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Software interactions Anis Charfi, David Emsellem and Michel Riveill I3S Laboratory, Rainbow team

Software interactions Anis Charfi, David Emsellem and Michel Riveill I3S Laboratory, Rainbow team CNRS & Nice University http://noah.essi.fr. Roadmap. Overview Life cycle Implementation in .NET Conclusion. Software interactions Overview http://noah.essi.fr.

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Software interactions Anis Charfi, David Emsellem and Michel Riveill I3S Laboratory, Rainbow team

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  1. Software interactions Anis Charfi,David Emsellem and Michel Riveill I3S Laboratory, Rainbow team CNRS & Nice University http://noah.essi.fr

  2. Roadmap • Overview • Life cycle • Implementation in .NET • Conclusion

  3. Software interactions Overviewhttp://noah.essi.fr

  4. No modification on the component Reusability Dynamically no recompilation no application restart collaboration notification security storage notification storage Needs Add capabilities to components, compose and coordinate them

  5. Needs class Agenda { void addMeeting(Meeting m) throws Exception{ meetingTable.add(m); } List meetingTable; … }

  6. Needs class Agenda { void addMeeting(Meeting m) throws Exception{ meetingTable.add(m); display.notify("addMeeting: "+m.toString( )); } List meetingTable;; Display display; … }

  7. Needs class Agenda { void addMeeting(Meeting m) throws Exception{ if (security.ckeck(…)) { meetingTable.add(m); display.notify("addMeeting: "+m.toString( )); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid operation"); } } List meetingTable;; Display display; SecurityService security; … }

  8. Needs class Agenda { void addMeeting(Meeting m) throws Exception{ if (security.ckeck(…)) { meetingTable.add(m); database.store(getFullName( ),this); display.notify("addMeeting: "+m.toString( )); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid operation"); } } List meetingTable;; Display display; SecurityService security; Database database; … }

  9. Needs void addMeeting(Meeting m) { meetingTable.add(m); } Default behaviour + void addMeeting(Meeting m) { meetingTable.add(m); display.notify("addMeeting: " +m.toString()); } Notification + void addMeeting(Meeting m)throws Exception{ if (security.ckeck(…)) { meetingTable.add(m); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid operation"); } } Security + void addMeeting(Meeting m) { meetingTable.add(m); database.store(getFullName(),this); } Persistance

  10. Software interactions Life cyclehttp://noah.essi.fr

  11. The Interaction Specification Language ISL 11 Syntax Interaction security ( Object obj, SecurityService service ){ obj.* -> if service.check(_call) then obj._call else exception    "UnauthorizedUser" endif }

  12. Interactions: Life cycle Interaction service patterns interactions agenda1 display1 Interaction notification(Object obj, Display display){ obj.* -> obj._call // display.notify(_call) }

  13. Interaction service patterns interactions agenda1 display1 Interactions: Life cycle Interaction notification(Object obj, Display display){ obj.* -> obj._call // display.notify(_call) } registerPattern Pattern registration

  14. Interaction service patterns notification interactions agenda1 display1 Interactions: Life cycle Instanciate(notification,[agenda1,display1]) Pattern instantiation

  15. Interaction service patterns notification interactions notification#1 addMeeting() … getName() agenda1 display1 Interactions: Life cycle addRule Pattern instantiation

  16. Interaction service patterns notification interactions notification#1 addMeeting() … getName() agenda1 display1 Interactions: Life cycle interaction security(Object obj, SecurityService service){ obj.addMeeting() -> ifservice.check(_call) then obj._call else exception    "UnauthorizedUser" endif } security Service1

  17. Interaction service patterns notification security interactions notification#1 addMeeting() … getName() agenda1 display1 security Service1 Interactions: Life cycle interaction security(Object obj, SecurityService service){ obj.addMeeting() -> ifservice.check(_call) then obj._call else exception    "UnauthorizedUser" endif } registerPattern Pattern registration

  18. Interaction service patterns notification security interactions notification#1 addMeeting() … getName() agenda1 display1 security Service1 Interactions: Life cycle Instanciate(security,[agenda1,securityService1]) Pattern instantiation

  19. Interactions: Life cycle Interaction service patterns notification addRule security interactions notification#1 security#1 addMeeting() … getName() agenda1 display1 security Service1 Pattern instantiation

  20. Interactions: Life cycle Interaction service Merging patterns + = notification security interactions notification#1 security#1 addMeeting() … getName() agenda1 display1 security Service1 Rule merging

  21. Interactions: Life cycle Interaction service patterns notification AddMeeting security interactions notification#1 security#1 addMeeting() … getName() agenda1 display1 security Service1 Invocation

  22. Software interactions Implementation http://noah.essi.fr

  23. Noah, the implementation • Released version • http://noah.essi.fr Java + J2EE-Jonas .NET extension (June 2003 ) Specialized rotor version (Sept. 2003)

  24. Porting the Interaction Service to .NET Breaking down the Interaction Service Interaction Server ( Java RMI) Interaction Management Interaction Execution Code Instrumentation Component management services

  25. Notifying Msg IsRuleOn (Msg) [Yes] ExecuteRule [No] Execute Msg Execute (Rule) [No] Ret Value [Yes] Ret Value Method wrappers public void addMeeting(String m) { if(MetaObject.isRuleOn(0)) MetaObject.Execute(0, new Object[]{m}); else NOAH_addMeeting(m); } public void NOAH_addMeeting(String m) { List.add(m); } public void addMeeting(String m) { List.add(m); } Code Instrumentation in .NET Message interception Interacting Component Meta Object Executor Method caller

  26. Code Instrumentation in .NET • Reflection API read class metadata: Problems with method bodies and Exceptions • Reflection.Emit API to emit an copy of the class and insert new members (fields, methods): Problems TypeBuilder creates only empty types, No cursor in emitted IL code • CLIFileReader library to read PE/COFF format and copy method bodies and exceptions • We generate a dynamic copy of the input assembly and then modify it Code Instrumentation in .NET Why Code Instrumentation? Components must store interactions, provide methods for adding/removing interactions, provide wrapper methodsfor message interception

  27. Threading: execution of interactions Interaction rule example Team.addMeeting() -> { [1] Team._call ; Anis._call(var[0]) // David._call(var[0]) @1 } ISL tree Concurrency // Sequence ; WaitingMsg @ 0 QualifiedMsg [0] GlobalCall Anis.addMeeting GlobalCall David.addMeeting NotifyCall Rainbow._call

  28. Threading: execution of interactions The execution engine • Interpreter of the ISL tree (analogous to Java Interpreter) • requires thread synchronization (concurrency, waiting) • Namespace System.Threadingfor multithreading and data access • Concurrency: start 2 child threads and block till they exit •  use the method Join() of class Thread • Waitingand Qualified Message: block waiting thread till the qualified message thread exists •  use methods Set() and WaitOne(), class ManualResetEvent • In Java no Join(), no SynchronisationEvents (wait() and notify())

  29. Type Unification Code instrumentation: wrappers for business methods • The wrapper passes method parameters to the execution engine • The execution engine returns the method return Value • a) Java • Differentiates primitive types and classes • wrapping/unwrapping managed by the programmer • classes like Double,Integer… • If the reflection method invoke() returns a Double is it actually a double or a Double ? • b) .NET • every thing is an object: Value types and Reference types • Boxing, Unboxing fully transparent to the programmer • CLR automatically converts value types to objects

  30. Language Interoperability Instrumentation occurs at the Intermediate language Level • a) Java: Byte Code • We can compile several languages to Java byte •  However no real interoperability, No CTS analogous • b) .NET: MSIL • One tool for many .NET languages: C#, VisualBasic.NET, J# … • Language Interoperability: they share and extend each other classes • we support every .NET language that fulfills Common Language Specification

  31. add rule / IML - add rule - remove rule - call .NET method Java Gateway Web Services .NET Gateway Web Services - merge rules - Noah interface - call Java method merge rules / IML method invocation (3) Cross-platform Interactions JAVA .NET .NET Object Http .NET Object TCP Java Object Interactions also possible between Java and .NET components

  32. Conclusion • We can express interactions between components in a language independent way (ISL) • Dynamic component adaptation. No recompilation, No application restart • The same server manages interactions for Java and .NET components • Support of Interactions between heterogenous components e.g. Java and .NET components • Porting the service from Java to .NET enabled us to understand many of the internals of .NET • The interaction model can be easily extended to other component models such as CORBA CCM

  33. Questions http://noah.essi.fr

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