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Physical Methods for Cultural Heritages Radiometry and Fotometry G. Valentini - Tel. 6071 - gianluca.valentini@polimi.it. Robert W. Boyd Radiometry and the Detection of Optical radiation John Wiley & Sons. l. Electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic wave. In a transparent medium
Physical Methods for Cultural Heritages Radiometry and Fotometry G. Valentini - Tel. 6071 - gianluca.valentini@polimi.it Robert W. BoydRadiometry and the Detection of Optical radiationJohn Wiley & Sons
l Electromagnetic waves • Electromagnetic wave In a transparent medium n= refraction index n=1,5 l = wavelenght n = frequency c = vacuum light speed T = period
Foundamental laws of optics (1) • Reflection: • Refraction: • Dispersion • (n2 depends on l)
Foundamental laws of optics (2) • Diffraction • Interference 5
Foundamental laws of optics (3) • Polarization • Diffusion 6
Real and virtual images • An optical system forms a real image of an objectwhenthe light exiting any point M of the object(spherical wave) is focused to a point M’ of a plane called “conjugated plane” • The eye forms a real image of the observed objects to the retina • A photographic lens forms a real image of the scene to the film (CCD) • An optical system forms a virtual image of an objectwhen the spherical wave exiting any point of the object O is converted to a spherical wave exiting a new point O’ • Optical devices designed for direct eye observation(microscope, telescope, binoculars, etc.) form virtual images 7
Elements of Radiometry • Radiometry refers to the measure of the energetic content of a radiation field and study the energy propagation in free space or in an optical system • Radiometry mainly deals with incoherent radiation sources and assumes that the optical field propagates according to the laws of the geometrical optics Radiometric quantities
Radiometric quantities • Radiant flux • Power carried by a radiation field [W] • Foundamental radiometric quantity • Radiant exitance • Radiant flux emitted by an extended source per unit of area [W·m-2] • Irradiance • Radiant flux incident onto a surface per unit area [W·m-2] • Radiance • Radiant flux emitted by an extended source per unit of solid angle and unit of projected area [W·m-2·sr-1] • Radiant intensity • Radiant flux emitted toward the direction (θ,φ) per unit of solid angle (useful for pointlike radiant sources) [W ·sr-1]
J1 J0 dA0 dW0 dW1 dA1 r Law of conservation of the radiance(free space propagation) • Let’s suppose that the radiation field propagates in a non-absorbing homogneous medium from a source to a receiver • We define: • The flux transferred from dA0 to dA1 is: • The radiance measured on surface dA1 in direction r is given by: Solid angle subtended by dA1 for an observer in dA0 Solid angle subtended by dA0 for an observer in dA1 E = Etendue of the optical system L0 = radiance measured on surface A0
Lambertian sources • A lambertian source is a source whose radiance does not depend on the observation angle L(J) = constant = L0 • The radiant intensity (W/sr) emitted by a lambertian source of small area A0 and radianceL0 in a generic direction J is given by: • The radiant intensity changes with the cosine of the observation angle • The change of I as a function of J depends on the variation of the apparent area of the source • Let’s consider a small size lambertian source (dA0) • The radiant flux that impinges on dA1 is: • L(J) is independent on angle J • The radiant exitance of a lambertian source is: J dA0 dW0 dW1 dA1
Disk-like lambertian source • Irradiance produced by a disk-like lambertian source of radius R on a surface dA1 located at distance z • A ring element on the disk has area given by: • The solid angle dW0 subtended by dA1from any point on dA0 is given by: • The radiant flux transferred from dA0to dA1 is given by: • The irradiance on the surface dA1 is then: z z0 z∞
Aplanatic image forming system • Within paraxial approximation the angle between any ray and the optical axis is small (J << 1) • The images are exact replica of the objects because the spherical aberration is negligible • An optical system is called stigmatic for the two axial points P and P’ if P’ is a perfect image of P (no aberrations) • For a system stigmatic for P e P’ to be aberration free for points slightly off axis it is required that the Abbe condition is satisfied: • A system stigmaticfor P and P’ that also obeys the Abbe condition is said to be aplanatic for the two points and is not affected by coma n n’ h, h’ small J, J’ arbitrary For any ray leaving P under any angle J
Radiance Theorem • The radiance L of a radiation field is conserved as the beam propagates through a uniform lossless medium or through an aplanatic optical system • Let’s demonstrate that the radiance (L/n2) is conserved when the beam crosses the interface between two media with different refraction indexes • The radiant flux carried by a beam falling onto the surface element dA from the solid angle dW1 is: • According to Snell law: • Diefferentiating the previous equation: • The ratio between solid angle dW1 e dW2in polar coordinates is: n1 n2
x→y,diffJ Radiance of an image • Let’s calculate the radianceof the image of a light source produced by an aplanatic optical system • The radiant flux produced by the source(dx0, dy0) within solid angle dW0 at the entrance pupil of the optical system is: • In a lossless optical system the flux dF impinges onto the image element (dx1,dy1) and produces the radiancein direction (J1,f1) given by: • Using the Abbe condition: • The image of a lambertiansource is still lambertianand has the same radiance of the source • Given a light source, the radiance (L/n2) of its image can never be greater than that of the source n0 n1
Irradiance given on dA1 by the exit pupil having uniform irradiance: Irradiance of an image • Let’s calculate the irradiancegiven by an optical system in the image plane • The fluxtransferred from a lambertian surface dA to a ringelement dW is: • The fluxcollected by the optical system taking into account its aperture is: • The irradianceof the image is then: • Using the Abbe condition one gets: • Introducing the definition of focal ratio (f#): • The irradiance of the image depends on the radiant exitance of the source and on the aperture of the optical system n0 n1
The spectral sensitivity of the human eye • The visual stimulus produced by a radiation depends on its spectral power density according to the spectral sensitivity of the human eye • The vision process is triggered by the isomerisation reaction of Rhodopsin • Photopic vision • It is characterized by activationof cones • Gives a clear perception ofcolours • Can be experienced duringdaylight vision • Mainly corresponds to the maximum visual acuity (macula) • Scotopic vision • It is characterized by the activation of rods • Can be experienced during night vision • Chromatic sensitivity is very low • It is more effective in the peripheral region of the retina 18
ba bt bm Spectrophotometric sensitivity of the eye • Through experiment made with bipartite colour fields it has been possible to measure the Spectral Luminous Efficiency for the Standard Observer • Photopic vision (CIE, 1924) → V (l) • Scotopic vision (CIE, 1951) → V’(l) Luminous flux Fv [lm] 19
The photometric quantities Photometry deals with the measurement of the visual response caused by radiation fields with wavelength within the visible range (380-700 nm) Photometric quantities stem from the analogous radiometric quantities “weighted” by the spectral response of the eye of a normal observer (i.e. not affected by ocular diseases) Photometric quantities 1 candle = luminous intensity produced by a source emitting monocromatic radiation @ n = 540 1012 Hz (l = 555 nm) with a Radiant intensity of 1/683 W/sr 20
Light sources - the sun • Spectral irradiance of the sun (W·m-2·mm-1) outside the atmosphere and at earth’s surface 21
Daylight • Daylight corresponds to the direct illumination by the sun + light from the sky on a horizontal surface: • Colour temperature Tc = 5.000 – 7.000 K (temperature of the solar corona Ts 5.780 K) • Overcast sky • Colour temperature is Tc = 5.000 – 7.000 K • Bright sky without direct sun light (shadow) • Colour temp Tc > 7.000 K up to 40.000 K for bright sky in north direction • Solar disk with “atmospheric filter” • Colour temperature Tc ≈ 5000 K • The conventional colour temperature of the daylight is Tc = 6.500 K 22
Light sources - Daylight • Relative spectral power distribution for different phases of the daylight Fraunhofer absorption lines in the solar spectrum (H, Na,etc.) 23
Light sources - Daylight • Colorimetric coordinates of daylight (cromaticy diagram) White light x=y=1/3 Cromaticy of the blackbody at differen temperatures (Plankian locus) Daylight locus: 27
S1 S1’ e- hnF hnA knr kf S0 Light emission mechanisms • The major light emission mechanisms are: • Thermal emission: • High temperature bodies • The emission spectrum is continouos • Emission by excited electronic states • Discharge lamps • The emission spectrum is characterisedby sharp lines and bands • Emission by semiconductor • The emission occurs via inter-bandtransitions (electron- hole recomb.) • The emission spectrum shows a band 20-30 nm wide 28
Incandscence lamps • The emission is produced by a tungsten filament at temperature from 2200 to 3400 °K • The emission spectrum is similar to that of a blackbody with temperature about 40 K lower than that of the filament • The emission obeys the following physical laws: • The quality of the light and theefficiency of the lamp increases with the temperature of the filament(distribution temperature) • Halogen lamps have a temperaturehigher than that of normal lamps • The presence of iodine makes theevaporated tungsten to come backto the filament Stefan-Boltzmann law Wien law Blackbody spectral power density 29
Discharge lamps • Emission is mainly produced by electronic treansitions • The atom excitation is achieved by an electric discharge ia a gas or in an ionized vapour • Emission spectrum is made by lines that undergo collision widening up to a quasi-continuous spectrum • Direct emission lamps • The emitted light comes directly from electronic transitions • The quartz or glass bulb absorbs only the harmful UV radiation • Lamp with wavelength conversion • The radiation emitted by electronic transitions (typically UV) is converted to visible light by a phosphor layer covering the internal wall of the glass bulb • The phosphor emission takes place by the luminescence/fluorescence effect the name “fluorescent lamps” 30
Discharge lamp mechanism • The active medium is a gas or vapour in a glass or quartz bulb or tume • The current flows into the lamp through two electrodes(anode + e cathode – ) • The electron – and ion + flux causes furtherionization and excitation of the atoms that emitvia radiative transitions • When the current reaches high density, an arc established between the electrodes • The gas reaches high temperature and is almost completely ionized • The thermal emission contributes to the light generation in addition to atomic transition • Efficiency goes down but the light quality greatly improves 31
Discharge lamp types • Sodium lamps • Low pressure ( > 120 lm/W) • High efficiency, almost monochromatic light street lighting • High pressure ( 50 lm/W) • Good efficiency and higher chromatic quality • Xenon lamps ( = 30...50 lm/W) • High chromatic quality, high efficiency • Emission spectrum close to the solar one • Metal halide lamps ( > 90 lm/W) • High efficiency and chromatic CRI=90 • Low cost • Mercury lamps • Direct emission • High UV emission special uses • Wavelength conversion by phosphors • Good efficiency, but low light quality 32
Fluorescent lamps • They are made by low pressure mercury lamps • A small quantity of noble gas (neon) assists the discharge setup • Mercury emission is mainly in the UV range • Light is produced by a mixture of phosphors with high quantum efficiency( = 60...100 lm/W) • A higher number of phosphor improves the light quality, but lower the efficiency • Different light “tones” can be achieved by changing the phosphor recipe(cool white, warm white, daylight, etc.) 35