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ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I. Intro to the Web. Web Concepts & Technology.

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ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

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  1. ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I Intro to the Web

  2. Web Concepts & Technology • Internet vs webInternet – a collection of computers used to share information: web pages, email, newsgroups, ftp, chat, hardware, equipment, network, etcWeb- collection of individual documents for viewing on the internet. ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  3. Client/Server • Client/Server Architecture • When you type in a URL, the browser (the client) contacts the web server • The browser requests the desired file • Server looks for the file on its machine • The file is sent back to the browser • The file is saved to the cache (Temporary Internet Files) • The connection between client and server is broken • The browser renders the file ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  4. Must put your web site on internet • When you create a website, you must upload it to a web server, otherwise no one will be able to access it • Others cannot see a web page you created on your personal computer unless your computer is set up as a web server and connected to the internet ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  5. FTPFile Transfer Protocol • Used to transfer any type of file • Must have an FTP server and an FTP client • Upload- when you send a file from the client to the server • Download- when you send from the server to the client • FTP is the most common way to put file up on the internet • Examples include WS_FTP for Windows, Fetch for Mac ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  6. HTMLHypertext Markup Language • A page description language • Decides how text and images will appear • Not really a programming language, but a layout language • Hypertext- text that links to another document ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  7. HTML cont … • HTML is a text file, no images are stored in the actual HTML file, it refers to them • Pictures are separate files referred to by HTML, then loaded into their proper place • HTML can be created in notepad or any simple text editor • To view the HTML file, use any browser • HTML will look differently in different browsers ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  8. HTML Editor • HTML can be created and modifies in any text editor • Notepad- simplest to use and comes with Windows • Front Page • Dreamweaver MX • Both complex HTML editors ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  9. CGI ScriptsCommon Gateway Interface • Adds functionality to the site • A CGI script is a program • Most common language used in CGI is Perl • Can take input from a web page and process the data • Other CGI languages: • C • C++ • JavaScript ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  10. CGI cont … • CGI scripts are server side scripts; they are stored on the web server • Purpose: counters, polls, password protection, feedback, emails, connect to databases • The server runs the script, processes it, and writes HTML back to the browser • This HTML page is generated dynamically (may be different every time) by the script ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  11. Forms • Forms allow users to enter information using a web page • The browser sends information to the server • A program such as CGI processes the form information entered by the user ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  12. Java • Java is a product from Sun Microsystems • It is a programming language used to embed mini programs or applets into a web page • To run a Java applet software called a “virtual java machine” must be installed • Java is a multi-platform language- meaning it will run on any operating system with a virtual java machine installed • Java applets are client side- meaning the program is run on the client computer ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  13. Java cont … • Stark State College of Technology offers several courses in Java, the first of which is ECA223 Java Programming ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  14. JavaScript and VBScript • Adds functionality to a web page • Client Side scripting languages- meaning the browser is the software that interprets the script • JavaScript was originally developed by Netscape • Microsoft’s developed VBScript, based on Visual Basic • Simple to program but limited security and functionality • Netscape and Internet Explorer both support JavaScript • Only Internet Explorer supports VBScript ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  15. JavaScript and VBScript cont … • The scripts are usually written inside HTML code • Uses : • Form validation • Pop up windows • Pop up menus • Much more • If you are interested in Javascript we offer it in ECA225 ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  16. ASP • Active Server Pages • Creates web pages dynamically • Server Side Scripting on Microsoft Servers • Can be connected easily to databases, email, save to files etc. • ECA229 Microsoft Server Side Scripting ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  17. Cold Fusion MX • Macromedia product • Runs on Microsoft servers or other servers • Server side scripting • This is taught in ECA234 CFML Tools, formally called E-Commerce ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  18. PHP • PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor • A free server side scripting language • Very popular because it is open source • ECA236 Open Source Server Side Scripting • Works well with other Open Source packages such as Linux, Apache, and MySQL ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  19. Databases • Connecting a web site to a database is where the real money is • Storing inventory, name/password combinations, etc • Popular databases include Access, SQL Server, Oracle or MySQL • Access is adequate for small sites, bigger sites need to use SQL Server, or a more professional database like Oracle ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  20. CSS • Cascading Style Sheets • Allows developer to separate the structure of a website from its design • CSS enhances a site’s look, accessibility, and consistency • CSS makes it much easier for a developer to update or modify the look of a site ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  21. Language Summary ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  22. HTML Editors • 3 types of editors • Basic text editors - Notepad • Advanced Text Editors - color coded syntax, TextPad • WYSIWYG- What you see is what you get • Microsoft Front page- new users • Dreamweaver- experienced users ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  23. HTML Editorscont … • If you wish to learn Dreamweaver Stark State College of Technology offers: IMT124 Macromedia tools ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  24. Graphics Packages • Photoshop • Paint Shop Pro • Fireworks • Web site developers often need a graphics program to manipulate images • Most browsers accept only .jpg or .gif image formats • Photoshop is offered in IMT122 Graphic Arts ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  25. Web Site Hosting • Once you create a web site you must find a place to host it • You will upload your files to a server, a computer connected to the Internet 24x7 • You can host your own site if you have a dedicated computer hooked up to the internet constantly • There are many free hosting sites available ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  26. Web Site Hosting • You may want to pay a provider to host your site • There are many commercial hosting services available, with many advanced features • Prices range from $7 to $100 + per month ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  27. Domain Names • To register your own domain name such as www.myname.com , you must pay a nominal fee • Top Level Domains include: • .com commercial site • .net network site • .org organization ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  28. Domain Names cont … • Once you register your name you must get it pointed to your web site. Your ISP (Internet Service Provider) can usually help you to do this. • Then people simply type in your domain name and it takes them to your site. ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

  29. Search Engines • Next you need to register your site in search engines so people can find it. Registering in search engines like Google, AltaVista, and Yahoo. ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I

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