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Exploring Market Comovements with Copula Families: Measures of Association

Learn about different measures of association in copula families, including concordance, discordance, Kendall's τ, Spearman's ρ, linear correlation, tail dependence, and the properties of various copulas such as Gaussian, Student's t, and Frechet.

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Exploring Market Comovements with Copula Families: Measures of Association

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  1. Market Comovements and Copula Families

  2. Measures of Associations • Definition 1:(concordant, discordant) Observations (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are concordant if (x1 – x2)(y1 – y2) > 0. They are discordant if (x1 – x2)(y1 – y2) < 0. • Definition 2: MX,Y = MC is a measure of concordance between random variables X and Y, with copula C iff • It is defined for every pair of r.v.’s (completeness) • MX,Y  [-1, 1]

  3. Measures of Associations • Definition 2 (cont.) • MX,Y = MY,X • If X and Y are independent, then MX,Y = 0 • M-X,Y = MX,-Y = -MX,Y • If {(Xn, Yn)} is a sequence of continuous rnadom variables with copulas Cn, and lim Cn = C, then lim MXn,Yn = MX,Y • If C1 C2 then MC1 < MC2

  4. Measures of Associations • Theorem 1. Measure of concordance is invariant under monotonic transformation of the random variables. • Theorem 2. If X and Y are comonotone, then MX,Y = 1; if they are countermonotone, then MX,Y = -1.

  5. Measures of Associations • Kendall’s :Note: for Frechet’s lower bound copula  = -1, and for Frechet upper bound copula  = 1.

  6. Measures of Associations • Theorem 3.3. Let C1 and C2 be copulas. ThenAn unbiased estimator of  is the Kendall’s sample :

  7. Measures of Associations • Theorem 3.4. The Kendall’s  of a copula and its associated survival copula coincide. • Definition: Spearman’s .Let X and Y be random variables with distributions F1 and F2 and joint distribution F. The population Spearman’s rank correlation is given by s = (F1(X), F2(Y)), where  is the usual linear correlation.

  8. Measures of Associations • The sample estimator of the Spearman’s rank correlation is given byOther alternative formulae for s: • Theorem 3.5. Spearman’s  of a copula and ists associated survival copula coincide.

  9. Measures of Associations • Linear Correlation: • Theorem 3.6. Linear correlation satisfies all the axioms of the definition2 except the 6th one. • Property 1: XY is invariant under linear transformation, and not under non-linear transformations. • Example: Let (X, Y) have a bivariate standard normal distribution, with correlation coefficient XY. Let Z1= (X), and Z2 = (Y), where (.) is the standard normal cdf. Then (X)(Y) = (6/)arcsin(XY/2).

  10. Measures of Associations • Hoeffding expression for covariance:where D = Dom F1 Dom F2. • Property 2. XY is bounded: l≤ XY≤ u, where

  11. Tail Dependence • Definition: Let X and Y be random variables with cdf’s F1 and F2. The coefficient of upper (lower) tail dependence of X and Y is: Alternatively:

  12. Positive Quadrant Dependency • Definition: The r.v.’s X and Y are positive quadrant iff C(u,v)  uv for all (u, v) in I2.Note that PQD implies the non-negativity og Kendall’s , Spearman’s , and of the linear correlation coefiicient.

  13. The Gaussian Copula • Definition: The Gaussian copula is defined as follows: • Theorem 3.6. The Gaussian copula generates the joint normal standard distribution function, via Skar’ theorem, iff the marginals are standard normal. • Since the Gaussian copula is parameterized by the linear coefficient correlation , and that  respects concordance, the Gaussian copula is positively ordered in the following sense:

  14. The Gaussian Copula • For  = -1, the Frechet lower bound is obtained, and for  = 1, the Frechet upper bound copula is obtained. Therefore the Gaussian Copula is comprehensive. • For any other marginal choice, the Gaussian copula does not give a standard jointly normal vector. For example the effect of marginal Student distribution is to increase the tail probabilities.

  15. The bivariate Student’s t copula • Definition: The bivariate Student’s copula T,v is given by:this copula converges to the Gaussian copula as the degree of freedom increases.The Student’s t copula presents more observations in the tails than the Gaussian copula.

  16. The Frechet family • Definition: The Frechet family of copula is the following two parameter copula: CF(u,v) = pmax(u + v -1, 0) + (1 – p – q)uv +qmin(u,v)The Frechet density is CF(u,v) = 1 – p – q

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