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Unit Testing

Unit Testing. Secrets of an Umbraco Ninja. Presented by : Aaron Powell. me@aaron-powell.com. @ slace. www.aaron-powell.com. What and Why?. Not Test Driven Development Separation of logic from UI Ability to create reusable components

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Unit Testing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Unit Testing • Secrets of an Umbraco Ninja • Presented by: • Aaron Powell me@aaron-powell.com @slace www.aaron-powell.com

  2. What and Why? • Not Test Driven Development • Separation of logic from UI • Ability to create reusable components • Reduced errors by repeatable tests in controlled environments • Better API design

  3. Stub & Mocks • Stub is an instance which wont break your test • Stubs can be implementations of a class created purely for testing purposes • Mocks • Less common in current unit testing • Type instances where nothing is defined • Can be very brittle

  4. Frameworks • Do you need a mocking framework? • Short answer is no • Can create your own stub types • Gives you greater control • Why to use one? • Easy expectation setup • Using stubs on less accessible types • Set-less properties

  5. Development • WebForms MVP to abstract away ASP.NET WebForms features • Dependency Injection to simplify the creation of factory types • Factory Pattern for data access

  6. With Umbraco • Heavy reliance of HttpContext • Hard to Mock • Requires a web context • Lots of static • Hard to mock • Changing data • What are we working against?

  7. Ninja Coding!

  8. Questions? Thank you for coming 

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