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Fidel Castro

Index. Early LifeEducationInfluencesPolitical Beginnings Castro's RevolutionAssumption of PowerCastro In Power. Foreign PolicyIn the 1960'sBay of PigsCuban Missile CrisisIn the 1970's and 80'sIn the 1990's to present dayCastro HimselfLocal ConsequencesGlobal ConsequencesLasting Image

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Fidel Castro

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    1. Fidel Castro Calvin Jory C Block Okoth History Global Studies II

    2. Index Early Life Education Influences Political Beginnings Castros Revolution Assumption of Power Castro In Power Foreign Policy In the 1960s Bay of Pigs Cuban Missile Crisis In the 1970s and 80s In the 1990s to present day Castro Himself Local Consequences Global Consequences Lasting Image

    3. Early Life Named Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz Born in Birn, Cuba Family worked on sugar plantation Mother was his fathers household servant, while father was married to another woman Ridiculed by peers for being an illegitimate child Raised in various foster homes

    4. Education Attended Catholic boarding schools Finished high schools at Belen, a Jesuit school in Havana in 1945 Entered law school at the University of Havana Since the fall of president Gerardo Machado in the 1930s student politics had degenerated into gang violence

    5. Influences Eduardo Chibs acted as Castros mentor Leader of the Partido Orthodox Ran for president against Ram?n Grau San Martn Stood against corruption in the government Demanded government and social reform Install sense of national identity among Cubans Known for wanting Cuban economic independence from the United States

    6. Political Beginnings Castro was shocked by lack of social justice Joined the Partido Ortodoxo, against government corruption Castro was an active member of the party until the 1952 Was a candidate for a seat in the Cuban parliament until the takeover by Fulgencio Batista

    7. Castros Revolution Fulgencia Batista took power in 1952 Accepted poorly by the Cuban people Led revolt against Batista starting in 1953 Used guerrilla warfare tactics Imprisoned by Batista Released two years later Castro along with Che Guevara captured the capitol in 1958

    8. Assumption of Power Castro appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Law Professor Jos Mir Cardona created new government Castro sworn in as Prime Minister of Cuba in 1959 Greeted by mass public approval

    9. Castro In Power Signed into law the First Agrarian Reform, limiting landholding and forbidding foreign land ownership Favored the poor over the wealthy Strengthened Social Services Promoted Public Education Turned Cuba into a socialist state Nationalized industry and property

    10. Context From take over of Cuba by Castro until fall of USSR, relations between US and USSR have been hesitant United States and the USSR competed for control of western hemisphere, through alliances and pacts International, largely non-violent struggle became known as Cold War Cuba acted as another battle ground between the United States and the USSR Castro saw competition as an opportunity to achieve large amounts of aid from Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev

    11. Foreign Policy in the 1960s Worked to separate from the United States Seized American factories and industries in Cuba Bought oil from the USSR United States broke off diplomatic relations with Cuba Put lasting trade embargo in place Cuba received large amounts of economic and military aid from the USSR United States attempted to remove Castro from power and failed

    12. Bay of Pigs In 1961, President Kennedy signed an order to invade Cuba United States publicly denied an involvement 1,400 CIA trained Cuban exiles landed at the Bay of Pigs on April 17th, 1961 Cuban people expected to welcome U.S. invasion Cuban army defeated the U.S. force Invasion strengthened Cuban support of Castro

    13. Cuban Missile Crisis Khrushchev moved R-12 nuclear missiles into Cuba Use as a deterrent against US so they would not invade Turkey Missiles uncovered by US reconnaissance planes US saw this as a direct threat Soviets withdrew missiles when the US agreed to withdraw from Turkey Make a pact to never invade Cuba

    14. Foreign Policy in the 1970s and 1980s In 1970s, Castro spread his focus beyond his own country, got involved in events in Africa In 1975 Castro funded a Marxist revolution in Angola Supported Ethiopia in their wars against Somalia Started revolutions in South America as well Aided the Sadinistas in overthrowing the Somoza government in Nicaragua

    15. Foreign Policy in the 1990s- Present Day Worked to improve his foreign policy regarding local countries Restored relations between Cuba and Mexico, Panama Called for the Caribbean nations to join together, so as to better fight the economic dominance of the United States In 1998 Castro sent 100 medical aids to Botswana to help the fight against HIV/AIDS

    16. Castro Himself Charismatic leader Had 8+ children to multiple women Keeps his public image by wearing military fatigues, projecting an image of a perpetual revolutionary 2005 listed by Forbes as one of the worlds richest people, an estimated $550 Million

    17. Local Consequences Sent Cuba into economic depression Made Cuba completely reliant on the USSR for economic aid With collapse of the USSR, along with the US embargo, 85% of Cuban markets had disappeared Nearly destroyed the Cuban sugar industry, Cubas major export

    18. Global Consequences Created sophisticated style of guerilla warfare Supported communist revolutions around the world Nearly sent the world into a nuclear war

    19. Lasting Image In Cuba, is known as a revolutionary leader Respected by Cubans for standing up against the US Known for creating a better public education system and Social Services Known by the world as violent dictator

    20. Electronic Bibliography Fagen, Richard J.. "Charismatic Authority and Leadership Qualities of Fidel Castro." The Western Political Inquiry 187 1965, 264-276. March 6. <JSTOR>. Fitzgerald, Frank T.. "The Reform of the Cuban Economy, 1976-86: Organization, Incentives, and Patterns of Behavior." Journal of Latin American Studies 21.2 May, 1989, 285-309. March 10. <JSTOR>. "Castro, Fidel ." Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2007. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online School Edition. 13 Mar. 2007. http://school.eb.com/eb/article-9020736. Foss, Clive. "Fidel Castro." Spartacus. 6 Apr 2007. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/COLDcastroF.htm. "Castro: Profile of a Great Survivor." BBC News. 12 Dec 2006. BBC News Corporation. 6 Apr 2007 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/244974.stm. "Fidel Castro Ruz: Cuban President." CNN Interactive. CNN. 6 Apr 2007 http://history1900s.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ/Ya&sdn=history1900s&cdn =education&tm=133&f=00&tt=14&bt=1&bts=1&zu=http%3A//www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/c old.war/kbank/profiles/castro/

    21. Image and Print Bibliography Print Sources Geyer, Georgie Anne. Guerrilla Prince. 1st. Canada: Little, Brown & Company, 1991. "Fidel Castro."Britannica. 15th ed. 1986 Image Sources Image #1. Fidel Castro. Harvard Law. http://blogs.warwick.ac.uk/cas_images/tag/cuba/. 24 Aug 2006. (5 Apr 2007). Image #2. Castro and his Men The Che Store.com http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.thechestore.com/images/rev-04.jpg&imgrefurl (6 Apr 2007) Image #3. Castro and Khrushchev. Global Clashes. http://www.globalclashes.com/2006/08/cuba_libre.html. (6 Apr 2007). Image #4. Launch Site. Cuban Missile Crisis. http://geog.ucsb.edu/~jeff/115a/history/cubanmissle.html (6 Apr 2007) Image #5. Castro. Kennerly.com. http://www.kennerly.com/images_pix/140_Fidel-Castro.jpg. (6 Apr 2007)

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