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跨文化交际之任务型互动式教学法. 厦门大学英文系 纪玉华. 7 年前 CCTV 9 讲解故事教学法. 14 年前福建电视台讲故事教英语. 跨文化交际学 5 6 7 8 9. 50 年代:探索、开拓时期 60 年代:奠基、巩固时期 70 年代:高速、混乱时期 80 年代:成熟、平稳时期 90 年代:批评、反思时期. 50 年代 : 探索 / 开拓时期. Lederer & Burdick 1958: The Ugly American Edward T. Hall 1959: The Silent Language
跨文化交际之任务型互动式教学法 厦门大学英文系 纪玉华
跨文化交际学5 6 7 8 9 50年代:探索、开拓时期 60年代:奠基、巩固时期 70年代:高速、混乱时期 80年代:成熟、平稳时期 90年代:批评、反思时期
50年代:探索/开拓时期 Lederer & Burdick 1958: The Ugly American Edward T. Hall 1959: The Silent Language 首次用Intercultural communication
60年代:奠基/稳固时期 Kluckholn & Strodtbeck 1961 Variations in Value Orientations R. T. Oliver 1962 Culture and Communication A. Smith 1966 Communication and Culture
70年代:高速/混乱时期 1973 印第安纳大学博士学位 1973 Samovar & Porter(迄今已10版) Intercultural communication: A reader 1977 《跨文化关系国际杂志》创刊 研究经费丰厚,研究者百家争鸣,成果累累,缺少清晰的理论。
80年代:成熟/平稳时期 重视theory building & methodological refinement Gudykunst (1983) Intercultural Communication Theory: Current Perspectives Gudykunst & Kim (1984) Methods of Intercultural Research Kim & Gudykunst (1988) Theories in Intercultural Communication 三大特点:1. 借鉴现成的交际学理论,如建构理论、意义协调构筑理论、趋同理论、网络理论。 2.在人际交往的层面上观察、解释、归纳、总结。 3. 研究方法主要采取定量方法。
90年代:批评/反思时期 陈国明和Starosta (1998)说,90年代初有了一个很幸运的转向,即学者开始怀疑定量研究,而重新认识修辞学、符号学、语言学和民俗学等研究传统的价值,但多采用定量和定性相结合的方法进行研究。 Starosta 和陈国明(2003)合编《跨文化研究领域中的骚动》,说跨文化交际学研究正发生着批评转向。
论文《跨文化交际学研究中的批评转向》 发表在《华南师范大学学报》2007第6期 质疑文化本质论(如:高/低语境、高/低不确定性规避、高/低权势距离、个人主义/集体主义等)、逻辑实证主义研究范式的霸权地位(对权势和特权问题均采取回避态度);理论多采用人际交往理论(例如:不确定性规避理论、反预期理论等)。
什么是文化本质论? Cultural Essentialism: 把某个民族或国家的人们所认同的价值观、思维方式、社会习俗和生活方式视为该民族或国家所独有的、不变的。如: 东方高语境文化 西方低语境文化 东方集体主义 西方个人主义 东方阴柔(跳水)西方阳刚(足球)
论文《跨文化交际学理论反思三题》 发表在《外国语言文学》2007年第4期 1.权势关系未引起足够重视。认为交际是一个有序的过程,即人际交往行为是有一定的秩序和特定模式的,而非不可预测和无序的。 2.表征主义的交际观把交际定义为“描述或报道现实,从而提供信息,表达‘意义’”。这就忽略了交际是说话人共同建构的一种社会行为这一事实,把交际假设成无权势和利益参与其中的“纯净”过程。 3.文化本质论有损跨文化交际学研究的科学性。
交际是可预测和有序的? • Nixon: This is our newest model. This is the kind which is built in thousands of units for direct installations in the houses. In America, we like to make life easier for women ... • Khrushchev: Your capitalistic attitude toward women does not occur under Communism.
交际是可预测和有序的? Nixon: Here you can see the type of tape which will transmit this very conversation immediately, and this indicates the possibilities of increasing communication. And this increase in communication, will teach us some things, and you some things, too. Because, after all, you don’t know everything. • Khrushchev: If I don’t know everything, then you know absolutely nothing about Communism, except for fear!
给博士生开课的教学大纲 • (1)跨文化交际学的发展简史。 • (2)跨文化交际学重要理论,如建构理论和意义协调构筑理论、Hofstede 解释文化差异性的四维理论、面子协商理论、对话制约理论、预测理论、文化趋同理论、焦虑/不确定性协调理论、交际顺应理论、跨文化适应理论、共文化论、文化认同理论、文化认同感构筑理论等。 • (3)跨文化交际理论反思。 • (4)跨文化交际研究方法反思。 • (5)跨文化交际研究对象反思。
给本科生开课的教学大纲 文化与文化认同、交际与跨文化交际、跨文化交际障碍、言语形式的跨文化交际、非言语形式的跨文化交际、文化的深层内核、社会交往习俗、人际交往与人际关系、文化休克与跨文化顺应、跨文化交际能力。
但是,教学法不一样 重体验、互动。每一课都包含15项任务,即 1.“讨论前任务” 2.“案例分析1” 3.“精选文献研读”4. “讨论后任务” 5.“结论”、6.“案例分析2” 7.“总结”、8. “关键词解析” 9.“词汇巩固练习” 10.“批判思维训练” 11、“小组讨论” 12、个人经历写作练习 13.“网站搜索”、14.视听资源推荐。
Pre-tasks Chapter 3: Verbal intercultural communication Pre-tasks(每一课三个) Do you agree or disagree with Humboldt’s statement that “the differences in languages are not differences in sounds and signs but differences in worldviews”? Give examples to prove your point.
Pre-tasks Chapter 3: Verbal intercultural communication Pre-tasks(每一课三个) How do English and Chinese refer to death and sex? Look at the examples and point out what they have in common? Pass away, go to sleep, depart, rest in peace, pay one’s debt to nature, be with God. 百年后、长眠、安息、老了、作古、见马克思、移民、见老祖宗
Case study: 每一课两个 美国女士A电话祝贺中国女士B与男友喜结良缘 A: Best wishes to you two for every happiness in life! B: Thank you. But my husband is not very handsome. A: Well, I think he is… B: No, your husband is more handsome than mine. A: …
Follow-up tasks每课3个 Chapter 6: The hidden core of culture • Explain the values expressed in the following idiomatic expressions. Blood is thicker than water. A man’s home is his castle. • Identify countries with high and low context cultures: England, China, Italy, Korean, France
Vocabulary exercises ____ refers to negatively judging aspects of another culture by the standards of one own culture. _____ is used to refer to negative or positive judgments made about individuals based on any observable or believed group membership. Stereotyping, Ethnocentrism…
Critical thinking What values do you carry with you? What western values have you absorbed in your culture? Do you agree with the translation of “己所不欲,勿施于人” into “Do unto others what you would like to be done unto you”? What do you think of the saying “朋友妻,不可欺”? Do you agree or disagree with Bertrand Russell’s statement ? “Mankind has become so much one family that we cannot ensure our own prosperity except by ensuring that of everyone else.”
Group work In groups of 4 or 5, discuss what kinds of intercultural communication problems or barriers can occur when you talk to your foreign friends. In groups of 4 or 5, discuss the most important 10 items that comprise friendship and design a survey with each item on a scale of 1 to 5. invite 20 students (Chinese and foreign) to finish the survey. Compare and contrast their views on friendship.
Surfing the net • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.... • http://www.sciencedaily.com/... • http://www.mindtools.com/... • http://www.ehow.com/list 6303080 six-barriers-interculturalcommunication • http://www.about-personal-growth.com/verbal-communication
Audio/video resources The great debaters The pursuit of happyness Anna and the king My big fat Greek wedding
THIS IS THE END OF MY TALK. Thank you very much.