1. PBIS Coaches Forum Moving from Universal to Targeted
2. Outcomes
3. Agenda
4. Networking Grounding Activity At your tables calculate the following information about your districts PBIS schools:
% On board for 3 or more years
% Excited about your second year
% Overwhelmed and empowered 1st year
Record your data on your district “table tent”
5. Networking
Independently review PBIS Networking Ideas
Choose your top 3 from each category (highlight)
All Schools – across the county
Within Districts – across schools
At school – across grade levels and community
In your table groups
Discuss and select 1 high priority (circle) and 1 wish (cloud) for each category
One person Post group’s Networking Sheet on Networking Easel
6. OCDE Website In response to your collaboration ideas from the county level
We discovered:
Blogs and wikis are a “no go”
OC on-line will create at communication vehicle for us
Pbis.ocde.us – Live!
Submit your videos, lesson plans, Matrix, parent communications etc. to: ptupy@ocde.us
Videos need to be in quick-time