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YOURSTATION FACEBOOK: WHY SHOULD WE BOOST POSTS? With Facebook’s ever changing algorithm we want to ensure that our client’s messages are being seen and not hidden. By boosting posts on our STATION Facebook Page, Facebook is guaranteeing the message to be seen. Boosted posts are shown higher in a user’s news feed and will continue to show until the allotted impressions have been met. All boosted posts have a hard cost based on impressions. PAGE POST ENGAGEMENT: One of the most important stats on Facebook is ENGAGEMENT. This number is not just how many people saw your message, but how many people interacted with your post by liking, commenting or sharing it. Boosting a post will increase engagement, extending the reach of the message. When fans engage with your message their friends see the activity in their newsfeed. So the “Friends of STATION Fans” also have an opportunity to engage with the message. Posts that are boosted to a specific targeted group within the STATIONfan base can also drastically increase engagement. Here are the top 3 areas to target: LOCATION Reach people in cities, countries and communities where you want to do business. Example: If you’re a local business, you can show your post to people who are near your store. INTERESTSReach people based on their interests, hobbies and Pages they like on Facebook.Example: If you sell cookware, you can reach people who like “cooking,” and also cooking shows or recipe sites. DEMOGRAPHICSChoose the audience for your ad based on demographics like age, gender, education and more.Example: You can create different posts to appeal to different age groups or genders. ##,### FANS Weekly reach of over ### Fans FACEBOOK.COM/STATION
YOURSTATION FACEBOOK: Your Company will gain potential consumers & increase the awareness of your business through boosted posts utilizing STATION’s social media database. Our database is the virtual door to thousands of local impressions. We will create a unique post to personally capture your target market. STATISTICS: HARDCOST: $30 Package A: $000 per day/per station/ per social media *potential Facebook est. reach under # impressions Package B: $000 per day/per station/per social media *potential Facebook est. reach under # impressions Package C: $000 per day/per station/ per social media *potential Facebook est. reach under # impressions *all options include set up and posting of campaign through social media platform with end result statistics 1 ## FANS 2 HARDCOST: $60 ##% FEMALE 3 ##% MALE HARDCOST: $90 4 ##% LOCAL DMA ##,### FANS Weekly reach of over ### Fans FACEBOOK.COM/STATION
YOURSTATION FACEBOOK: Your Company will gain potential consumers & increase the awareness of your business through boosted posts utilizing STATION’s social media database. Our database is the virtual door to thousands of local impressions. We will create a unique post to personally capture your target market. SHOWS ON STATION’S FAN PAGE AS WELL AS FAN’S NEWSFEED STATION Suggested Post CLIENT IMAGE CLIENT INFO ##,### FANS Weekly reach of over ### Fans FACEBOOK.COM/STATION
YOURSTATION POST-SALE PROCESS: Once you’ve signed a contract, your sales representative will put an order through the BBGI PO System www.bbgi.com/po. • We will need the following details to complete your POST: • POST DATES • PACKAGE (A,B,C) • EXACT MESSAGE | COPY (Under 240 Characters) • HASHTAGS (MAX of 2) • URL and or CLIENTS FB PAGE • IMAGE / VIDEO • Once the order has been processed, the Beasley Digital team will contact the webmaster to schedule and PROMOTE POST. Once the campaign has expired your WEBMASTER will take a screenshot and prepare a re-cap of the campaign. ##,### FANS Weekly reach of over ### Fans FACEBOOK.COM/STATION