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MODULE 6 Treatment Programs & the Process of Classification

MODULE 6 Treatment Programs & the Process of Classification. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION. A. Objective 010

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MODULE 6 Treatment Programs & the Process of Classification

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  1. MODULE 6Treatment Programs & the Process of Classification

  2. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION A. Objective 010 1. 010: Identify & explain the nature of treatment programs and the process of classification which exists on both the State & local levels. Discussion will include special needs of female offenders.

  3. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION B. Classification 1. An ongoing process whereby an offender is evaluated according to various criteria, and then placed institutionally and programmatically where both the offender’s and institution’s needs can best be met.

  4. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION C. Treatment Programs 1. An ongoing process, often carried out in conjunction with the classification process". Usually involves assigning the offender to “treatment programs.”

  5. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION D. Reasons for Classification & Treatment 1. Classification a. Enhances institutional security b. Affords due process to an offender c. Promotes the healthy exchange of ideas in departments

  6. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION d. Establishes and maintains offender’s records e. Addresses offender’s treatment needs f. Assigns offenders to jobs and tasks g. Mandated by State Law

  7. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION 2. Treatment a. Rehabilitation b. Adjustment to incarceration

  8. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION E. Classification at the Local Level 1. Manages the treatment needs of pre- trial & sentenced offenders 2. Begins after an inmate is arrested, charged, and booked.

  9. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION 3. Approximately half of the inmates involved are pre-trail. • Sentencing can take several months so the offender must be held, classified, treated and protected

  10. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION 5. Approximately one half of the inmates have been sentenced to the local facility. a. Inmates must be classified and their programs monitored.

  11. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION b. Long range classification plan involving treatment programs must be developed. 6. Is an ongoing process

  12. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION 7. Classification Decision Making a. Decisions are generally team decisions b. Several kinds of classifications teams

  13. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION 8. What does Classification do? a. Initial interview to include assessment of: *Education *Family background *Charge *Past charges

  14. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION *Past convictions *Employment background *Physical & mental background *Suicide indications *Passive or violent types *Sexual preferences

  15. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION b. Security level determination *Maximum/Supermax *Medium *Minimum *Trustee with outside clearance

  16. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION c. Housing arrangements *Sometimes done exclusively by classification *Sometimes done exclusively by security *Sometimes a joint effort *If inmate is placed in an incorrect area, liability could result

  17. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION d. Classification staff act as inmate counselors *Handle inmate complaints *Program assignments

  18. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION *Personal problems *Furnish reasonable information to inmate to reduce stress on inmate *Assist security staff by easing inmate strain before it reaches a level where fights, etc......

  19. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION e. Classification staff performs reclassification reviews f. Re-evaluation of inmate status *whether security level should be raised or lowered *eligibility for jobs or special programs

  20. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION g. Reclassification helps security by letting inmate know where he stands h. Classification manages programs and treatment

  21. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION 9. The most beneficial treatment programs a. Education b. G E D Program c. Drug Program d. Alcohol Program

  22. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION 10. Classification decisions: a. Which inmates need the programs b. Who goes where c. When they can meet d. Arranges for volunteers

  23. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION e. Work Release Programs f. Weekenders g. Volunteers

  24. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION 11. Other duties of Classification a. Conducts tours b. Helps with regulations c. Evaluates and implements plans d. Provides security input e. Prepares special reports

  25. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION f. Prepares statistical reports g. Prepares letters to judges and other institutions h. Prepares library services i. Prepares parole papers j. Orientates new inmates

  26. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION F. Local Classification & Female Offenders 1. Females are housed in separate areas of the facility from male offenders

  27. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION 2. A female Officer must be present. 3. This Officer provides a strong link with the classification staff insofar as assessment needs.

  28. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION 4. Female offenders, though generally smaller in number, are entitled to the same resources as the male offenders 5. Provisions must be made for separate programs a. more volunteers must be made available

  29. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION 6. Female programming needs may be slightly different: ex. motherhood classes, job skills, etc. 7. As there is generally just one female area and all female offender types are housed together, closer monitoring is necessary to forestall problems

  30. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION G. Local Classification vs. State Classification 1. The major difference between classification on the Local level and classification on the State level is:

  31. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION a. Local level classification must take into account the needs of both pre-trial and sentenced offenders. b. State level classification deals with sentenced offenders.

  32. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION • Classification at the State Level 1. Begins at MRDCC and ends upon the inmate’s release from custody a. MRDCC is the entrance point into the DOC for adult male offenders located in Baltimore.

  33. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION 2.Inmates are tested and screened for transfer to the most appropriate maintaining facility 3. Consideration of Custody Levels a. i. Pre-release b. ii. Minimum security c. iii. Medium security • iv. Maximum/Super Max security

  34. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION 4. Consideration of program availability a. Educational Programs b. Vocational Programs c. Therapeutic Programs 5. Consideration of where the inmate’s needs can best be met.

  35. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION 6. Classification decisions cover all phases of institutional life a. Work/Housing assignments b. Transfers/Patuxent Inst. c. Change in security level d. Educational program/Youthful Offender/Mandatory Education

  36. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION d. Psychological programming e. MAP f. Leaves g. Status review h. Parole reports

  37. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION 7. Three major objectives of the classification process: a. Diagnosis b. Program planning c. Program execution

  38. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION 8. Classification Decision Making a. All decisions are generally team decisions

  39. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION • There are three core members of the case classification team *Assistant Warden/Classification Supervisor, or designee *Classification Counselor *Custody Supervisor

  40. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION 9. Different types of Classification Teams/Case Management Teams a. Status review b. Security level change c. Work assignments d. Leaves e. Patuxent Screening f. MAP (Mutual Agreement Program)

  41. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION 10. Four most important factors in the Classification process a. Length of sentence b. Type of crime c. Prior criminal history d. Age

  42. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION 11. Additional Factors a. Escape history b. Parole status c. Mental history d. Medical history e. Work history

  43. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION f. Prior drug/alcohol use g. Education level h. Present emotional state i. Present adjustment to prison j. Special needs for special problems k. Adjustment during a prior incarceration

  44. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION 12. Additional duties of Classification/Case Management Specialist a. Review cases & make recommendations b. Prepare written summaries c. Program inmates into various treatment programs

  45. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION d. Act as the link between the Division of Correction & Patuxent transfers e. Act as the link between the inmate, the Division of Correction, and the Parole Commission

  46. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION f. prepare pre-parole evaluation reports summarizing inmate prison status g. make a parole recommendations h. provide any necessary input at parole hearings

  47. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION i. Prepare MAP proposals • MAP is a legal binding contract between the Division of Correction, the Parole Commission, and the inmate. • Guarantees inmate a parole date upon successful completion of an agreed upon program

  48. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION J. Map Eligibility *Must have first parole hearing *Must have enough time remaining on sentence *Must be off probation & restriction

  49. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION *Must not have been refused parole *Can not be sentenced to life *MAP designs an individualized program

  50. TREATMENT & CLASSIFICATION 13. Provides counseling as required a.Personal problems b. Legal problems c. Adjustment problems

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