nomination «The Best implementation of e-learning in Higher Educational Institutions» The institute entered Top-100 Best Higher Educational Institutions of Russia after victory in the contest the «Golden Medal «European quality» in the respective nomination

  6. EOI regional network 9 branches 75 partner organizations

  7. Buildings of the Institute EOI has two modern buildings equipped with up to date computers and comfortable lecture rooms.

  8. Lecture rooms

  9. Advantages of education in EOI: We open new possibilities for personal development. Personal development is constant process which is simultaneously realized in several directions: on work, personal life and in hobbies. That’s why our educational programs built in such way that at the maximum quality of education it promotes career and professional growth, and left free time for private life, work and hobbies. • Quality and availability • Modern Approach • Flexibility • Student's orientated • On-line 24 hours a day and 365 days a year

  10. Our student’s Today EOI numbers 3500 students with more than 35000 participants in courses, and 85 post-graduate students.

  11. Student’s life • Excursions across Russian Federation and foreign countries • Summer camps on the Black Sea • Bowling and other sports tournaments • Camps for first-year students

  12. Charity Eurasian Open institute actively taking part in charity events. EOI students has their own tradition of visiting children from orphanages in New Year’s eve. In such visits, children enjoying thegifts and theatrical performances by the students. But the main thing is our students give the children the most important gifts – warmth and their smiles…

  13. Higher professional education Forms of study: Fulltime Mixed (fulltime and off-site) Off-site Off-site with distance learning technologies

  14. Higher professional education • Ads and Public Relations • Applied Informatics • Business Informatics • Commerce • Customs • Economics • Information technologies • Land management and Cadastre • Law • Management • Psychological-pedagogical education • Psychology • Quality control • Sociology • State and municipal management • Travel Bachelor degree:

  15. Higher professional education Economics Management Applied computer science Master's degree programs:

  16. Postgraduate education • Accounting, statistics • Constitutional right and Municipal right • Educational psychology • Finances, money circulation and credit • Juridical psychology • Management in social and economics systems • Mathematical and instrumental methods of economy • Social psychology • Social structure, social institutes and processes • Sociology of management • Theory and methodology of professional education • Theory of economic systems management • Marketing • Theory of management in economic systems Specialties:

  17. Additional professional education Professional retraining programs: • Logistics Management is a joint program of Eurasian Open University (EOI) and Institute of Logistics University of Mϋnster (WestfälischeWilhelms-Universität) • Finances and banking • Financial management • HR management • Human resource management • Management with studying PC • Sales Management with the knowledge of 1C: Trade and Warehouse • State and municipal management • Accounting and auditing

  18. Improvement of professional skill • Improvement of professional skill programs: • Logistics Management (joint program with Institute of Logistics of the Munster University) • GR-management: interaction with public authorities • Management in sphere of state-private partnership: the theory and practice

  19. Electronic courses More when 300 on-line courses: Finances Accounting Management Logistics Statistics HR Marketing andPR IT and Internet technologies General disciplines

  20. внимательность преподавательского состава Responses огромный вклад в наше обучение внесли квалифицированные преподаватели, получила специальность, по которой успешно работаю по сей день Я очень доволен! Преподаватели просто профессионалы своего дела. Больше всего запомнились деловые игры на занятиях Я очень рада, что закончила именно этот вуз Интересные лекции, отзывчивые преподаватели, веселые перемены, вкусные обеды в столовой института, а также знакомство и общение с новыми людьми Мне очень понравилось, как организована активная студенческая жизнь, и важно, что еще и удобный график обучения Итог – диплом о высшем образовании, багаж знаний и теперь хорошая работа

  21. Social network Vkontakte Social networkFacebook Education channelonYouTube All of this and much more on our website: www.eoi.ru News-blog in Twitter Video Podcasts ЕАОИ We are in internet

  22. Современный взгляд на образование! Thank You For Paying Attention

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