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** Leveraging Social Media in Higher Education**

Explore why social media is crucial in higher education, the impact on student perspectives, and the shift towards trust in consumer-generated content. Learn how to build relationships and enhance reputation in a digital age. Discover the correlation between social media and financial success and the changing dynamics of marketing. Dive into the student perspective on authentic communication and the role of social media in college decision-making.

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** Leveraging Social Media in Higher Education**

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  1. Join the Conversation Social Media in Higher Education mark a greenfield

  2. markgr.com/noellevitz2009

  3. United Breaks Guitars

  4. Return on Ignoring

  5. Defining Social Media

  6. Dialogue, not Monologue

  7. Content isn't king. If I sent you to a desert island and gave you the choice of taking your friends or your movies, you'd choose your friends -- if you chose the movies, we'd call you a sociopath. Conversation is king. Content is just something to talk about. - Cory Doctorow

  8. Marketing 2.0

  9. Markets are Conversations

  10. Traditional marketing is a red flag smart consumers can see from a mile away; an outdated idea lurching toward them with the same predictable exhortations and tired come-ons. They’ve had enough, and it’s time to change the dynamic.

  11. “The arrival of the Net Generation means that many of marketing’s fundamental tenets must change”

  12. Trust is in the Network According to Forrester Research (2007), when it comes to trust, consumer generated media consistently outranks professional sources.

  13. don’t just work on your brand work on your reputation

  14. Why Social Media Matters

  15. why does a college have a web site?

  16. Build and Sustain Relationships

  17. Lifetime Value of a Customer Student

  18. The Ultimate Question How likely is it that you would recommend this company (college) to a friend or colleague?

  19. Net Promoter Score (NPS) P – D = NPS

  20. New Study Finds Correlation Between Social Media and Financial Success

  21. The Student Perspective

  22. “While adults were using the Internet to view web pages, youngsters were using the web to communicate with friends”

  23. Web Services Mission Statement

  24. Web Services Mission Statement • Understand the Business • Understand the User • Understand the Medium

  25. The Student Perspective on the need for authenticity All websites and college brochures have those cheesy great pictures of students laughing, and the amazing pictures of the campus that always seem to flourish in perfect weather.  How does the prospective college freshman distinguish which of these glossy college facades will point him/her to the perfect college fit or just to a well thought out story developed by slick college marketing/ PR teams?

  26. The Student Perspective on blogs and student review sites I trust these websites so much more than I trust the highly polished college websites.  … college websites are important to gather basic facts about a college-the common data points, location, number of undergrads and grads, campus, majors, buildings, educational opportunities

  27. The Student Perspective on trust Even though this means I am  trusting a perfect stranger rather than an institution, the perspective of the students is something I hold in higher regard in making my college fit decision.  The students reveal things about the colleges that the websites don't- which schools are social, which schools are different than how usual "official" websites portray them, more than just a "name".

  28. will .edu web sites become irrelevant?

  29. The Student Perspective on fit Finding the perfect fit for my college home is one of the most important decisions of my life, so utilizing as many aspects of social media networking to gather real information is critical. 

  30. Implementing Social Media

  31. understand the culture of your institution

  32. know what problem you are trying to solve

  33. focus on the relationships not the technology

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