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Collaboration Business. Martin Cooper, Los Alamos Co-spokesperson for the EDM Project for presentation to The EDM Collaboration Raleigh, NC March 3, 2006. Outline. News from DOE and NSF Short-term expectations from subsystem managers
Collaboration Business Martin Cooper, Los Alamos Co-spokesperson for the EDM Project for presentation to The EDM Collaboration Raleigh, NC March 3, 2006
Outline News from DOE and NSF Short-term expectations from subsystem managers Selection of additional members of the integrated project team Selection of the subsystem managers Elements of the conceptual design report (CDR) Elements of the preliminary project execution plan (PPEP) “Project plan” for CD-1 Technical design part of the CDR CDR writing assignments Guidelines for improving the work breakdown structure (WBS) WBS development responsibilities The interplay between CD-1 and R&D Deciding the approximate date of CD-1 Other assignments Scheduling collaboration and other meetings from now until CD-1
Accomplishments Fill in important vacant positions on the integrated project team Define the subsystems Select the subsystem managers where possible Gain consensus on the CD schedule tempered by project risk Get advice on the funding profile Get agreement by the subsystem managers on providing the WBS and technical parts of the CDR as defined later Get some other help in producing the CDR
Telephone • CD-1 Priorities • Funding Profile – 1 week due date • Federal Project Director – Eugene Colton • Gantt Chart for CD-1 – In progress
The UCN beam line building of the FNPB is likely to be increased in size Exercise – Evaluate the consequences of trying to match the given profile and get a CD schedule What are CD-2 or preliminary design drawings? Obtain a copy of the FNPB preliminary design drawings Jan says there is no problem producing such drawings for EDM in a year Oak Ridge Visit
Put in CD-0, CD-1, CD-2a, CD-2b, CD-3a, CD-3b, CD-4 as milestones. Break the “Design” step into P-Design for 30% of cost & time as and F-Design for 70% Put in all the predecessors and dependencies to the CDs Release the requirement on up-front funding for capital equipment Slide the CDs around to fit DOE’s FY’07 and FY’08 budget recommendations Note the lead time requirements build a spike in FY’09 and a stretch out due to long lead-time procurements The Exercise
Exercise CD Schedule Dates CD1 - Q4, 2006 CD2 - Q4, 2007 CD3 - Q4, 2008 CD4 > Q4, 2012 Project is delayed 1 year Project Office ~$500k/year Total now ~$17,600
Exercise allocation of >$7 M is not possible in 2009 LANL has a poor project management record LANL must keep the cost of the project office down Jehanne built in a $1300K cushion - do not eat into that yet I do not have the resolution to know about changes at the few hundred k level. Then what about $1 M shifts in fiscal years. Only FY’07 is inflexible at $1.3 M Do you want to delay CD-1 by a year or so and use project funds for more R&D to reduce the risk Answers before the retreat in two weeks Keep the CDR short NSF participation is crucial DOE Headquarters Visit
Short term means from now until the CD-1 review A technical description of the subsystem for the CDR An improved WBS and WBS dictionary Identification of facilities A “fast start” meeting Presentation at a CD-1 rehearsal/vetting Presentation at the CD-1 review Recruitment of work package leaders Reports at collaboration meetings Reports Short-term Expectations for Subsystem Managers
Coffee Break • Enjoy!
Organization Chart DOE Office of Nuclear Physics Dennis Kovar Acquisition Executive NSF Nuclear Physics Brad Keister Program Director DOE Office of Nuclear Physics Jehanne Simon-Gillo Program Manager Los Alamos Site Office Eugene Colton Federal Project Director Integrated Project Team DOE/NSF LANL/EDM LANL Physics Division Jack Shlachter Division Leader EDM Spokespersons Martin Cooper, LANL Steve Lamoreaux, LANL LANL EDM Martin Cooper Contract Project Manager EDM Safety Officer Subsystem Managers Work Package Leaders
People at many institutions have expertise Even if another institution has responsibility, they need to take advice from those with expertise To insure that all expertise is brought to bear on work, there will be internal reviews as the work goes forward, e.g. Preliminary design reviews Final design reviews Reviews of acceptance tests A Team Approach
Gamma Ray Energy Tracking In-beam Nuclear Array (GRETINA) Conceptual Design Report (73) Preliminary Project Execution Plan (35) Risk Management Plan (11) Acquisition Strategy (12) Activity Hazard Document (23) Full WBS and WBS Dictionary as support documents Background risk descriptions as support documents Conceptual drawings as support documents CD-1 Documents
1. Introduction (1) 2. Background (2) 3. Functional Requirements and Performance (3) 4. Technical Design (overview plus 6 subsystems) (34) 5. Cost and Schedule (overview plus 6 subsystems) (10) 6. Resources (1) Appendix A: A technical issue (1) Appendix B: Proposed acceptance tests (1) Appendix C: Cost Estimate Table (17) Conceptual Design Report
1. Introduction (1) 2. Mission Need (1) 3. Functional Requirements (2) 4. Technical Scope (6 subsystems plus alternative analysis) (2) 5. Management Organization (5) 6. Schedule and Cost Scope (7) 7. Change Control (2) 8. Analysis, Assessments, and Plans (2) 9. Project Controls and Reporting Systems (1) 10. Participation of Other Institutions (1) Appendix A: WBS Dictionary (4) Preliminary Project Execution Plan
1. Introduction (1/2) 2. Responsibilities (1-1/2) 3. Risk Management Plan 3.1 Risk Assessment (1/3) 3.1.1 Risk Identification (1/3) 3.1.2 Risk Analysis (1/3) 3.2 Risk Handling (1) 3.3 Risk Monitoring (1/3) 4. Contingency Allowance and Schedule Float (1/3) 5. Risk Registry (1) 6. References (1/10) Risk Management Plan
1. Desired Outcome and Requirements Definition (1) 2. Cost and Schedule Range (3) 3. Major Applicable Conditions (1/2) 4. Risk and Alternatives (Technical, Location, and Acquisition Approach) (2) 5. Business and Acquisition Approach (1) 6. Management Structure and Approach (3) Acquisition Strategy
1. Introduction (1) 2. Approach (1) 3. Hazard Analysis (1) 3.1 Hazard Analysis Form 3.2 Periodic Activity Hazard Review Appendix – Activity Hazard Forms (6) Activity Hazard Document
Lunch • Enjoy!
Keep it short Technical Design Part of the CDR
CDR CDR Editor – Martin Cooper CDR Assistant Editor - ? Technical Subsections – Subsystem managers PPEP PPEP Editor – John Tapia PPEP Assistant Editor – Joe Onstott Risk Management Plan – Eugene Colton Acquisition Strategy – John Tapia Activity Hazard Document – Eugene Colton Full WBS and WBS Dictionary Developers – Subsytem managers Editor – Joe Onstott Background risk descriptions – Martin Cooper Conceptual drawings – Jan Boissevain CDR Writing Assignments
Take it to the next level! Guidelines for Improving the WBS
Microsoft Project is the official program of the collaboration Subsystem managers should buy Microsoft Project Work Package managers may need Microsoft Project Joe Onstott may translate input from subsystem managers into PRIMAVERA if needed, but his communications to the collaboration will be through Microsoft Project Project Management Tools
The management team will rework the structure of the WBS to create some “permanent” set of level 1 tasks Use of “lag” for schedule contingency (float)?? Avoid unnecessarily early milestones? Modifications to the WBS
The subsystem managers will be responsible for identifying the required staffing Identification will be by 10 * (level 1 WBS number) + number of type of person Example - 3He Spin-Holding Coil Physicist 61 – Any of faculty/staff, postdoc, or student Engineer 61 Technician 61 Technician 62 A map will be made later to connect names with numbers Overloaded names or blanks will show the shortfall Resource Loading
Some tasks have become vestigial as project has developed and should be eliminated Some new tasks will need to be added Example of creating the next level 3He Spin-Holding Coil 3He Spin Coil Support Structure 3He Spin Coil Windings Restructuring and Splitting Tasks
Design Developmental Tests Preliminary Design Final Design Drawing Production Design
Procurement Write specifications Identify and qualify vendors Place order Vendor performs Acceptance tests Procurement Technique development Acquire supplies Construct Test components Procurement
Install Pre-fit subassemblies In-field modifications Assemble the device Test the device More in-field modifications Final acceptance test Install
This WBS level 1 task needs to be fleshed out in more detail by the technical coordinator and the operations manager Integration and Commissioning
Milestones need to be identified throughout the project to monitor progress The project office will identify the high level milestones Identify Milestones
To be worked out by the project office with concurrence of the subsystem managers The FNPB template will be used The FNPB contingency calculation will be used Cost and Schedule Methodology
Oversight and coordination will be by the project office The WBS subsystems are the responsibility of the subsystem managers The subsystem managers should identify work package leaders where possible The work package leaders should provide input to the subsystem managers on the WBS WBS Development Responsibilities
CD-1 does not require all R&D to be completed CD-2 requires all R&D to be completed and a fixed baseline established CD-1 requires a risk analysis The collaboration must decide what level of risk it wishes to put forward for review DOE asks, “Would you like to delay CD-1 and use project money to complete more R&D in FY’07 to reduce the risk? However, the TPC cannot grow.” Interplay between CD-1 and R&D
R&D Priorities • Highest Priority • 3He relaxation time from T = 0.5-4.0 K at the proper concentration, including a SQUID NMR signal • Neutron storage time at ~4 K in a cell coated with deuterated polystyrene • Light collection design with the expectation of ~40 photoelectrons • Reliable valves • Understanding the geometric phase systematic error • 4He dielectric strength at low pressures or for a presurized superfluid • Moderate priority • Surface HV breakdown of acrylic and the Kerr effect • 3He evaporator • 3He injector volume test • Beamline and measurement cell neutronics Monte Carlo • Quite Useful • Magnet development • Atomic magnetometers • Laser induced flourescence
CD Schedule Proposed CD schedule (There is a lot of float in CD4 date):
I am of two minds Do not lose momentum and keep as much construction money as possible Reduce the risk by further R&D John Tapia thinks we should delay CD-2 by an extra quarter We can tailor CD-2 and CD-3 How does this decision interact with the funding profile? What change to the funding profile to we recommend up to $1 M? Deciding the Approximate Date of CD-1